Organizational Behavior: The Management of Individual and Organizational Performance

Front Cover
Allyn and Bacon, 1994 - Business & Economics - 775 pages

KEY BENEFITS: Praised by students as easy to understand and insightful to study, the first edition of this text has developed an outstanding reputation for its clear presentation of organizational behavior principles, both theoretical and applied. KEY TOPICS: This new edition builds on the success of the first with new text features in every chapter, increased coverage of new theories, and significant addition of international applications. The text also includes a case study at the end of every chapter to enable students to apply the principles they have learned, as well as an introductory case to pique student interest. MARKETS: Designed for courses in organizational behavior or management and organizational behavior at the undergraduate and MBA level.

From inside the book


management that many business schools now offer chapter a case study introduces readers to organi
Organizations and People at Work Research Methods

61 other sections not shown

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