A History of Education in East Africa

Front Cover
Fountain Publishers, 2001 - Education - 186 pages
Differing approaches have been used to establish formal education in East Africa. This book traces developments from pre-colonial indigenous systems, to the pioneering work of missionaries, and education during the colonial and post-colonial periods. The work is organised by country - parts one to four systematically look at pre- independence education in Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar; part five gives a comparative analysis of education in the region since independence. The authors, academics at Makerere University, argue that East African educational policies have brought about significant progress within the limits of resources. The new challenge is what to do about the number of unemployed school leavers and graduates. The authors refute the tendency to view the educated as victims of their own success and a potential social nuisance; and instead argue they are a resource crucial to national development processes.

From inside the book


From Pioneer Missions to Kikuyu Independent Schools 19001929
Administration Control and Supervision of Education 19241939
Education in the War Period 19391945

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