The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandHis Majesty's Statute and Law Printers, 1814 - Law |
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Account Act or Acts Act paffed Acts of Parliament aforefaid Agent alfo alſo Annuities appointed Bank of England Britain British-built Ship cafe caufe containing County Creditors Cuftoms Diftiller Diſcharge Drawbacks Duties Eaft Eftate Excife Exportation faid Act faid Commiffioners faid recited Act fame fhall ferve feveral fhall be lawful fhould Fifth Day fituate Forty French Wine fubject fuch Officer fuch Perfon further enacted granted hereby hereinbefore Hofpital Houfe hundred and fourteen iffued impofed imported intituled Ireland Juftices laft Land Lord Lords Spiritual manner Militia Money Number Oath otherwife Parish Parliament of Ireland payable Payment Penalty Perfon fhall Perfon or Perfons Port Pounds prefent Majefty prefent Majefty's Reign Prifoner Prize Provifions Purchaſe Purpoſes raiſed refpectively Regulations repealed ſaid Schedule Scotland Seffion of Parliament ſhall Ship or Veffel ſpecified Stamp Duty Succeffors ſuch thereof thoufand eight hundred Treaſurer United Kingdom uſed Value Wares and Merchandize Weft Whereas Wine