Working for McDonald's in Europe: The Unequal StruggleThe McDonald's Corporation is not only the largest system-wide sales service in the world, it is a phenomenon in its own right, and is now recognized as the most famous brand in the world. By providing a detailed analysis of the extent to which the McDonald's Corporation adapts or imposes its labour relations policies in Europe, this volume represents a real life case study revealing the interaction between a global multi-national enterprise and the regulatory systems of a number of different European countries. Key features include: * an overview of the McDonald's Corporation's development and structure |
Liberalism collectivism and the multinational corporation | 1 |
Welcome to Big Mac | 16 |
The corporate paradox McDonalds and its franchise system | 35 |
McDonalds at work | 56 |
Theres no place like home the impact of trade unions and collective hargaining frameworks | 85 |
Codetermination? What the hell is that? | 119 |
For a few dollars more comparing pay and conditions | 150 |