Understanding Policing: A Resource for Human Rights Activists

Front Cover
Amnesty International Nederland, 2006 - Human rights - 321 pages
"Understanding policing, a resource for human rights activists gives background information on policing issues for human rights advocates working on policing and those considering embarking on such work. This resource book is based on the premise that in order to intervene effectively in police conduct, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of policing and the context in which it takes place: both the legal standards guiding police work as well as the practical methodologies developed by police to implement these. Armed with this understanding human rights advocates can make an assessment of police agencies in specific contexts. Such an assessment is vital both to developing an effective research and campaigning strategy for the improvement of police compliance with human rights, and to deciding whom to target whether to follow a confrontational and/or engagement approach."--Page 4 of cover.

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