Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True Fulfillment“A discussion that is meaty, contemporary and expansive . . . Berns artfully blends social critique with technical expertise.”—The Washington Post Book World In a riveting narrative look at the brain and the power of novelty to satisfy it, Dr. Gregory Berns plumbs fields as diverse as neuroscience, economics, and evolutionary psychology to find answers to the fundamental question of how we can find a more satisfying way to think and live. We join Berns as he follows ultramarathoners across the Sierra Nevadas, enters a suburban S&M club to explore the deeper connection between pleasure and pain, partakes of a truly transporting meal, and ultimately returns home to face the challenge of incorporating novelty into a long-term relationship. In a narrative as compelling as its insights are trenchant, Satisfaction will convince you that the more complicated and even downright challenging a life you pursue, the more likely it is that you will be satisfied. |
The Slave in the Brain | xvii |
For the Love of Money | 16 |
Puzzling Gratifications | 45 |
The Sushi Problem | 69 |
The Electric Pleasuredome | 97 |
It Hurts So Good | 118 |
Running High | 144 |
Iceland The Experience | 173 |
Sex Love and the Crucible of Satisfaction | 208 |
Epilogue | 241 |
Notes | 245 |
Acknowledgments | 269 |
Index | 273 |
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activity aid station animals answer asked behavior beta-endorphin Bodvar body brain imaging brain stem Caridad cells challenge chocolate Cognitive Coolidge effect cortex cortisol crossword puzzles crucible Cuban curiosity deep-brain dopamine Ed Diener effects emotion feel female fMRI Francis Geir genes genetic Gudrun happiness Heath hedonic treadmill hippocampus hormones human Iceland insight Journal Kathleen ketones Kool-Aid leptin looked lottery male mate mental motivation need for novelty neuroeconomics neurogenesis neurons Neuroscience NHSLS nociceptors novel nucleus accumbens occur Odin orgasm ovulation pain patients percent person pheromones physical pleasure predict Psychology rats receptors relationship release response result reward Reykholt Reykjavík runners Sacher-Masoch satisfaction satisfying experiences scanner Schnarch Science sensation septal region sexual Shortz sleep deprivation stimulation stress striatal striatum sushi Synesthesia taste theory things tion ultramarathoners well-being woman women York