The Physics of AtmospheresDr Houghton has revised the acclaimed first edition of The Physics of Atmospheres in order to bring this important textbook completely up-to-date. Several factors have led to vigorous growth in the atmospheric sciences, particularly the availability of powerful computers for detailed modelling, the investigation of the atmospheres of other planets, and techniques of remote sensing. The author describes the physical processes governing the structure and circulation of the atmosphere. Simple physical models are constructed by applying the principles of classical thermodynamics, radiative transfer and fluid mechanics, together with analytic and numerical techniques. These models are applied to real planetary atmospheres. This new edition is essential for undergraduates or graduate students studying atmospheric physics, climatology or meteorology, as well as planetary scientists with an interest in atmospheres. |
A radiative equilibrium model | 8 |
Thermodynamics | 17 |
More complex radiation transfer | 31 |
The upper atmosphere | 46 |
Clouds | 67 |
Dynamics | 74 |
Atmospheric waves | 87 |
Turbulence | 103 |
The general circulation | 115 |
Numerical modelling | 134 |
Global observation | 146 |
Atmospheric predictability and climatic change | 160 |
Bibliography | 187 |
Answers to problems and hints to their solution | 193 |
Common terms and phrases
absorbed absorption coefficient adiabatic adiabatic lapse rate angular momentum approximation assumed atmos atmospheric motions available potential energy average band boundary layer Calculate carbon dioxide chapter circulation clouds collision broadened components condensation considered constant continuity equation convection dry air eddy emission emitted equilibrium fluid flux frequency function geostrophic wind gravity waves height km horizontal hydrostatic equation infrared integration kinetic energy km altitude lapse rate latitude liquid water mixing ratio molecular molecules occur oxygen ozone particles path phere planetary potential energy potential temperature Pressure mb problem processes quantity region Rossby waves rotation satellite saturated scale solar radiation solution spectral interval stratosphere Substituting surface temperature tephigram term thermodynamic tion total potential energy transmission turbulence typical values vapour pressure variation velocity Venus vertical motion water vapour wavelength wavenumber zonal flow дг ди др дх ду
Popular passages
Page 188 - Quart. /. R. Met. Soc., 84, pp. 205-224. 1969 ' The atmospheric boundary layer in relation to large scale dynamics.