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a composer of differences; and reviewing the statutes of the college, added some regulations to them, to obviate the recurrence of such evils. The next year, 1542 after the defeat of the Scottish army at Solway, the Earl of Cassilis was committed to the care of the Archbishop at Lambeth-which proved afterwards a most favourable circumstance for the reformation in Scotland. For at Lambeth the Earl became attracted by the gentleness and benevolence of the Archbishop, and from begin ning to think well of the Reformers, became a thorough convert to their principles, which he afterwards on his return was mainly instrumental in establishing in Scotland.

A conspiracy about that time was formed against him by the Popish party under Gardiner. He was unexpectedly summoned before the King, who lay off Lambeth in his barge, and as he went on board was accosted by Henry with a charge of heresy; as preferred against him by several ministers of his own diocese. The King, however, soon relieved him of any perplexity, saying that he viewed the matter entirely as a conspiracy on the part of the Archbishop's enemies.

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Commissioners were soon after appointed to examine the evidence against him and by placing the Archbishop at the head of the commission, the King made it sufficiently understood how far he intended to act upon the accusations.

Gardiner, finding Cranmer thus supported by the King, wrote him a most abject letter of apology; which, though a mere artifice, so far succeeded that Cranmer interceded with the King to prevent his laying Gardiner's letters before the House of Lords.

But the death of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, about two years after, deprived the Archbishop of the most sincere and powerful friend that he now possessed at court, and his enemies availed themselves of the opportunity for renewing their attacks. Representing to the King that

nothing effectual could be consulted about religion, so long as the Archbishop sat in council-they prevailed with him, now yielding to age and infirmity, to consent to the committal of the Archbishop to the Tower.

Henry, the evening of the same day, as it grew dark, sent for Cranmer to Whitehall, to intimate to him what had passed. Cranmer immediately expressed his readiness to obey the order. The King, astonished at his simplicity, hinted to him the danger of once entering the Tower, and directing him as to his behaviour before the Council gave him a ring to produce as a token from himself, in case of their proceeding to extremities against him.

At eight the next morning, Cranmer was accordingly called before the Council; and was kept some time, standing at the door among the servants. When he was at last admitted, he was told that they had determined to send him to the Tower. He then appealed to the King, aud finding his appeal disregarded, produced the ring which Henry had given him. The Council were confounded, and immediately adjourned to the presence of the King; who, as soon as they came before him, reproved them in the severest terms for their uncourteous treatment of Cranmer, whose merits, he told them, he knew to be the greatest-and towards whom he expected that regard would be shewn by all who loved himself. In conclusion he obliged them all to embrace the Archbishop, as a sign of their cordial reconciliation.

While he was thus summoned before the Council a motion was made in Parliament by Sir John Goswick, accusing him of having infected the county of Kent with heretical opinions. Here also the malice of his enemies was thwarted by the forward interest of the King in his behalf.

Nor could they ever afterwards carry their point against him so long as the King lived, though they en

deavoured to work his ruin by attacks on his character, accusing him of want of hospitality, and parsimonious use of the Church revenues.

He was, however, far from shewing a vindictive spirit towards them. On the contrary, at the impeachment of the Duke of Norfolk, who had been one of his most inveterate enemies, instead of concurring in the bill of attainder against the Duke, he opposed it with all his might in the House of Lords, as an act of cruel injustice, though it originated with the King: and on his opposition proving fruitless, he retired in disgust to his seat at Croydon.

In the year 1547 happened the death of Henry VIII. Cranmer was sent for at that solemn moment, but arrived too late. He could only request the King to give some token of his dying in the faith of Christ; upon which the King, now bereft of speech, wrung hard the Archbishop's hand, and soon after expired.

By the will of Henry he was placed at the head of the regency of Sixteen. He rarely, however, interfered with state matters, taking the lead in ecclesiastical affairs alone.

His first object now was to settle the supremacy-as the foundation of all subsequent proceedings. With a view to this he set the example of obtaining a new license for himself to exercise his functions, from the young King Edward.

A general visitation was then commenced, by which many Popish abu

Their names were Archbishop Cranmer, Lord Wriothesley, Chancellor; Lord St. John, Great Master; Lord Russel, Privy Seal; the Earl of Hertford, Chamberlain; Viscount Lisle, Admiral; Ton, stal, Bishop of Durham; Sir Anthony Brown, Master of Horse; Sir William Paget, Secretary of State; Sir Edward North, Chancellor of the Court of Aug mentations; Sir Edward Montague, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; Judge Bromley; Sir Anthony Denny and Sir William Herbert, Chief Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber; Sir Edward Wotton, Treasurer of Calais; Dr. Wotton, Dean of Canterbury.

ses were amended and irregularities restrained. Preaching, which was become a mere jargon, was sus pended; and Homilies published and ordered to be read in the Churches; the use of the Scriptures was permitted, and for explanation of them the Commentary of Erasmus was authorized.

These proceedings naturally called forth the jealousy of the Popish party, which was expressed indeed in a remonstrance by the Bishop of Winchester. The work of reformation however still gradually proceeded during the reign of Edward, under the guidance of Cranmer. The severe enactments of the last reigu were soon repealed, both in parliament and convocation. The Catechism was now framed, the Liturgy, and the Canon-law, were new-modelled, principally by Cranmer himself. The office of Confirmation he began to restrict to adults; and introduced many other changes of less import; all with his customary caution and prudence *.

His attention was also directed to the superstitious processions, which by the pomp and display with which they were accompanied so much engrossed the attention of the people.

A bill being brought into parlia. ment for granting some collegiate lands to the King's use, he exerted himself (though ineffectually,) to prevent this measure +.

At the same time he endeavoured to introduce a more liberal spirit of learning into the Universities, which now began to be directed chiefly by him in all their proceedings.

In the midst however of these temperate and beneficial measures, the

* His prudence was too great for the zeal of Calvin, who endeavoured by writing to him to hurry him into more precipitate measures; but Cranmer replied to him with great kindness, and justified to him his mode of proceeding.

+ It was remarkable that on this occasion he appeared at the head of the Popish Bishops and Lords against the Protestant party.

Reformers, not excepting even Cranmer himself, acted on two occasions with an infatuation and a bigotry utterly irreconcileable with their general conduct: in the execution of a woman, named Joan Bocher, or Joan of Kent; and that of a Dutchman, Van Paris, for holding heretical opinions. Cranmer appears to have justified his interference in these instances, by asserting a distinction between errors in other points of divinity, and those contradictory to the Apostles Creed. We cannot, however, but feel hurt, to find such a man, as he was, acting the part, which history attributes to him, in these shocking executions.

pression of the monasteries, and the Popish party seizing the opportu nity for instigating the people to demand a restoration of the Papal system, the Archbishop was employed in composing an answer to the petitions of the disaffected. In this an. swer he admirably reasoned to the capacities of the lower orders, and exposed the absurdity of their claims.

He afterwards proceeded under direction from the Council, to that work which is itself sufficient to immortalize his memory, the composition of the Articles of the Church of England *.

Nor were his cares employed only about the general welfare of the Church. He made himself acquaint

in his diocese and the state of their parishes. In collating to benefices he endeavoured to adapt the Pastor to the flock t. He was very exact in the residence of the Clergy and granted dispensations with caution. He had a strict eye also on their doctrine. To some he recommended the Homilies, and to others proper topics for their sermons.

The palace at Lambeth was now the refuge of persecuted Reformed with the characters of the Clergy ers from various parts of Europe. Amongst those who found an asylum with Cranmer were, Peter Martyr, Bucer, Aless, and Fagius. Martyr he settled at Oxford, as King's Professor of Divinity. Bucer and Fagius in professorships at Cambridge. He also patronized John A'lasco, the exiled Polish nobleman, with the congregation attached to him--John Sleidan, the historian of the Refor mation-Leland the antiquarianand Bishop Latimer, who, after the resignation of his Bishopric, spent the chief part of his life with the Archbishop.

In addition to his patronage of the learned and the worthy, he was engaged in correspondence with Erasmus, with Osiander, Melancthon, Calvin, and Herman, Archbishop and Elector of Cologne.

In the course of his extensive correspondence, one point which was much pressed by him was, a general union of the different Protestant Churches. The leading Reformers on the Continent however, while some of them applauded his intention, could not be brought to take any steps in order to this object.

In the year 1549, insurrections taking place in different parts of the country, in consequence of the distress which followed the sudden sup

He preached also himself often, wherever he visited. In his sermons to the people he was very plain and instructive, insisting chiefly on the essentials of Christianity. In his sermons at Court, or on public occasions, he would declaim, with great freedom and spirit, against the reigning vices of the times.

On the vacancy of any See, be was very watchful to prevent any meditated encroachment on its temporalities.

His advice, indeed, was generally taken in filling up vacant Sees in his province, as well as in appointing to Bishoprics in Ireland. To the Bishops under his jurisdiction, with

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whom he lived on the most harmo. nious terms, he was earnest in recommending, to examine candidates for holy orders with the greatest care, following the Apostle's advice, in laying hands suddenly on no man.

He also took under his protection the reformed congregations of foreigners who fled to England to avoid persecutions ;-procuring churches and establishments for them; and allowing them the choice of their own pastors, and the free exercise of their religion.

In the year 1552, Cranmer lost his most effectual present support in the death of the Protector, the Duke of Somerset. It is much to his honour, that he almost singly resisted the malicious ambition of the Duke of Northumberland, which brought that distinguished individual most unworthily to the scaffold.

Nor was this his only act of resistance to Northumberland. Tonstal, Bishop of Durham, a Papist in his principles, but of exemplary life, had been imprisoned by the Duke, and was in danger of being deprived by a bill of attainder; on this occasion, Cranmer gave proof of that sincere friendship which had subsisted between Tonstal and himself, by joining with Lord Stourton, a zealous Roman Catholic, in opposition to the bill, against the united strength of the rest of the House of Lords.

It now grieved him to see the little care that was taken in supplying the vacant Sees, and other great benefices of the Church. Among all the old ministers Cecil alone had access to the King, and the Archbishop could only direct any appointments by employing him as a medium of communication.


The last public act of Craumer during the reign of Edward regarded the succession to the Crown. this matter he was influenced by the oath which he had already taken in favour of the Princess Mary, and he would not therefore readily con sent to her exclusion in favour of the REMEMBRANCER, No. 71.

Lady Jane Grey. At last, however, he yielded in compliance with the earnest and pathetic entreaties of the young King himself.

With the death of Edward and the consequent accession of Mary in the year 1553 began the troubles of the Archbishop. Anticipating in deed the turn of affairs, he lost no time in ordering his steward to liquidate all his debts, saying; "In a short time perhaps we may not be able;" when the accounts and receipts were brought to him, adding; "I thank God, I am now mine own man; and with God's help am able to answer all the world and all worldly adversities.”

He was first assaulted with calumny. This in general he thought it sufficient to refute by the tenor of his life and actions. But where the interests of religion were involved, he could not be content to remain silent.-A rumour had been spread abroad, soon after King Edward's death, that the Archbishop had offered to sing the mass and requiem at the burial of that King, either before the Queen, or at St. Paul's Church, or any where else; and that he had said, or restored mass already in Canterbury. indeed the Suffragan Bishop* of


Strype informs us that an Act of Parliament was passed in the 26th of Henry VIII. for furnishing the diocese with twentyfort of the Diocesans. He further obsix Suffragans, for the better aid and comserves that, before this Act of Parliament,

Suffragans were not unusual in the realm whom the Diocesan Bishops, either for their own ease, or because of their necessary absence from their dioceses in embassies civil affairs, procured to be consecrated to abroad, or attendance upon the Court, or reside in their steads. Sometimes the Suffragans bore foreign titles, as we meet with the name of "Christopher Sidon," an assistant Bishop to Archbishop Cran mer at ordinations; Episcopus Na vatensis," "Episcopus Roannensis," "Episcopus Negropont," "Episcopus Syinensis," and another assistant of Cranmer at ordinations by the title of "Bishop of Hippolitanum." Sometimes they had no title at all to any place, but were Bishops 4 P


Dover, Dr. Thornden, had done; but without the Archbishop's consent or knowledge. This slauderous report so troubled the Archbishop, that he thought it imperative on him to contradict it, first by a letter to a friend, and then by a public declaration in writing; wherein he both apologized for himself against the scandal, and made a brave challenge, with the assistance of Peter Martyr, and a few more, to maintain, by disputation with any man, the Reformation made during the last reign.

This declaration afforded a ready handle to his enemies for his overthrow. A copy of it being sent to the Queen's Commissioners, he was cited to appear before them, and to bring in an inventory of his goods. What was the precise charge brought against him, on this first occasion, does not appear. But soon after he was called before the Star-chamber, severely questioned and committed to the Tower, partly for his late compliance in the alteration of the succession, partly for his bold avowal of his religious principles. But the chief reason was, the inveterate malice his enemies conceived against him for the divorce of the Queen's mother:the blame of which they wholly laid to him, though Gardiner and other Bishops were as deeply concerned in it as he was.

The Queen coming soon after to the Tower, some of the Archbishop's friends made humble suit for his pardon, and that he might have access to her: but she would neither hear him nor see him.

In the Parliament he was attainted, and afterwards was adjudged guilty of high treason at Guildhall. He was now considered as divested of his archbishopric; and the fruits of it were sequestered.

at large. These were but titular Bishops, and the use of them was to supply the Diocesan's absence, to consecrate churches

and church-yards, and to reconcile them, to assist at ordinations, and confer orders, to confirm the children, and the like. Strype's Cranmer, vol. i.p. 51, 8vo.

It was peculiarly painful to him to be committed on a charge of treason, and this stimulated him to make every submission which might obtain his pardon. His services had been great to Mary, during the life-time of her father, which spoke in his favour; but, on the contrary, the part which he had taken in promoting the divorce of her mother, as well as in conducting the Reformation, had rendered him the object of her hatred. At length, however, he was pardoned on the score of treason; but still kept in prison as a heretic.

He might have saved himself, it appears, by a timely flight from England, as many other eminent men among the Protestants did without scruple; but while he fully justified the conduct of others in shrinking from the trial, he deemed it unworthy of himself, as the principal mover in the late innovations, not to hold his ground to the last.

For some time he remained in the Tower without any further step being taken against him. But at length he was summoned to appear before the Convocation, which having met at St. Paul's, was adjourned to Oxford, and at length assembled there in April 1554. The real presence was the chief point proposed to be settled by the Convocation. mer, it will be remembered, had originally maintained Transubstantiation, but had since been brought, (in the year 1546, the last of Henry VIII.) by argument with Ridley, to a conviction of his error.



To Oxford accordingly he was conducted by the Lord Williams of Thame, together with his two noble companions in suffering, Latimer and Ridley, who, with Bradford also, had been confined with him in the same small apartment in the Tower. therto they had all been treated with some respect: whatever they wanted had been readily supplied, and their own servants had been suffered to attend them; but now all comforts were denied them, and they were ignominiously thrown into the common jail.

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