Eighth Annual Computer Game Developers Conference Proceedings: April 23 Through 26, 1994, Westin Hotel, Santa Clara, California |
Alternative Marketing Methods | 1 |
A Sermon | 10 |
Computer Gaming in Russia | 22 |
Interactive Directing | 30 |
The Interface is the Game | 37 |
Live Action Role Playing | 43 |
Maximizing Windows Graphics Performance | 53 |
Pixel Envy | 59 |
Practical Tips for Protecting Intellectual Property | 72 |
Programming as a Video Game | 80 |
GameTree Search | 87 |
Storybuilding 101 | 100 |
the 1994 CGDC Survey | 110 |
Volpe Welty Company Estimates | 124 |
Gaming and Wagering | 130 |