Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the graduate counseling psychology program at Santa Clara University in California.His academic assignments have included courses in psychotherapy and personality theory, dreamwork, and research methods. Dr. Kroth has an abiding therapeutic interest in working with dreams, personal oracles, and the applications of dream theory to psychohistory and collective psychology. Jerry has been a member of the International Psychohistorical Association since 1983. Dr. Kroth’s 12 prior books were in the areas of counseling, psychology, child sexual abuse, learning disorders, metapsychology, transpersonal psychology, and research methodology. In addition he has written and presented over 75 papers on anxiety, child development, mass psychology, synchronicity, experimental studies of the dream process, the psychology of propaganda and collective psychology. Professor Kroth lives in California with his wife and two daughters. He maintains a website: His most recent books are listed below: Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Algora), Psyche’s Exile: an empirical odyssey in search of the soul. (Libre Digital), The Lindbergh kidnapping: mobs, mass psychology, and myth. (Genotype), Aliens and Man: a synopsis of facts and beliefs. (Algora), Omens and Oracles: collective psychology in the nuclear age(Greenwood Press) Psychology Underground (Genotype)