Organs Without Bodies: Deleuze and ConsequencesIntroduction: An encounter, not a Dialogue; Deleuze; The Reality of the Virtual; Becoming versus History; Becoming-Machine; Un jour, peut-etre, le siecle sera empiriomoniste?; Quasi-Cause; Spinoza; Kant, Hegel: Hegel 1: Taking Deleuze from Behind; Hegel 2: From Epistemology to Ontology ... and back; Hegel 3: The Minimal Distance; The Torsion of Meaning; A Comic Hegelian Interlude: Dumb and Dumber; The Becoming-Oedipal of Deleuze; Phallus; Fantasy; RIS; On the Permanent Actuality for Revolutionary Cultural Politics of President Mao Ze Dong's Slogan Long Live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; Consequences; Science: Cognitivism with Freud; Autopoiesis; Memes, Memes Everywhere; Against Hyphen-Ethics; Cognitive Closure?; Little jolts of enjoyment; Art: The Talking Heads; Kino-Eye; Hitchcock as Anti-Plato; The Cut of the Gaze; When the Fantasy Falls Apart; I, the truth, am speaking; Beyond Morality; Politics: the Ongoing Soft Revolution; A Yuppie Reads Deleuze; Micro-Fascisms; Netocracy; Blow against the Empire; The Liberal Fake; How to Live with Catastrophes?; A Modest Proposal for an Act in the Middle East |
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absolute actual Alain Badiou already antagonism appears apropos assert autonomous Autopoiesis Badiou becoming Benjamin Libet biogenetic bodily brain buggery capitalism castration causal cause claim consciousness constituted crucial Deleuze Deleuze's Deleuzian Dennett desire dialectical dimension domain effectively emergence entity ethical Event evil excess experience external fact fantasy fascism Fight Club film Fredric Jameson freedom Freudian function fundamental gaze gesture Gilles Deleuze Guattari Hegel Hegelian human immanence immaterial inherent Ivan Jacques Lacan jouissance Judy Kant Kantian Lacan Lacanian Logic of Sense Madeleine material means minimal difference multitude netocracy nonetheless notion noumenal ontological opposed opposition paradox partial object perceived phallus philosopher political position precisely problem psychoanalysis pure radical reading Real reality Recall relations revolution revolutionary scene Scottie Sense-Event sexual shot signifier simply social Spinoza structure struggle superego symbolic order things tion today's transcendent transcendental true truth ultimate Vertigo virtual woman Zapatista