A New Guide to Post-Keynesian EconomicsEichner's classic A Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics (1978) is still seen as the definitive staging post for those wishing to familiarise themselves with the Post-Keynesian School. This book brings the story up-to-date.Of all the subgroups within heterodox economics, Post-Keynesianism has provided the most convincing alternative to mainstream theo |
Policy issues | 68 |
Unfinished business | 70 |
Summary | 73 |
Money and inflation | 75 |
Keynes Knapp and the neoChartalist approach | 76 |
The Post Keynesian approach to money and inflation | 77 |
Policy implications | 84 |
Macrodynamics | 88 |
Pricing | 17 |
Varieties of costplus pricing | 18 |
Determinants of the markup | 21 |
Important complications | 23 |
Policy implications and future research | 24 |
The distribution of income | 28 |
The argument since 1978 | 30 |
Toward a macroeconomic theory of personal income distribution | 31 |
Evidence on the macrotheory of income distribution | 35 |
Tax incidence | 38 |
The orthodox theory of tax incidence | 39 |
The Post Keynesian approach | 41 |
Conclusion | 46 |
Uncertainty and expectations | 48 |
Keynes on uncertainty and expectations | 49 |
Post Keynesian perspectives on uncertainty and expectation | 51 |
Conventions and bounded rationality in forming expectations | 55 |
Open questions and policy implications | 56 |
Labor and unemployment | 61 |
Harrod and the genesis of modern macrodynamics | 89 |
The characteristics of demandled growth | 90 |
Other prominent features of Post Keynesian macrodynamics | 92 |
Avenues for further research | 93 |
Policy implications | 94 |
The role of the state and the state budget | 98 |
The neoclassical view of the state | 99 |
Key nes and the role of the state | 100 |
Two critiques of the Keynesian view of the state | 101 |
A Post Keynesian theory of the state | 103 |
Policy implications | 107 |
International monetary arrangements | 110 |
Development of the international monetary system | 111 |
The search for stability | 113 |
Keynesianism in one country? | 115 |
Concluding remarks | 118 |
A look ahead | 122 |
Index | 127 |
Other editions - View all
A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics Richard P. F. Holt,Steven Pressman No preview available - 2001 |
Common terms and phrases
aggregate demand aggregate supply Aldershot analysis argued behavior Bretton Woods budget business cycle Cambridge University Press capital capitalist central bank changes Chapter competition cost-plus pricing costing margin currency Davidson deficits determined Dynamics Edward Elgar effects Eichner empirical endogenous equilibrium firms fixed exchange rates full employment Galbraith global Guide to Post Harcourt income distribution incomes policy increase inequality inflation institutions interest rates investment issues Jonathan Michie Journal of Economics Journal of Post Kaldor Kalecki Keynes Keynes's Keynesian uncertainty labor market Lavoie London M.E. Sharpe Macmillan marginal productivity markup Michal Kalecki models monetary neoclassical economists neoclassical theory output perfect competition policy implications policy-makers Political Economy Post Keynesian approach Post Keynesian Economics Post Keynesian macrodynamics Post Keynesian methodology Post Keynesian theory Post Keynesian view problem rational expectations real wages real world Robinson role sector Smithin social spending stability Steven Pressman structure target rate tax incidence taxation workers