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Common terms and phrases
absorbent absorption agricultural ammonia andromede anthelion assignments atmosphere atoms average become bonds brightness called cent central association compounds cooperative corn Coudersport diameter differential equations discovery distance ether fact farm farmer feeble-minded fertilizers fuchsian functions furnish galactic galaxies George Darwin Germany glaciere caves Henri Poincare high school increase insane intuition investigation Jewish Jews kingdom of Prussia land mortgage association language large nebulae large number less light loans maize mathematics matter mental meteoritic meteorological meteorologists method Michael Sars Milky nitric acid nitrogen non-euclidean geometry Number marked organized period Pfandbriefen phenomena plant Poincare population present problem produced Professor province of Saxony psychoses pupils radiant energy rate of interest ratio relation result rural banks scientific Section secured small nebulae space stars stellar Sweden Valley Sweden Valley Ice teacher temperature teosinte term terminology tion total number universe white nebulae