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and Vancouver. But the natural hiftory, and the differtations added by the editor, which compofe more than two-thirds of the whole work, may afford entertainment to fcientific readers, and furnifh navigators and geographers with useful hints. It is entitled "a Voyage round the World, during the Years 1790, 1791, and 1792, by Stephen Marchand; preceded by an Hiftorical Introduc tion. Subjoined, are Refearches on the Auftral Lands of Drake; and a Critical Examination of the Voyage of Roggeween. With Maps and Prints. By C. P. Claret Fleurieu, of the National Institute, &c." in

Eighteenth Century, and particu-, larly of those who have figured in the French Revolution, compiled by a Society of Men of Letters," in three volumes, is not confined to a detail of the principal circumftances in the lives of Frenchmen, but comprehends alfo thofe of foreigners. It is drawn up with ability and fpirit, and is well calculated to excite both intereft and curiofity.' The editors alfo pride themselves on the virtue of impartiality. But they have shown that, they are grofsly deficient in that quality, ignorant, and even malignant, when defcribing the characters of some of our countrymen, The "Hiftorical Ac-5 volumes octavo, and one in quarto, count of the Life and Writings of J. E. Montucla, by A. L. Leblond," is a fhort, but well written life of a celebrated mathematician, whofe important fervices in the caufe of fcience were noticed in the foreign department of our last year's Regifter. From the pen of A. Rouffelin, who formerly was the biographer of general Hoche, we are prefented with "an Hiftorical Account of Marbot, General of Divifion, who died at Genoa in the Spring of 1800;" from which it appears, that he was highly eftimable, not only for his military talents, but for the excellence of his private character, and the humanity of his difpofition. We have alfo feen announced "an Eulogy on Washington, by J. F. Dubrocea;" and "Memoirs of Maria Frances Dumefnil, in Answer to the Memoirs of Hyppolita Clairon; to which are added, a letter by the celebrated Le Kain, and many curious anecdotes concerning the French theatre."-In the following work little will be found in the narrative that is novel, or very interefting to thofe English readers who are converfant in the Voyages of Cook, Portlock, Dixon,

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containing the maps. Marchand's voyage was the second circumnavigation of the globe performed by the French; and the first commercial adventure, undertaken by that nation, to the western coast of North America.-Much curious and interefting information, respecting the prefent ftate of Greece, and the Grecian Islands, the remains of an cient art, and the customs and manners of the inhabitants, may be ob tained from the following work: "Travels of Dimo and Nicolo Stephanopoli in Greece, during the Years 1797 and 1798, in confequence of two Miffions; one by Order of the French Government, and the other by that of the General in Chief Bonaparte; drawn up from their Materials by a Professor of the Prytaneum. With Plates of Drawings, Plans, and Views taken on the Spot," in two volumes.-By men of fcience in particular, and indeed by readers in general, much valuable information, as well as entertainment, will also be found in the following production of an author well known in the annals of literature; a 64 Voyage to the Propontis and the Euxine, with a general Chart

Chart of both thofe Seas; a Topographical Defcription of their Coafts; an Account of the Manners, Cuftoms, and Commerce of their Inhabitants; a particular Map of the Plain of Bruffa, in Bithynia, that of the Thracian Bofphorus, and that of Conftantinople; and a Defcription of the ancient Monuments and modern Edifices of that Capital; by J. B. Le Chevalier, &c." in two volumes.-To the above articles we have to add Nos. VIIXIV. of the fplendid "Picturefque Tour through Syria, Paleftine, Phoenicia, &c.;" "A Journal of a Frenchman to the Salt Mines of Bavaria and Saltzburg, by M. Barbé Marbois;" "A Defcription of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Engfifh Poffeffions in the four Quarters of the World," in four volumes; A "Picturefque Journey to Switzerland and Italy, by M. Cambry, Prefect of the Department of the Oife, &c." in two volumes; "A Journey to Switzerland and Italy, in Company with the Army of the Referve, by V.D. M. Author of the English Cofmopolite, attached to the General Staff of the faid Army;" "A Picturefque and Economical Journey over the Jura, by J. M. Lequínio," in two volumes; "The Inquifitive and Sentimental Traveller, by M. L. Damin;""The Journey of a German to Paris, and his Return through Switzerland;""A Defcription of Rome, Philofophical Obfervations on the prefent State of that Metropolis, the Character and Manner of its Inhabitants, &c. by M. Olivier Pole, tranflated from the Italian;" "Travels of Twenty-four Hours, by A. H. Keratry;" and "Another Picture of Paris, by Henzion."

The laft articles which call for our notice among the productions of the French prefs are fuch as belong to the department of Claffical,

Critical, or Mifcellaneous Literature.

At Strafburg, whither the publi cation of the excellent editions of the claffics which formerly appearedat Deux Ponts has been transferred, and ftill continued, under the care of M. Euler, the following work has been published, after a confiderable delay, the causes of which are explained in the preface. "Ariftotelis Opera omnia Græce: ad optimorum Exemplarium Fidem recenfuit, et novam Verfionem Latinam adjecit J.Th. Buhle," vol. V. It contains the Rhetoric and the Poetics of Aristotle, with the Latin verfion in the margin. -"The Idyllia of Theocritus tranf lated into French, with Remarks by J. L. Geoffroy, formerly Profeffor of Eloquence in the College of Mazarin," we have seen announced, but not with any commendations of the manner in which the author has at tempted to transfufe the fimple ftrains of the Sicilian muse into his native language, or with any favourable account of his critical talents or knowledge in his preliminary obfer vations, and a hiftory which he has added to them of rural poetry.

The Eclogues of Virgil, tranflated into French Verfe, with the Latin Text, accompanied with Tranflations of many Pieces of Theocritus, Mofchus, and Bion, and the Episode of Nifus and Euryalus, by P. F. Tiffot, fenior," is a work which is more commended for fidelity to the fenfe of the originals, than for the fpirit and poetic tafte which it difplays. The notes with which it is accompanied, however, are reprefented to reflect credit on the author's learning and difcrimination.-"The Georgics of Virgil, tranflated into French Verfe by M. de Lille, to which is fubjoined the Latin Text, with Notes, and various Readings," is a performance of a very fuperior caft, and worthy of the poetic fame


of which the author has been long poffeffed. It combines fidelity to the original with fpirit, elegance, and an harmonious flow of numbers, in which the author has very happily imitated the manner of the Mantuan bard, And it reprefents some of the most beautiful, and fome of the most energetic paffages in the Georgics, with a fuccefs which we believe to be unrivaled in any former tranflation. In his preliminary difcourfe, and in his notes, M. de Lille's learning and judgement are advantageously difplayed, and the latter abound not only with inftruction but entertainment. The treatise entitled "On Literature, confidered in its Relation to Social Inftitutions, by Madame de Stael Holstein," in two volumes, is the production of the daughter of the cele brated M. Necker. Its object is, to analyse the moral and political caufes which affect the fpirit of literature; to point out the gradual developement of the human faculties; the flow but continued progrefs of the human mind in philofophy, and its rapid but uninterrupted fuccefs in the arts; and to inquire into the influence which the revolution has already had on the literature of France, with the probable effects that may refult from it, if ever order and liberty, morality and republican independence, fhould be united and eftablifhed. In difcuffing thefe topics, fhe difplays a refpectable fhare of literature and ingenuity; but not unmixed with a confidence in her own talents, which frequently carries her beyond the sphere of her knowledge and judgement, and an affectation of that refinement in fentiment which is fo confpicuous in the popular productions of the German phi lofophical school. We can only add the titles of the following, "The Works never before published of

Madame de Roland, containing her
Philofophical and Literary Effays,
written previous to her Marriage,
her Correfpondence, and her Tra-
vels, &c. the whole preceded by a
preliminary Difcourfe, &c. by L.
A.Champagneux;""New Dialogues
of the Dead, between the most fam-
ous Actors in the French Revolu-
tion, and various celebrated Men,
ancient and modern, by F. Pages;"
"New French Synonymes, by the
Abbé Roubaud, a new Edition,
drawn up in Alphabetical Order,
and carefully corrected and augment
ed," in four volumes; "A Course
of Encyclopedic Studies, drawn up
on a new Plan; containing, 1, the
History of the Origin and Progrefs
of the Sciences, Belles Lettres, Fine
Arts, and thofe called Mechanical;"
2, the Analyfis of their Principles;
3, a detailed Account of the above
Objects, according to the beft Au-
thors, and the most recent Authori-
ties; by F. Pages," in fix volumes;
"An Encyclopedia for youth of both
Sexes, or a new Abridgement of the
Elements of the Sciences and the
Arts, extracted from the best Au-
thors, by Madame H. T." in two
volumes; "Orthographical Vocabu-
lary, according to the Order of the
Sounds; or, a Methodical Defcrip
tion of all the Sounds appertaining
to the French Language, by C. F.
J. Fontaine;" "A new Syftem of
Reading, applicable to all Lan-
guages, by J. B. Maudru, Profeffor
in the Normal School of the De--
partment of the Seine;""A new
portable Bibliographical Dictionary,
or an Effay on univerfal Bibliogra
phy, containing an Indication of the
best Works of all Kinds that have
appeared in France, &c. by N. L. M.
Deffellarts;" "Bievriana, or the Play
on Words of M. de Bievre, a new
Edition, corrected and augmented;"
Idyllia, and a Rural Poem of Gef-



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ner; with an Interlineary Transla, tion by M. Boulard," in 2 volumes; and The Helvetians, a Poem, in Eight Cantos, with Hiftorical Notes, by C. F. P. Maffon." To which might be added a long lift of Mifcellaneous Effays, School Books, Poems, Plays, and Novels.

With refpect to the productions in Spanish Literature, our limits oblige us to content ourselves with barely inferting the Titles of fome of the most important in the lifts which have reached this Country. These are," Benedicti Moxo, de vetuftiffimis Philofophis, ab Atheifmi Crimine vindicandis, Commentarius, ad cl. Vir. Antonium Tavira Salmaticenfis Ecc. Illuft. Epifcopum;""The folitary Sage, or the Knowledge of the adorable and fublime Attributes of the Deity," in two volumes; "Compendium of the facred History of the Old Testament, divided into four Books;" "The Theory of pleafing Sentiments, the whole Syftem of Humanity, wherein is founded the whole Rationale of the Beautiful and Pleafing in Nature and Art, the Rules that Nature follows in imparting virtuous Enjoyment are explained, and the Principles of natural Religion and moral Philofophy are established;" "A Difcourfe on the Way in which the Paffions are exhibited, and in which they are unfolded in the Human Breaft, by Dr. D. Jofeph Gonzales Varela ;" "Difcourfes of D. Jof. Aug. Ibanes de la Rentiera, on Patriotifm, on Juvenile Studies, Forms of Government, and Municipal Establishments;" "The Elements of pure and mixed Mathematics, arranged with Simplicity and Clearners, for the more ready Attainment of fuch ufeful Sciences, by Dr. Ignacio Ro

maza;" "An Elementary Memoir on the new Weights and Decimal Meafures, founded in Nature, by D, C. Gifcar, Captain in the Royal Navy;" "Chemical Difcourfes in the Form of Dialogues;" "Lectures on Sculpture, being an Hiftorical, Theoretical, and Practical Synopfis, of the best Instructions for Youth deftined for the fine Arts of Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture, and alfo for the Improvement of the Tafte and Judgement of Connoiffeurs and Friends of Drawing;" The fourth and fifth Volumes of Cavanilles's accurate and fplendid "Defcription of Plants collected in the Neighbourhood of Madrid," and different parts of Spain, containing a history of 240 new fpecies, many of which belong to genera not before known; "Syftema Botanicum Linnæano-Anomalifticum, five de Anomaliis Plantarum quæ in Syftemate Linnæano obfervantur, Áuctore Vincentio Alphonfo Lorente;" " Elementary Courfe of Botany, arranged by order of the King, for exhibiting the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, by Dr. D. Cafimiro Gomez de Ortega, head Profeffor, &c." in two volumes; "Experiments on Vaccine Inoculation, or an eafy and fecure Means of Prefervation from the Small-pox, from the French of Dr. Colon, by Dr. Francifco de Piguillem;" "Elementary Dictionary of Pharmacy, or, the Application of the Princiciples of modern Chemistry to the Practice of Phyfic, by Dr. D. Manuel Hernandes de Gregorio;" "Hiftorical Dictionary of the most cebrated Profeffors of the fine Arts in Spain, by D. Juan Augustin Cean Bermudez, and published by the Royal Academy of St. Fernando," vol. VI.; "Life and Voyages of Captain James Cook, from


the English of Andrew Kippis, F. R. S. and S. S. A. by D. Cefario de Nava Palatio," in two volumes; Scheme of Spanish Antiquities, under Two general Articles, in Eighty Sections, by D. Louis de Zuniga ;"The Critical Hiftory of Spain, by D. Juan Francifco de Marfden, Abbot," vol. XIX.; "A

Collection of Historical and Critical Letters, by D. Jofeph Villa Roya;" and "A Difcourfe on the Revolutions of Literature among the principal Nations of Europe :" to which might be added numerous articles, under the heads of Tactics, Poetry, Novels, and Mifcellaneous Literature.


5. Hamilton, Printer, Falcon-court, Fices-freet, London.

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