GB/T 4736-2022 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB/T4736-2022, GBT 4736-2022): Test method for permeability gas of daily-use pottery [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]This document specifies the principle, equipment and utensils, sample preparation, test procedures, test data processing and test report of the test method for permeability gas of daily-use pottery. This document applies to the determination of permeability gas of daily-use pottery products; it can be referred to by other types of pottery products. |
4 | |
Sample preparation | 5 |
Test procedures | 6 |
Test report | 7 |
Appendix A Informative Dynamic viscosity of nitrogen | 9 |