Socratic Logic: A Logic Test Using Socratic Method, Platonic Questions, and Aristotelian Principles

Front Cover
St. Augustine's Press, 2005 - Philosophy - 397 pages
This new, revised edition of Peter Kreeft?s Socratic Logic is updated, adding new exercises and online access to answers to odd-numbered exercises.Since its introduction in the spring of 2004, Socratic Logic has proven to be a different type of logic text:. (1) This is the only complete system of classical Aristotelian logic in print. The ?old logic? is still the natural logic of the four language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). Symbolic, or ?mathematical,? logic may be superior to classical ?ordinary-language? Aristotelian logic for the sciences, but not for the humanities, and is more sophisticated theoretically but not more useful practically. (How often have you heard non-philosophers argue in symbolic logic?) (2) This book is simple and user-friendly. It is highly interactive, with a plethora of exercises and a light, engaging style. Most beginners need a ?back to basics? logic text rather than the latest overpriced one with state-of-the-art ?bells and whistles? that they will never use outside class. (3) It is practical. It is designed for do-it-yourselfers as well as classrooms. It emphasizes topics in proportion to probable student use: e.g., interpreting ordinary language, not only analyzing but also constructing effective arguments, smoking out hidden assump-tions, making ?argument maps,? and using Socratic method in various circumstances. It is divided into eighty-eight mini-chapters for maximum mix-and-match flexibility. (4) It is also philosophical. Its exercises expose students to many classical quotations, and additional chapters introduce philosophical issues in a Socratic manner and from a common-sense, realistic point of view. It prepares students for reading Great Books rather than Dick and Jane, and models Socrates as the beginner's ideal teacher and philosopher.

About the author (2005)

Peter Kreeft is the author of over 40 books, including A Refutation of Moral Relativism, Summa of the Summa, Christianity for Modern Pagans: A Commentary on Pascal's Penseés, and C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium.

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