Hakodate, Kanagawa, and Nagasaki (Japan) opened to trade, 1857. Destructive earthquake in Kansuh, 1879. 4th after Trinity. Amoy forts and many junks destroyed by H.M.S. "Blonde," 1840. Treaty of Wanghia with the United States signed, 1844. Colonel Gordon arrived in American Independence declared, 1776. Death of Wo-jen, tutor to the Emperor of China, 1871. Loss of str. "Canton," 1874. 5th after Trinity. First Dutch embassy arrived at Tientsin, 1656. Incendiary fire on Engagement between the American Naval Forces and the Coreans. The Expedition leaves to await instructions, 1871 Amherst's embassy arrived in China, 1816. Str. "Fohkien" wrecked Foreign Inspectorate of Customs established in Shanghai, 1854 on Fisherman's Group, 1865. First English ship reached China, 1635. Lord Napier and Suite arrived in China, 1834. Shimonoseki forts bombarded by the English, French and American squadron, 1873. 6th after Trinity. British trade with China re-opened, 1842. The King of Cambodia arrived on a visit to Hongkong, 1872. Dutch envoy Goyer, asbearer of tribute, received in Peking, 1656. The passage to the Imperial Canal (Yang-tsze) blockaded by the British fleet, 1842. Lieut.-Com. Stopford drowned off Hainan, 1871. Terrible earthquake at Manila; ten lives lost, fifty people injured, damage estimated at $1,000,000, 1880. Nanking captured by the Imperialists, 1863. Ratification at Peking of the new treaties of commerce and emigration between the United States and China, 1881. Amer. Str." Hankow" destroyed by fire at Canton, 1865. St. James. The "Providenza," coolie ship, discovered off Hakodate with only 42 coolies on board and no Europeans, 1868. Steamship "Fsmeralda," lost on Philippine Islands, 1873. 7th after Trinity. Attack on British Protestant Chapel at Fatshan-the "Shan-ShinFan rumours rife, 1871. Admiral Duples arrived at Tientsin, 1870. British trade prohibited at Canton, 1834. Defeat of British forces at Taku, Admiral Hope wounded 1859. Canton opened to British trade, 1843. Terrific typhoon at Canton, Macao, Hongkong 8th after Trinity. Severe typhoon at Macao, 1836. British bark "Caroline Hutching " Death of Mr. Consul Gibson at Amoy, 1869. Mr. T. F. Wade, C.B., appointed H.B.M. Minister at Peking, 1871. Peh-tang occupied by the A lied forces, 1859. Victims of Massacre at Tientsin buried, 1870. British left Macao, 1839. 9th after Trinity. Serious Flood at Tientsin, 1871. British squadron arrived off the Peiho, 1840. Assassination of Mr. Haber, German Consul at Hakodate, 1874. British t oops landed at Nanking, 1842. Sir H. Pottinger and Admiral Parker arrived, 1841. First public meeting of British merchants in Canton, called by Lord Napier, who suggested the establishment of a Chamber of Commerce, 1834. Loss of steamer "Sunshine" of Breaker Point, 1872. Imperial decree ordering release 10th after Trinity. 174 British prisoners executed in Formosa, 1842. Viceroy of Canton tried to starve the foreigners in China, 1839. Kagoshima burnt Second public meeting of British merchants in Canton. British trade stopped by Hong merchants, 1834. French treaty with Siam signed, 1856. Lord Napier ordered by the Viceroy to leave Canton, 1834. Dutch treaty with Japan signed, 1858. Great fire in Hongkong, 1868. 11th after Trinity. First conference between Sir Henry Pottinger and Ki-ying on board the "Cornwallis," at Nanking, 1842. Taku forts taken by the Allied forces, 1860. Emperor Hien Fung died, 1861. Treaty between Japan and Peru signed at Tokio, 1873. Typhoon at Nagasaki, 1874. Governor Amaral (Macao) assassinated, 1849. Ma, Viceroy of Nanking, stabbed, 1870. Seizure of steamer "Spark" by pirates when between Canton and Macao, Capt. Brady and Feliz Ferries murdered, and Mr. Mundy seriously wounded, 1874. Conspiracy among Chinese troops against foreigners at Tientsin detected, 1874. Large meeting in Hongkong to protest against the military contribution demanded by St. Bartholomew. Burning of the P. M. S. S. "America," at Yokohama, 1872. 12th after Trinity. Amoy taken by the English, 296 guns captured, 1841. Lord Amherst's Embassy left for Yuen-ming-yuen, 1816. Slavery abolished in British possessions, 1833. Treaty of Nanking signed, 1842. Conference at Tientsin with Ki-shen, 1840. Loss of the British ship "Deerhound," on the Palawan Shoals, 1875. Severe typhoon on Coast of China, many lives lost, and much damage done to shipping at Hongkong, Macao, and Whampoa, 1848. Typhoon in China Ses, 1861. |