Vargas Llosa's Fiction & the Demons of PoliticsMuch praised as a writer, but highly contoversial as political commentator, Mario Vargas Llosa's fiction is often regarded as reflecting his notorious political development, from a leftwing to a (neo)-liberal postition. This study makes a critical evaluation of theinterrelations within his fictional and non-fictional work from the 1960s to the present day, revaling a surprising continuity in his fictional creation and is his ideas about literature. Politics being one of the most persistent demons which, according to hsi theory, provoke his creativity, the book offers a detailed reading of three political novels from different periods of his writing career. Conversacion en la catedral (1969), La guerra del fin del mundo (1981), and La fiesta del Chvo (2000) are analysed in relatin to his works of literary theory, political commentary, memoirs, and other fictional texts. Despite considerapble shifts in political and literary matters, Vargas Llosa's writings show a continuous and unchanged concern for two interrelated issues: the impact of political problems such as authoritarianism, corruption, ideology, and violence on the individual, and the question of literature and the role of writers and intellectuals in society. Contents: Narrative and historical reality--Truth and fiction--Narrative structure and meaning--Intellectuals and power--Writing and storytelling as anti-ideological practices--Exorcising one's demons: Vargas Llosa's doubles. |
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ahora Ambrosio años Antonio Consejero Balaguer Baron Barón de Cañabrava Bernucci Canudos Carlitos catedral Cayo Bermúdez concept contrast Conversación cosas criticism Cunha Deicidio demonios dialogue dictator's dictatorship dijo El País Epaminondas escritor essays Euclides da Cunha fanatical Fermín Zavala ficción fiesta del Chivo fin del mundo Galileo Gall Gall's García guerra del fin había historia historical hombre humana ibid ideas ideologies intellectual interview Joaquín Balaguer jodido José María Arguedas journalist Jurema las mentiras Latin American libertad literary theory literature Madame Bovary manera Mario Vargas Llosa Mayta mejor mentiras metafictional Moreira César narration narrative novel Odría ojos Oviedo país parallel periodista miope perspective Peruvian poder política political protagonist reader realidad rebellion regime role Rufino Santiago Santiago Zavala Sertão sertões sino social sólo texts tía Julia tiempo Trujillo truth tyrannicide Urania Vargas Llosa's fiction Vargas Llosa's novel verdad vida viento vocación writing yagunzos Zavalita