Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale ProductionCRC Press, 1988/03/01 - 176 ページ In this classic text, Taiichi Ohno--inventor of the Toyota Production System and Lean manufacturing--shares the genius that sets him apart as one of the most disciplined and creative thinkers of our time. Combining his candid insights with a rigorous analysis of Toyota's attempts at Lean production, Ohno's book explains how Lean principles can improve any production endeavor. A historical and philosophical description of just-in-time and Lean manufacturing, this work is a must read for all students of human progress. On a more practical level, it continues to provide inspiration and instruction for those seeking to improve efficiency through the elimination of waste. |
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achieve American auto auto-activated loom automatic automation automobile industry carrying cart changeover cooperating firms cost reduction defective products die press duction system earlier process economic efficiency engineering example excess capacity fewer workers final assembly line Ford system Ford's high growth human touch idea implement Japan Japanese Japanese automobile industry just-in-time kanban system kendō kenjutsu labor saving later process lathe lot sizes main plant mass production mass-production system materials means ment nattō ninjutsu number of workers oil crisis operable rate overproduction pages Order pieces Platt Brothers poka-yoke prevent problem production flow production leveling production line production plant production processes production quantity reduce costs reduce the number required number sequence setup Shigeo Shingo Spinning and Weaving standard work sheet stop supermarket Taiichi Ohno textile things tion system tool Toyoda Kiichirō Toyoda Sakichi Toyoda Spinning Toyota Motor Company Toyota production system Toyota system