Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain

Front Cover
Kenneth Baxter Wolf
Liverpool University Press, Jan 1, 1999 - History - 205 pages
From the perspective of the Hispano-Romans, the Visigoths who invaded Spain in the mid-fifth century were heretical barbarians. But Leovigild’s military success and Reccared’s conversion to Catholic Christianity led to more positive assessments of the Gothic role in Iberian history. John of Biclaro (c.590) and Isidore of Seville (c.625) authored histories that projected the Gothic achievements back on to their uncertain beginnings, transforming them from antagonists of the Roman Empire to protagonists of a new, independent Chistianity in Spain.

"... undoubtedly ... convenient for those who would teach and study early medieval Spanish history..."—Bryn Mawr Classical Review

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About the author (1999)

Kenneth Baxter Wolf was educated at Stanford University where he received his BA in Religious Studies and his PhD in history. He is the author of Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain (Cambridge, 1988) and Making History: The Normans and their Historians in Eleventh-century Italy (Pennsylvania, 1995). He is currently an Associate Professor of Medieval History at Pomona College in Claremont College in California.

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