Pete Moore:
Pete Moore is the author and originator of the Pain Toolkit.
He successfully lives with persistent pain, asthma, prostate cancer and osteoarthritis.
He has put these tools together with the help of friends, family and healthcare professionals.
“A persistent pain problem can be difficult to understand and manage on an everyday basis.
Like many people, he struggled to manage his pain back in the early 1990s. He was lucky to get himself in to the United Kingdom's National Heath Service INPUT Pain Management Programme, which gave him the information, but more importantly the confidence, to manage his pain, himself.
Since 1997 he hasn't had the need to take any pain medication, simply because he still uses the information from the programme.
In 2014 he was given the honour of being the UK Pain Champion
Is it easy? Well it’s like most things, you have to work at it. Pete isn’t an academic guy, but if he can do it, then he knows others can as well.
The Prehab Pain Toolkit is a simple information digital eBook that could provide you with some handy tips and skills to support you along the way to manage your pain.
Keith Meldrum:
Keith Meldrum is the co-author of the Prehab Pain Toolkit
Keith has lived with persistent pain since 1986 following a near fatal car accident. He also lives with a rate mitochondrial disease a rare genetic disorder that offers pain as well.
He struggled with pain for nearly 20 years as he was focused on finding a health care provider that would before the right operation or other intervention to end his pain. It was until Keith's s pain was validated by a physician as real and not all in his head that he was able to accept that he would be be living with pain. As a result of that validation, he was willingand able to start to consider what things he could to to love better despite his pain. While Keith remains in active medical care as a neuromodulaion patient (spinal cord stimulation), he uses various tools to assist him in his day-to-day life living with and managing his pain.
While he learned the tools of supported self-management nearly 20 years after his accident, he believes that it is important for health care providers to educate people very early in the pain experiences, before it becomes persistent, on what they can to better understand their pain and how to live with it. This is the fundamental principle of prehabilitation.