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Al the hy Way betwixt Whitland and LLanfeth is almoft hethy, yet on everi Side fumwhat distant I fau in Valleis and on Hille Sides good Corne.

But the Ground is fumwhat baren of Wood, as al Penbrookshire almoft is, except wher a few Parkes be. But the Ground in divers Partes of Penbrokeshire berith Se Coles, wherwith communely the People make Fier and with Firres, as thei do alfo about Cairmardine, though ther be better Plenti of Wood. Bi one of thes Coles Pittes being a iiii. Miles


from LLanfeth I cam.

Alfo almoft in the midde Wai betwixt Whitland and LLanfeth I saw a Place on the right Hand as it wer a Caftel distant by Eftimation a iii. Miles.

And within a ii. Miles of LLanfeth on the Right Hond I faw the Caftel of Carew repairid or magnificently buildid by Rhese ap Thomas. It ftondith by a Creke of Milford Haven.

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From LLanfeth to Penbrok is but a good Mile.

Penbroke ftandith apon an Arme of Milford, the wich about a Mile beyond the Towne creketh in so that it almost peninfulatith the Toune that ftandith on a veri mainė Rokki Ground.

The Toune is welle waullid and hath iii. Gates by Eft, Weft and North, of the wich the Eft Gate is fairest and ftrongest, having afore hit a compafid Tour not rofid, in the entering wherof is a Portcolys ex folido ferro.

The Caftel ftondith hard by the Waul on a hard Rokke, and is veri larg and strong, being doble wardid. In the utter Ward I faw the Chaumbre wher King Henri the VII. was borne, in Knowlege wherof a Chymmeney is new made with the Armes and Badges of King Henri the vII. In the Bo

tom of the great ftronge rownd Tower in the inner Ward is a marvelus Vault caullid the Hogan. The Toppe of this round Towr is gatherid with a Rofe of Stone almost in conum, the Top wherof is keverid with a flat Mille Stone.

In the Toune be a ii. Paroche Chirchis, and one in the Suburbe.

̈Montaine2 a Celle of Blak Monkes in the Suburbe is fuppreffid.

1 Syr Rhefe, a a Celle to Seynt Albons St.


Fol. 75.


The Toune hath bene welle a build, and the Eft Suburbe hath bene almoft as great as the Toun, but now it is totally yn Ruine.

Cumming from LLanfeth towarde Tinbighe I rode by a ruinus Waulle of a Parke fumtime longging to Syr Rhefe, now voide of Dere. In the Parke is veri litle or no hye Woode, but Shrubbis and Fyrris, like as is in the ii. Parkes about Carew waullid with Stones.

The Chirch of S. Florein and Tounlet is in a Botom by

the Parke.

A litle beyond this as more then half way betwixt Penbroke and Tinbigh apperid the Castel of Mainorpirrhe a Mile of on the right Hande. It ftandith as it were betwixt to pointing Hillettes, betwene the wich the Severn Se gulfith in almost the length of a Quarter of a Mile.

Thens to Tinbigh.


Tinbigh Town ftondith on a main Rokke, but not veri hy, and the Severn Se fo gulfeth in about hit, that at the ful Se almoft the thirde Part of the Toune is inclofid with Water. The Toune it strongeli waullid, and welle gatid, everi Gate having his Portcolis ex folido ferro. But that Gate that ledith to Cairmardin ward is moft femelieft, as circulid without with an embatelid but open rofid Towr, after the Fascion of the Eaft Gate of Penbroke. Without this Gate is a preti Suburbe.

In the Middes of the Town is a faire Paroche Chirch.

The Toun it felfe lakkith frefch Water. wherfore utuntur importata.

From Tinbigh I went to the Cole Pittes on a Hille Topp ii. Miles of, not far from the Severne Shore. And a good Mile beyond them I roode thorough a Wood not veri greate, but yet the fairest that I remembre that I faw in Penbrokshire. Thens I enterid again into Whitland Way.


The nereft Trajectus into Caldey is almoft in the midde Way bytwixt Mainorpirrhe and Tinbighe at a Poynlet, and ther it is litle above a Mile.

Beinge against Mainorpirrhe I saw Lundey lying far of in the Severn Se.

a Buyldyd St. B.

1 Dinbigh Town. 2 Caldey is 2 Islands St. in the Margin.


Cumming from Cairmardine toward LLandewibreui, a Mile owt of Cairmardine, I paffid over Guily River, and fo folouid the Curfe of hit, having yt in fighte by the Riding of iiii. or v. Miles, marking divers litle Brokes going into hit as into the Botom of the Valley.

Then riding per aliquot miliaria I began to fe Tyue River, and kept it ftil in fight, riding ftille by Stony Hilles and Valleys, and paffing thoroughe a Wood of Okes caullid . and after by a prety LLin on the right Hond cawllid Gogurne, and fo leving alfo hard on the right Hond Pencragan, a Rokke fo caullid bycawfe it is a rounde coppid Hil of Stonis, cam a litle of into a vile Cotage ftanding in a Vale by Tiue to bayte.

Thens I rode to ĹLandewy breui v. Miles of, betwixt the which Places I faw a prety LLin not far from Tyui fide caullid LLinpeder, fumwhat bigger then LLingogurn; but I faw out of neither of them any notable Iflue of Water.


Landewi, as fum fay, caullid Breui, bycaufe it ftondith on Breuy Brooke.


I faw also a Bridge or ii. over Tiue. Landewi brebui is but a fimple or poore Village. I paffid over a litle Broke to entre into hit. It is fet among Montaines on a every but by Weft, wher is the Valley of Tiue. Tiue River is about half a Mile of. The Collegiate Chirch of Prebendaries ftandith fumwhat pon a hy Ground, but it is rude. Thens to Tregaron ii. Miles, wher is a Chirch standin apon a round Coppe of caft Yerth.

By rennith a Broke caullid

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So paffing under a hy Hille fide, I saw hard by on the lift Honde a great Fenny More, owt of the wich the Inhabitantes therabout digge Turfes for Fier, and by the fame Fenne is a fair LLin cawllid LLinridde ii. Miles from LLinrithe. Strateflur.

Strateflure is fet round about with Montanes not far diftant, except on the West Parte, wher Diffrin Tyue is. Many Hilles therabout hath bene well

B Stratfler of fum caullid bycaufe bytwixt

it and Flere Brokes. of fum

a Adde Side. ẞ Thefe broken Words in the Marg. are wanting in St. & B.

Vol. 5.

Village in Cardiganshire St. 2 Tyve.



Fol. 76.


it ftode in the woddid, as evidently by old Rotes apperith, but [now in them is almoft no Woode.]

The Cauffes be thefe; First the Wood cut doun was never copifid, and this hath beene a great Cause of Destruction of Wood thorough Wales. Secondly after cutting doun of Wooddys the Gottys hath fo bytten the young Spring that it never grew but lyke Shrubbes. Thirddely Men for the nonys deftroied the great Woddis that thei fhuld not harborow Theves.

The Fundation of the Body of the 3 Chirch was made to have bene 60. Foote lengger then it is now.

The Chirch of Strateflere is larg, fide ilid and croffe ilid. By is a large Cloyfter. the Fratry and Infirmitori be now mere Ruines. The Comiteri wherin the Cunteri about doth buri is veri large,and meanely waullid with Stoone. The base Court or Camp

In it be xxxIx. great Hue trees.
afore the Abbay is veri fair and large.


Thens I went a good half Mile by Tiue Vale, and a Mile and a half up the craggi and ftoni Montaines to LLin Tiue, paffing over Ciarduy and ii. Miles beyound a hit to Cregnaulin. If I had goone from thens a Mile of to a hy Hille I might have fene Penlinmon, then distant a v. Miles. The Hilles bytwyxt' LLinne, Tyue and Cragnaugllin were not in fight fo ftony as the Hilles bytwixt Stratfler and LLin Tyue.

I ftanding on Creggenaugllin faw in no Place within fight no Wood but al Hilly Paftures.

From Strateflere I roode by rank, hylli and valley Pastures a ii. Walfche Miles, and fo paffing over Maknant a wild Brooke renning on Rokkes and a nother whos Name I remembre not, cam to the thirde caullid Nantlluys, and therby on the right Hond I saw an Hille caullid Crag John, and fo over Melewen River that therby in fight went ynto Uftwith River.

Or I cam to Melewen I had riden 7 be the Space of a iii. Miles in Comeuftwith.

a Voces fupra lin. defunt in St. & B.

1 [now in them is] almoste no Wood. 2 Caufes be thes. 3 Chrich. Tyue. Llinae Tyue an Cragnauglin. 6 bytwix. 7 bi the.

[blocks in formation]

From Melewen I enterid to the Valley of Uftwith, so narowly with Rokky Montaines enclofid, that in Wynter the Streame occupieth al the Botom of the Valley.

First entering this Botom I faw on the right Hond an Hille caullid Menitheny.


Toward Cregnaullinn.

The first River be fide Tyue that I paffid over was Clardue, that is to fay Blak Clare, no great Streame but cumming Blak Clare. thoroug Cragges. In the farther Side of hit I faw ii. veri poore Cotagis for Somer Dayres for Catel. and hard by were ii. Hillettes, thorough the wich Clarduy paffith, wher they fable that a Gigant ftriding was wont to wasch his Hondes, and that Arture killid hym. The Dwellers fay also that the Gigant was buried therby, and fhew the Place.

Glarduy rifith about half a Mile from that Place in & a Mares, White Clar. and rennyng ii. Walsch Milys in al goith into Clarwen. Clarwen rifith in a Valley not far from LLinynigin Velen, that is a good Mile from Cargnaullinn. After that Clarwen hath receivid Clarduy he rennith a iii. Miles or he cum into Alen River far bigger River then other of s ther of the Clars.

Alen River rifith in the blain or upper Part of Comeuftwith in Cairdiganshire, and renning iiii. Walch Miles cummith into Owy, caullid in Englisch Wy, a litle beneth Rather gowy a Market Toun yn Comemytother. It is caullid Rather Owy bycause it ftondith on Wy River. But or ever I cam to Clarduy, that is about a iii. Mile from Ystradfler, I paffid per Montes præruptos, per paludes & invia Saxa, and cam to LLin Tyue, the wich is in Cumpace a iii. Quarters of a Mile, being ii. Miles be Eaft from Strateflere.

It is fedde fro hyer Places with a litle Broket, and iffueth out againe by a fmaulle Gut. Ther is in it veri good Trouttes and Elys, and noe other Fisch.

From Clarduy to Cragnaullinn is a good Mile by Eft, and ftanding by a Stone on the Top of this Hille I faw v. Poolis by South Weft, wherof the biggest is 3LLinn Heligna, y fhorter Lignante, having no other Fifch but Trouttes and Elys.

a Marihe St. 8 Them for ther in St. Of ther are wanting in Burton. Short St. & B.

1 Menithduy St. 2 South Wefte.
P 2

3 Llinn Helignant St.


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