Bible-Shaped TeachingThe Bible can and should be an environment in which we live and move and have our being, an environment in which we are shaped by God in different and interrelated ways. As with aspects of our physical environment, we may have never noticed many elements of this spiritual environment before or may have only the vaguest sense of their influence. While we may be more familiar with certain elements, we may not realize the full extent of their influence or be too preoccupied to see how they relate to form the larger whole of how we are shaped. This book looks one-by-one at several ways in which the Bible's environment influences us as people and, in particular, shapes our beliefs, attitudes, and practices as teachers in the classroom. It is concerned with helping readers to be, at one and the same time, faithful to our common calling as educators and faithful to the Scriptures as Christians. |
What is the Bible like? | 5 |
Metaphors We live and Teach By | 26 |
Biblical Models for Our Teaching | 36 |
Biblical principles for Our Teaching | 45 |
The Bible and the content of Our Teaching | 51 |
living letters in the classroom | 59 |
getting it all Together | 65 |
71 | |
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approaches asked Bible says Bible shapes biblical metaphors biblical models biblical principles Big True Story bigger stories Billy Graham called callum chapter children and young church comenius Courage to Teach culture curriculum david Smith environment everyday example Father garden God's god’s Big Story god’s story god’s world Gordon Oliver gospel helpful human interrelated Jesus the Teacher Kidner Kieran egan kind letter from Christ life-long and life-wide live and teach live in god’s living letters looking lord Makhado mathematics ment Mere Christianity metanarrative modes numbers Old Testament ourselves pacific island parker palmer particular practice prophetic teacher questions Radio Luxembourg resurrection of Jesus Reverend Kenny ring role Rousseau Scripture seek sentence sheep shepherd suggest talk Task of Teaching teaching and learning teenagers things told Tom Wright Torah teacher tree understand walk whole person window words writes