Statutes at Large ...: (43 v.) ... From Magna charta to 18001790 |
Common terms and phrases
acts of parliament affembled affign alfo alſo annuities appointed arifing authoriſed authority aforefaid bank of England Britain cafe canal caſe caufe cauſe certificate Chap clerk cofts collector commiffioners confent corn court cuſtoms directed diſcharged duties exchequer excife expences exportation faid act faid county fale fame fhall feaman fecurity fervice feven feveral fhall fhillings fhip or veffel fhould filk firſt fnuff forfeit forfeitures fpirits ftamp fubject fucceffors fuch fuch perfon fufficient further enacted governor granted hereby herein-before houfe houſe iffued impowered infpector intereft intituled juftices lands licence mafter Majefty's malt navigation navy non-commiffioned officer oath officer of marines paffed paid parish parliament payable payment penalties perfon or perfons petty officer port pounds prefent Majefty proprietors provifions purchaſe purpoſes quarter feffions raiſed rates refpectively regulations reign ſaid Scotland ſhall ſhip ſuch therein thereof thouſand ſeven hundred treaſurer truſtees unleſs uſe Weft