
Front Cover
Alan Bryman
SAGE Publications, Dec 14, 2001 - Social Science - 1680 pages

Ethnography is one of the most discussed research methods in the social sciences. This outstanding collection brings together some landmark contributions by key figures such as Geertz, Denzin, Whyte, Emerson and Atkinson and Delamont, and a wide variety of issues in the field. It provides a complete guide to the methods, significance and contribution of ethnography and will be an invaluable resource for scholars and students.

Volume 1: The Nature of Ethnography

Volume 2: Ethnographic Fieldwork Practice

Volume 3: Issues in Ethnography

Volume 4: Analysis and Writing in Ethnography

From inside the book


Implications of Personal Experience
Reflexivity in Field Work Ivan Karp Martha B Kendall
Empathy Identification

20 other sections not shown

Common terms and phrases

About the author (2001)

Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.

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