Rooted in Jesus Junior: A Course in Christian Discipleship for Children - Book OneAlison Morgan Rooted in Jesus Junior is a practical and interactive discipleship programme for Africa, written for use with children aged 8 to 14. Designed for use in Sunday Schools, for confirmation preparation and primary or secondary schools, Rooted in Jesus Junior has been adopted by many of the dioceses and networks already using the Rooted in Jesus adult programme. Many leaders have said that Rooted in Jesus Junior offers the first Christian curriculum that they have had for use with children. Rooted in Jesus Junior is contained in six short leader's booklets, translated into the children's first language. In order to allow the children time and space to absorb the material in appropriate ways, each lesson of the adult course has been adapted to form two lessons in the Junior version. Each lesson includes simple interactive activities using commonly available materials, and the only additional resource required is a Bible. The emphasis is placed not on factual learning but on helping the children to apply what they are being taught to their daily lives. Like Rooted in Jesus, Rooted in Jesus Junior is endorsed by the Anglican Communion.