Silk Road

Front Cover
Macmillan Publishers Aus., Nov 1, 2014 - True Crime - 352 pages

It was the 'eBay of drugs', a billion dollar empire. Behind it was the FBI's Most Wanted Man, a mysterious crime czar dubbed 'Dread Pirate Roberts'. SILK ROAD lay at the heart of the 'Dark Web' - a parallel internet of porn, guns, assassins and drugs. Lots of drugs. With the click of a button LSD, heroin, meth, coke, any illegal drug imaginable, would wing its way by regular post from any dealer to any user in the world. How was this online drug cartel even possible? And who was the mastermind all its low roads led to?

This is the incredible true story of Silk Road's rise and fall, told with unparalleled insight into the main players - including alleged founder and kingpin Dread Pirate Roberts himself - by lawyer and investigative journalist Eileen Ormsby. A stunning crime story with a truth that explodes off the page.



Bitcoin and the Man Who Wasnt There
The New Silk Road
State of the Road Address
Money Laundering 101
The Growth of a Legend
The Great 420 Sale and Giveaway
Karma Journalists and Law Enforcement
Follow the Money

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About the author (2014)

Eileen Orsmby is a former lawyer turned journalist. She lives in Melbourne.

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