The Economics of Michał Kalecki |
Future Developments | 268 |
List of Kaleckis Publications Referred to in Text | 301 |
Index | 316 |
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aggregate demand analysis argument arise assets assumption banks Brus budget deficit business cycle capital equipment capital stock capitalist economies changes Chapter constant constraints consumption degree of monopoly determined discussion economic economists equation equilibrium factors finance firms full employment Further growth rate hyperinflation ideas important increase industries inflation influence interest rates investment decisions investment expenditure Kalecki and Keynes Kalecki and Marx Kalecki argued Kalecki saw Kalecki's approach Kalecki's views Kalecki's writings Keynes's Keynesian Keynesian economics labour level of investment level of output loans macroeconomics marginal costs mark-up ment Michal Kalecki money supply money wages monopoly approach neo-classical neo-classical economics oligopoly particular perfect competition period Poland political problems rate of growth rate of interest rate of profit ratio real wages relationship relative relevant rise role savings sector seen social socialist economy surplus technical progress theory tion trade unions whilst workers