MigraineIn recent years the bestselling Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat have received great critical acclaim, but Oliver Sacks's readers may remember that he began his medical career working with migraine patients. In this new edition of Migraine, he returns to his first book and enriches it with additional case histories, new findings, and practical information. For centuries physicians and migraineurs have been fascinated by the visual hallucinations, or auras, which often precede a migraine and which are similar to those induced by hallucinogenic drugs or deliria. In a remarkable new chapter, illustrated with startling full-color paintings by migraine sufferers, Dr. Sacks draws on recent advances in chaos theory and neural simulation to describe these "hallucinatory constants" and what they reveal about the working of the brain. Another important addition to the 1992 edition discusses newly developed drug therapies for migraine, as well as alternative, nondrug approaches. Only Oliver Sacks's boundless curiosity and rich imagination could yield such a fresh, comprehensive view of one of humankind's oldest afflictions. |
Foreword by William Gooddy MD FRCP | 1 |
Introduction | 11 |
Chapter | 12 |
toms and Abnormal BowelAction Lethargy | 19 |
Casehistories of migraine in relation to con 4749 | 47 |
Visual hallucinations in migraine 5762 | 57 |
The stages of mosaic vision | 74 |
Migrainous Neuralgia Cluster | 99 |
Introductory Comments | 203 |
iour | 205 |
Necessity of Considering Migraines as Experiences to which | 223 |
Introduction | 229 |
Chapter 15 | 241 |
cebos | 250 |
Chapter 17 | 273 |
Geometrical form constant | 283 |
Chapter 5 | 109 |
The configuration of migraine in relation to | 112 |
Introduction | 117 |
Relation to Other Disorders Migraine in Relation | 128 |
Chapter 8 | 139 |
Chapter 9 | 160 |
Introduction | 175 |
Chapter II | 186 |
The Physiological Organisation | 193 |
Scheme of hypothetical migraine process | 197 |
tion | 292 |
Appendix I | 299 |
Varieties of migraine hallucination repre | 300 |
Glossary of CaseHistories | 307 |
319 | |
327 | |
332 | |
334 | |
Common terms and phrases
activity acute allergic appear arousal arteries attacks of migraine autonomic become brain case-history cent cerebral cerebral cortex Chapter characteristic classical migraine clinical cluster cluster headache common migraine complex consciousness considered cortical depression described disorders disturbance drowsiness drugs effects emotional epilepsy epileptic ergotamine excitation experience experienced feeling form constants frequent functional geometrical Gowers graine hallucinations histamine hysterical images intense isolated auras mechanisms menstrual migraines methysergide migraine attacks migraine aura migraine equivalents migraine headache migraine patients migraine reaction migraineurs migrainous neuralgia minutes mosaic vision narcolepsy nausea nervous system neuronal observed occasion occur onset pain paraesthesiae paroxysmal particular patterns periodic phenomena phosphenes physician physiological prodromal protracted provocative rarely recognise reflex scintillating scotoma scotomata seen sensation sense sensory serotonin severe sleep sometimes specific stupor sudden suffered symptoms of migraine syndrome tend theory therapeutic tion treatment variety vascular headache visceral visual cortex visual field vomiting wave Wolff