The Status of Birds in Britain and Ireland

Front Cover
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, Nov 20, 2009 - Science - 472 pages
As the combined British and Irish list edges ever closer to 600(several new species are added each year), the need for a new,up-to-date status of our birds becomes more apparent. Thisauthoritative work of reference gives a detailed assessment of thestatus and distribution of every species on the British and Irishlists, for the first time since 1971. Importantly, it also covers eachsubspecies known to have occurred on our islands. The book iscomplemented with a 32-page colour section illustrating some of thespecies and habitats representative of the British Isles. Thisessential work deserves to be on the shelves of every birder andornithologist with an interest in the status and distribution of ourbirds.

About the author (2009)

David Parkin was formerly Professor of Genetics at NottinghamUniversity. Alan Knox is the Head of Historic Collections at the University of Aberdeen. Both authorsare members of the BOU's taxonomic subcommittee.

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