The Overeducated AmericanAnalyzes the 1970s downturn in the labor market for college-educated manpower, considers consequences for educational institutions, and explores policies for alleviating the situation. Bibliogs. |
The Depressed College Labor Market | 9 |
Responses to the Depressed Market | 33 |
and What the Future May Bring | 51 |
Copyright | |
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academic adjustment affirmative action American average bachelor's degrees bachelor's graduates black college black graduates boom career Cartter Census of Population changes cobweb Cobweb Model college graduates college job market college women college workers college-trained colleges and universities compared Current Population Reports Current Population Survey decade decline degrees demand depressed market doctoral drop early earnings economic Educational Attainment employment engineering enrolled in college estimates faculty fall federal female graduates fields Figure first-year forecasts Freeman full-time future growth high school graduates higher education income increase industries institutions investment labor market lawyers major male graduates Manpower master's master's degrees ment National Education Association National Science Foundation nomic obtained occupations Office of Education opportunities overall overeducation percentage Placement position professional programs proportion rate of return ratio relative Series P-20 shortage social starting salaries substantial supply supply and demand Survey Table teachers tion U.S. Bureau U.S. Department U.S. Office