| Latin tongue - 1818 - 200 pages
...have a verb plural, which agrees with the nominative c;ise of the most worthy person : And note, that the first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third : as, a Ego et f'.tu c siunns in tuta. I and thou are in safety. verb, by... | |
 | William Jillard Hort - 1822 - 230 pages
...second ; and with the second person rather than with the third ; agreeably to the rule of Latin Syntax, the first person is more worthy than the second ; and the second person is more worthy than the third ; as, " Thou, he, and I, are the first in the place ;" "thou and... | |
 | Eton coll - 1822 - 214 pages
...have a verb plural, which agrees with the nominative case of the most worthy person. And note, That the first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third ; as, zEgo et btu csumus in tuto. I and thou are in safety. The substantive... | |
 | John Philips Potter - Latin language - 1828 - 436 pages
...horses and mares. There is a similar error, where the grammarians tell us that the first person plural is more worthy than the second, and the second than the third. The reason is rather that the first person plural includes both the second and third : we English,... | |
 | 1830 - 318 pages
...singular require a verb plural, which must agree with the nominative case of the most worthy person. Now, the first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third : as, Ë'go et tu síi'mus in tü'tö. / and ihou are in safety. Tu et pä'... | |
 | M. Dunne - French language - 1831 - 154 pages
...pronoun conjunctive of the most worthy person, and plural number, immediately before the verb. (NB The first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third.) Example : , Elle et moi nous y sommes allés ; She and I went there. We... | |
 | David Booth - 1837 - 360 pages
...observe the Latin rule : — Prima persona dignior est quam secundd, et secunda qudm tertid, — ' The first person is more worthy than the second, and the second than the third.' Accordingly, if any one of the series is in the first person, the Ellipsis is to be supplied by WE;... | |
 | Eton coll - 1838 - 214 pages
...singular have a verb plural, which agrees with the subject of the most worthy person : And note, that the first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third : as, Ego et tu sumus in tuto : I and thou arc in safety. Observe, that... | |
 | Thomas Hill - Greek language - 1842 - 72 pages
...cecidenmt in bello. Part of the men fell in the war. 'Oi irеХаe fJKOvaav. The neighbours heard. The first person is more worthy than the second, and the second than the third. When the verb agrees with two or more substantives in the singular number, joined by a copulative conjunction,... | |
 | T. W. C. Edwards - Latin language - 1846 - 248 pages
...singular require a verb plural, which must agree with the nominative case of the most worthy person. Now, the first person is more worthy than the second, and the second more worthy than the third : as, E'go et tu su'mus in tu'to. / and lhou are in safety. Tu et pa'ter... | |
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