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their Spirits are low, fo that we are left without a defence, and who must we thank for bringing us into this defpicable condition, but thefe Gentlemen, who notwithstanding this had the face to style themselves the Kings Friends, and all thofe who opposed their practices were Factious and Seditious. They had brought it to that pass that Debates could not be free, if a Gentlemans Tongue happen to lye a little awry in his Mouth, presently he must be called to the Bar, or if that would not do, whenfoever any Gentleman that had a true English Spirit happen'd to fay any thing that was bold; prefently away to seek the King and tell him of it; and often times more than the Truth: And thus they indeavoured to get an ill Opinion in the King of his best Subjects: And their practice was the more abominable, because their Words and Actions gave the occafion to force thofe fimart Expreffions from the Gentlemen that fpoke them, for their honeft hearts were fired, with true Zeal to their King and Countrey, when they beheld the impudence and fallenefs of thole Penfioners.

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It's true we find that in or about the toth year of Richard II. it was indeavoured to get a Corrupt Parliament; for our English Story fays that the King fent for the Juftices and Sheriffs, and enjoyn'd them to do their best, that none should be chofen Knights and Burgeffes, but fuch as the King and his Council fhould name, but we find it could Bot be effected.

The next that occurs to my thoughts is that in the 4th year of Henry IV. the Parliament that was called at Coventry, named the Lay-mens Par

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liament, for the Sheriffs were appointed that none fhould be chofen Knights or Burgeffes, that had any skill in the Laws of the Land

The next that I remember is that in Henry VI. time, in the year 1449, or 50, when the Duke of Suffolk was Accufed by the Commons, and Committed to the Tower, the King Diffolved that Parliament not far unlike our cafe of my Lord D-, but it differs in this, that Suffolk was Committed to the Tower as of right he ought, but we were deny'd that Juftice against Doujou, only Henry VI made the cafes thus far even that he fet Suffolk at liberty after he had Diffolv'd that Par liament: Soon after a Parliament was called wherein great care was taken in choofing of Par liament Men that fhould favour Suffolk: But they' fo far failed of their purpofe, that his appearance at the Parliament gave great diftafte to the Houfe of Commons, and they were fo far incenfed, that they began the Parliament with a fresh Accufation againft him and others: So that you may fee that it was not in the power of the Court to corrupt the

Houfe of Commons.

In the time of Henry VIII about the 20th year of his Reign when the Parliament was active against Pluralities, and Non-Refidence there was an Act paffed to release to the King all fuch Sums of Money as he had borrowed at the Loan, in the 15th year of his Reign; it's faid that it was much oppofed, but the reafon that is given why it paffed is, because the House was moftly the Kings Servants; but it gave great disturbance to the Nation: And this is the only cafe that I can remember that comes any thing near to our Pensioners; but we cannot


find that they or any Parliament took Money to Vote: So that we muft conclude that there was never any Penfioners in Parliament till this Pack of Blades were got together.

Therefore Sir, what will you do? Shall thefe Men escape, fhall they go free with their Booty: Shall not the Nation have Vengeance on them, who had almoft given up the Government: It was they who had perverted the ends of Parliaments:* Parliaments have been and are the great Refuge of the Nation, that which cures all its Diseases, and heals it Soars: But the Men had made it a Snare to the Nation, and at best had brought it to be an Engine to give Money; If therefore these go away unpunifht, we countenance what they have done, and make way to have Pensioners in. every Parliament; but far be any fuch thought from any Man that fits within thefe Walls: And having faid this, I will in the next place humbly offer my thoughts what is to be done.

In the first place I do propofe that every Man of them fhall on their knees confefs their fault to all the Commons, and that to be done at this Bar one by one.

Next, That as far as they are able, that they refund all the Money they have received for secret Service. Our Law will not allow a Thief to keep what he has got, by stealth, but of course orders reftitution, and fhall thefe proud Robbers of the Nation, not reftore their ill gotten goods?

And lastly, I do propofe that they be Voted incapable of ferving in Parliament for the future, or of injoying any Office Civil or Military, and



order a Bill to be brought in to that purpose: For it's not fit, that they who were fo false and unjust in that Truft, fhould ever be trusted again This Sir is my Opinion, but if the House fhall incline to any other way, I fhall readily comply, provided a fufficient mark of Infamy be fet on them, that the People may know who bought and Sold them.

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A King of England at the head of his Parlia


ment is in his full ftrength and power, and in his greatest Splendor and Glory: It is then that he can do great things, and without a Parliament he is not very formidable. Therefore when Kings leave off the ufe of Parliaments, and rely upon the Advice of particular Favourites; they forfake their chiefeft Intereft, they lay afide the Staff that fupports them to lean upon a broken Reed that will run into their hands; and this is proved by the Example of former Kings: What Kings perform'd fuch Enterprizes, and did fuch wonderful things, as thofe who ftill confulted their Parliaments? And who had more the Command of the Peoples Purses than thofe Kings who met the Na tives frequently in Parliament? As Witnefs Her. I. Edw.I. Edw.III. Hen.N,Hen.VIII.Q. Eliz.and what Kings were for mean and obfcure, defpifed by

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