From Aleppo Without Love: A True Story of Anguish and Despair by a Boy from Aleppo

Front Cover
Minds Eye Publications, May 26, 2017 - Biography & Autobiography - 110 pages
The book is an autobiography of the British/Syrian--of Kurdish origin--writer and poet Amir Darwish. The scene for it is Aleppo, Syria where Amir was born and raised up to the age of eighteen. Amir finds himself in a contradicting, brutal to children, hateful and constantly violent familial milieu. As well as the personal account is given here, the book speaks of life in Aleppo in the 1980's and 1990's where Amir lived and experienced such world.

About the author (2017)

Amir Darwish is a British Syrian poet & writer of Kurdish origin. Born in Aleppo & came to Britain as an asylum seeker in 2003. He completed a BA in history at Teesside University and an MA in International Relations from Durham University. Currently, he lives & writes in London. He published work in the UK, USA, India, Pakistan, Finland, Turkey & Mexico. His work has been translated into Arabic, Finnish, Italian and Turkish.

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