Delightes for Ladies"Delightes for Ladies is a book of recipes and household hints for women, written by Sir Hugh Plat (perhaps best remembered for Floreas Paradise) and published in London in 1602. Its full title is Delightes for ladies: to adorn their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. A successful book in its day, some of the recipes have survived to be in relatively common use even 400 years later, in particular the various mixed alcoholic beverages"--Wikipedia. |
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almonds alſo balneo baſon beate becauſe beſt bisket boile boyle caft candie caſt cheeſes Cinamon cloſe cloues colour comfits Coriander couer Damfons decoction Delightes for Ladies diffolue diſh diſtill drie Elizabethan elſe England Eringo euerie faire water fame ferue fire firſt firup fiſh flice flowers fome freſh fugar gallon garden gelly Ginger glaſſe gloue halfe hath haue hauing hearbes hote iuice Jewel House keepe laſt Lemmons limbeck manner marmelade moldes moſt muske muſt Nutmegs Orenges ouen ouer ounces oyle paſte peeces pinte Plat pleaſe powder preferued preſently purpoſe Quinces Rabbets Rofe Roſe leaues Roſeleaues Roſewater ſame ſearce ſeaſon ſeedes ſeeth ſet ſhall Sir Hugh ſmall ſome ſpices ſpirit ſpoone ſtalkes ſtand ſteepe ſtirring ſtop ſtraine ſuch ſufficient ſugar ſweet taſte therein thereof theſe thoſe veſſell vinegar vnto vpon vppon vſe vſuall waſhing wine yeoman