Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Second Edition, Revised, and ExpandedThis text details the principal concepts and developments in wood science, chemistry and technology. It includes new chapters on the chemical synthesis of cellulose and its technology, preservation of wood resources and the conservation of waterlogged wood. |
Ultrastructure and Formation of Wood Cell Wall Minoru Fujita and Hiroshi Harada | 1 |
Chemical Composition and Distribution Shiro Saka | 51 |
Structure of Cellulose Recent Developments in Its Characterization Fumitaka Horii | 83 |
Chemistry of Lignin Akira Sakakibara and Yoshihiro Sano | 109 |
Chemistry of Cell Wall Polysaccharides Tadashi Ishii and Kazumasa Shimizu | 175 |
Chemistry of Extractives Toshiaki Umezawa | 213 |
Chemistry of Bark Kokki Sakai | 243 |
Chemical Characterization of Wood and Its Components Jaime Baeza and Juanita Freer | 275 |
Chemical Synthesis of Cellulose Fumiaki Nakatsubo | 627 |
Wood Plasticization Nobuo Shiraishi | 655 |
WoodPolymer Composites Hiroshi Mizumachi | 701 |
Adhesion and Adhesives Hiroshi Mizumachi | 733 |
PressureSensitive Adhesives and Forest Products Hiroshi Mizumachi | 765 |
Woodinorganic Composites as Prepared by the SolGel Process Shiro Saka | 781 |
Preservation of Wood Darrel D Nicholas | 795 |
Preservation of Waterlogged Wood David NS Hon | 807 |
Color and Discoloration David NS Hon and Nobuya Minemura | 385 |
Chemical Degradation YuanZong Lai | 443 |
Weathering and Photochemistry of Wood David NS Hon | 513 |
Microbial Enzymatic and Biomimetic Degradation of Lignin in Relation to Bioremediation Takefumi Hattori and Mikio Shimada | 547 |
Chemical Modification of Wood Misato Norimoto | 573 |
Chemical Modification of Cellulose Akira Isogai | 599 |
Other editions - View all
Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Revised, and Expanded David N.S. Hon,Nobuo Shiraishi Limited preview - 2000 |
Common terms and phrases
acetate acetylated acid Acta Chem adhesive alcohol alkaline bark benzyl bleaching blends bonds Carbohydr carbon carboxyl cell wall cellulose microfibrils CH₂OH Chem chemical Chemistry cleavage color components composites compounds condensed coniferyl alcohol degradation delignification dioxane discoloration esters ether extraction Fengel fibers FIGURE Flavonoids formation fraction glucomannan glycosidic guaiacyl H3CO hardwood hemicelluloses Holzforsch hydrogen hydrolysis hydroxyl groups kraft pulping layer lignin linkages material mechanical methanol method methyl microfibrils modified wood Mokuzai Gakkaishi molecular weight molecules obtained OCH3 OCH3 OH OH OH OMe OH OMe OMe OPiv OPiv oxidation oxygen phenolic pinoresinol plasticization polymer Polymer Sci polymerization polysaccharides properties radicals reaction residues resin S₂ samples secondary wall shown in Fig sodium softwood solution solvent species spectra spruce stain structure surface Svensk Papperstidn tannins Tappi Technol temperature tracheids units Wood Chem Wood Sci xylan xyloglucan ОН