The Biological Basis of PersonalityTransaction Publishers - 399 pages |
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Abnorm activity aftereffects alpha ambiverts Amer anxiety autonomic behaviour brain damage brain stem Brit cent chapter Clin concept correlation cortex depressant drugs differential difficult dimension discussion drive dysthymics effects emotional emotionality evidence excitation experiment experimental extraverts and introverts eyeblink conditioning fact factor figural aftereffects findings function genetic greater groups H. J. Eysenck high N hypothalamus hypothesis hysterics individual differences interaction intro introverts and extraverts learning measures Ment meprobamate Motor Skills nervous system Neurophysiol neurosis neurotic neuroticism patients Percept performance physiological placebo postulated prediction Psychiat Psychol psychology psychopaths psychoticism rats reaction reactive inhibition relation relationship reported Reprinted with permission response reticular formation scores sedation threshold sensory sensory thresholds Shagass significant similar stimulant drugs stress studies suggested task theoretical theory tion traits trials twin studies twins verts vigilance visual Yerkes-Dodson law