Principles of Interactive Computer GraphicsBasic concepts. Graphics packages. Interactive graphics. Raster graphics. Three-dimensional graphics. Graphic systems. Vectors and matrices. Homogeneous coordinate techniques. |
GeneralPurpose Graphics Software | 12 |
To Bui Tuong Phong 19421975 | 14 |
Copyright | |
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application program axis B-spline beam Bézier curve character clipping color command language components Computer Display computer graphics control points cursor curve data structure define DELETE display controller display device display file display processor display-file dots drawing edge effect electron endpoints Equation example feedback frame buffer functions geometric graphics package graphics system hardware hidden-surface homogeneous coordinate implement incremental input device instruction integer intensity interactive computer graphics interactive graphics intersections light pen line segments line-drawing display matrix menu methods objects operations output painter's algorithm performed phosphor picture pixel plane point-plotting polygon position priority problem procedure raster display raster graphics raster-scan representation rotation scan conversion scan line scan-line screen coordinate system selection sequence shading shadow-mask shown in Figure simple storage storage-tube display subroutine surface symbol techniques three-dimensional Update user interface user's model values vector viewing transformation viewport visible window