Promoting a Culture of Equity in the #MeToo Era: Moving Beyond Responding to Gender-related Workplace Issues to Tackling Root Causes

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Berkeley-Haas Case Series. University of California, Berkeley. Haas School of Business, 2019 - Sex discrimination in employment
The #MeToo movement has highlighted gender inequities in the workplace and sparked new conversations around mitigating bias. While exposure and public awareness of gender-related issues--such as sexual harassment, unequal pay, and lack of women in senior management and leadership positions--are at all-time high levels, these issues have always existed. They are symptoms of power dynamics and associated gender discrimination that is subtly, and often unknowingly, reinforced in the workplace through institutional policies, individual attitudes, and workplace culture. This case examines how the Boston Consulting Group set about becoming a private sector leader in implementing progressive gender-equitable policies and procedures, as well as building a company culture that recognizes the benefits of a diverse workforce.

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