Unlucky in Lockdown

Front Cover
Julianne Benford, Aug 14, 2020 - Fiction - 119 pages

Cora and Xandra have been flatmates for over a year, but they've never been friends. It's not been a problem before - Cora likes her peace and quiet, and Xandra's happy to leave her to it, spending most of her time partying elsewhere. But when the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold, and the UK is put under lockdown, they find themselves forced into spending a lot more time together. Will they put their differences aside and learn to tolerate each other's company? Will familiarity breed further contempt...or will they find common ground and develop a true friendship?

Unlucky in Lockdown is a 26,750 word novella set during the first two weeks of the UK's lockdown.



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About the author (2020)

Julianne Benford writes about young people trying to find their place in the world and decide what kind of person they want to be. She has an MA in Creative and Life Writing from Goldsmiths, University of London. Unlucky in Lockdown is the second novella she's written, and the first she's published.

When not writing, Julianne can be found following one of her many other interests, or putting the world to rights and analysing TV shows with her friends. Born, raised, and resident in South London, she shares her home with her partner and lots of books, houseplants and dresses.

She is the creator of the free online course Ignite Your Passion for Reading: Fall in Love with Books, which aims to help adults discover or rediscover the joy of reading and find ways to share that passion and discuss books with others. As of August 2020, it has over 5,000 students.

Subscribe to her newsletter and read more at juliannebenford.com

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