The Classical Guitar: Design and Construction |
Common terms and phrases
12th fret 9th fret position angle banding bass side bass strings batten bindings blade block plane bottom block bridge saddle centre line chisel classical guitar clean colour coping saw curve cutter decoration diagram dovetail drill ebony end grain eq eq face fanstrutting fingerboard finish flat former G cramp gauge give glue glued groove head heel hole inlay instrument joint kerf knife lacquer laminate lift lower bout luthiers machineheads makers mark marking knife match mosaic neck nut position obtained outline pattern pencil piece plastic tape quarter sawn reinforcement ribs rollers rosewood scale length rule scraper screws shape shooting board slightly slots soundhole spokeshave square straight edge string length strip strut table and back table bars tapered tenon saw tension thickness thin timber tone top and bottom top block top edge top nut treble side underside veneer waist waste wedges width wood