Transylvania, Its Products and Its PeopleLongmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1865 - 642 pages |
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animal asked Austria bear Bistritz broad brought Büdös Burzenland called carbonic acid carried castle church clergyman corn Csik divorce dwelling eimer England English everywhere excellent feeling feet fire florins Fogaras forest formerly German gipsy girl give Government Hermannstadt hills horses Hungarian Hungary inhabitants joch Karlsburg King Klausenburg kreutzers Kronstadt land live look maize Maros marriage marry Mediasch Mehadia ment Moldavia mountains natural neat neighbour neighbourhood noble once party passed peasantry population present produce province river Alt road rock Roumains round salt Saxon peasant Saxon village Schässburg seemed seen shot side slope soon sort spot standing stood strong Szamos Szekler taste thing tion told towers town Transylvania Transylvanian Saxons Turks Udvarhely valley Vienna vine vineyard Wallachia Wallack walls whole wife wine wood young