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bers and escaped slaves who laid the foundations of the greatest of empires, and thus of modern civilization. A strange sensation comes over us when we turn from Kenrick's pages of 1855 to the volume before us. Prof. Rawlinson has done for us what Dr. Kenrick did for our fathers; yet how different is the result. If we wish for a standard by which to measure the growth of historical knowledge during one generation, we cannot do better than compare the two volumes. They seem centuries apart. Prof. Rawlinson has had to exercise compression to a far greater extent than his predecessor. We are sorry for this, for his knowledge is, up to our present standards, exhaustive. We have not, however, found any of the more important facts omitted, and we are by no means sure that speculation, even when it has a satisfactory basis to stand upon, is in its proper place in a volume such as the present; in fact, there are several things in the first two chapters where we find it difficult to follow him. When, however, we pass beyond the mythic period, the story is told with striking ability and a sense of proportion which does the writer great credit. The want of an eye for proportion has disfigured many

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED (7th S. vii. of our greater historians. It is a vice which shows small 429).

"There is no food in Orleans," he replied.
Southey, 'Joan of Arc,' bk. vi. l. 41.



A Dictionary of Music and Musicians, A.D. 1450-1889.
Vol. IV. Parts XXIII.-XXV. Edited by Sir George
Grove, LL.D. (Macmillan & Co.)

nunciations of the Hebrew prophets, and are moved to remark that we have here a display of the hatred that one national cult too often bears for another. Those who know what were the horrors of that foul worship will at once understand how the prophets of Judah must have been revolted by practices which run counter to the primal instincts of human nature.

signs of amendment. Prof. Rawlinson is, however, almost entirely free from it. We can, of course, tell what parts of this wonderful tale of splendour and decay interested him the most; but he has not slurred over the dull passages or neglected to stipple in the backgrounds. Nothing can be better than the chapter which deals with the Phoenician colonies, Carthage, Palermo, Malta, and Gades, unless it be the account of Tyre. Here the author comes in contact with the Biblical narrative, and the subject is treated at once with reverence and freedom. The account he afterwards gives of the horrible rites of WITH the three concluding parts Sir George Grove's the Phoenician religion is worthy of careful attention. admirable Dictionary of Music and Musicians' is prac-There are some persons who wonder at the fierce detically completed. It is a sign how different estimate of thoroughness in workmanship than formerly prevailed is now held, that a fifth volume, to consist wholly of index, is promised. It is pleasant to learn that the merits of the work have won recognition, that it has grown steadily in public favour, and that the demand for it is increasing. The three parts which now see the light consist principally of an appendix, issued under the editorship of Mr. J. A. Fuller Maitland, M.A. How important is this is Old Yorkshire. Edited by William Smith, F.S.A.S. New shown in the fact that it occupies six hundred columns. Series. (Longmans & Co.) Under "Brahms" much new matter is given; the MR. SMITH would be the last man to claim for 'Old life of William Byrd has, in consequence of information Yorkshire' a place among the great county histories. He recently obtained, been rewritten. "Dance Rhythm' has gathered together from newspapers and various other is the subject of an important paper. A biography of sources an immense amount of facts-and fictions-reJ. W. Davison is supplied, and under "Liszt," "Men-lating to the "Queen of Counties." No doubt many of delssohn," "Psalter,' "Rome," "Schütz," &c., additions of the utmost importance are made. Up absolutely to date do the final additions carry the work, the dates of death of Josef Gung'l, Jan. 31, 1889; Francis Hueffer (whose biography is in the appendix), Jan. 19; Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley, April 6, 1889; and Carl Rosa, April 30, 1889, being given. The care that marked the production from the beginning becomes increasingly evident as the contributors grow more competent in labour and more practised in research. It is difficult to over-estimate the amount of important information that is embodied in this monumental work.

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Story of the Nations.-Phoenicia. By George Rawlinson. (Fisher Unwin.)

SOMEWHAT more than thirty years ago Dr. Kenrick published his work on Phoenicia. It is a monument of learning. In its pages were stored all that was then known of that great race whose galleys ruled the great inland sea when Jerusalem was a threshing floor and the seven hills of Rome were a thicket, where the beasts of the field had not yet given way to the obscure band of rob

the details in the present volume would have remained buried for many years to come had not Mr. Smith embodied them in his discursive pages. No one who is collecting books published by natives of Yorkshire, or works in any way relating to the county, should pass over Mr. Smith's contributions to the mass of literature that will have to be thoroughly sifted in the days to come before a really trustworthy history of Yorkshire can be written. The history of Yorkshire is the history of every great movement that has taken place in this country north of the Trent. No county can be isolated from its surroundings, and least of all the great northern heart of England.

Old Bibles: an Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible. By J. R. Dore. (Eyre & Spottiswoode.) THIS is a second and much improved edition of Mr. Dore's valuable bibliographical history of the English Bible, and is characterized by the minute and personal acquaintance which he evidently possesses with a large number of exemplara which have from time to time passed through his hands. The collations in every case

who was familiar alike with the Spaniard and English population. Thanks are due to the author for the index, a want often felt by those who read books of travel.

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seem very full and accurate, and a large number of specimen passages, extracted literatim and sometimes in facsimile, relieve the monotony of the technical bibliography, and save it from being a biblion a-biblion. Mr. Le Livre for June 10 contains an excellent portrait Dore points out, among other things, that there was of Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly by M. Henri Toussaint, to little or no demand for the first translations of the Scrip- accompany a brilliant sketch of the eminent poet and tures into English, whatever Foxe may say to the connovelist supplied by M. Uzanne. Portrait and article trary, inasmuch as royal proclamations and penal enact-together furnish a life-like picture of a quaint, distinments had to be put forth in order to stimulate their guished, and striking individuality. M. Fernand Drujon sluggish circulation and force a sale. It argues a continues his profoundly interesting study of La Bibliodeficient sense of the relative proportion and value lytie,' otherwise the voluntary destruction of books. of things when the author devotes a special para- Many books are, of course, destroyed by the authors in graph of his preface to expressing his thanks to the an access of penitence on account of the impurity or the Bishop of Salisbury "for his kind permission to avail ineptitude of the work; others are called in by the himself of the consent [!] of the late Right Rev. family of the writer. The outbreak of the Revolution arLord Bishop of Lincoln to have his name placed on rested or destroyed many important works. Englishmen the title-page." Turning to the title-page itself we find will hear with some astonishment that L'Angleterre what all this réclame is about-merely that "the preface vue a Londres et dans ses Provinces,' by the General to the version of 1611 [is] added at the request of the Pillet, caused so much indignation in this country that late Right Rev. Christopher Wordsworth," &c. This is copies whenever found were destroyed by Englishmen, surely being elaborately thankful for a very small mercy and that the life of the author was in danger. A curious indeed! And why does Mr. Dore use such an ugly mal- MS. in the possession of M. Uzanne is described by M. formation as "duglot "?

Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers. By Arthur Edward
Waite. (Redway.)

WE have abridged a long title. Mr. Waite's compilation
is based on collections made at the beginning of the cen-
tury. He is a believer in the possibility of the trans-
mutation of metals, and thinks that the feat has been
performed. He further thinks he sees how the prin-
ciples of the old alchemists may be applied to the moral
and spiritual elevation of mankind. We have read what
he says, but cannot follow him. Physical science we
know, and also theology; but the strange blending of
two things whose lines are not in real life wont to cross
each other produces an effect which we shall not cha-
racterize further than by saying that it is utterly beyond
our comprehension. There are, we know, not a few who
will be glad to read Mr. Waite's pages. We have done
So as a matter of duty, but pleasure therein we found
none. In these days of rapid and far-reaching discovery
it is not safe, perhaps, to say that anything is impossible
which is not a plain contradiction in terms. We think,
however, we may venture to say that the alchemical
beliefs which Mr. Waite cherishes are as nearly impos-
sible of realization as anything can be. At the end of
the volume is 'A Bibliography of Alchemy and Hermetic
Philosophy,' which some persons may find of occasional


The Breitmann Ballads. By Charles G. Leland. (Trübner & Co.)

To their pretty "Lotos Series " Messrs. Trübner & Co. have added a complete edition-the only one in existence -of the 'Breitmann Ballads.' Many of the ballads are in the possession of Mr. Trübner, and are still copyright. The new volume of the series cannot fail to be attractive. It has a capital glossary, due to Mr. Nicholas Trübner. Somewhat more than mere occasional verses are these clever productions of Mr. Leland, and the collection will have enduring interest. Not a few of the poems have established a position in literature. pretty and amusing a gift-book as this volume constitutes does not often see the light.


Travel Tide. By W. St. Clair Baddeley. (Sampson Low & Co.)

THIS is a pleasant book, albeit it contains nothing very new. We seem to have heard it all before, yet we are quite content to listen to it again under Mr. Baddeley's guidance. The account of Buenos Ayres is well worth reading, and could only have been written by some one

G. Dancieux.

A BIBLIOGRAPHY of Mr. Ruskin, to be edited by Mr. Thos. T. Wise, honorary secretary of the Shelley Society, will shortly be issued in a quarto volume. Not more than 250 copies will be issued, and of these many are already subscribed for. Mr. G. C. Moody, assistant secretary of the Ruskin Reading Guild, 27, Knowle Road, Brixton, S.W., receives applications.

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices:
ON all communications must be written the name and

address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but
as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications correspondents must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate."

O. S. ("Bibles").-The edition printed at Carmarthen by John Ross, 1789, is, apparently, a reprint of that published in Edinburgh, 1770. The Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, by which it was recommended, is still in existence, and is certainly not confined to Wales.

EDWIN HERON ("Recitations").-Apply to Messrs. French & Co., in the Strand.

HENRY DRAKE ("Position of Pulpit").-See ante, p. 394, under Pulpits in Churches.'

J. RUTGERS LE ROY ("Claypole Family ").-1 S. v. 298, 381; xi. 384, 472; 2nd S. viii. 114, 382, 392, 456; 4th S. x. 418, 476; xi. 66; 5th S. vi. 108.

GUALTERULUS ("Disremember ").-We have known this word for a quarter of a century.

CORRIGENDUM.-P. 477, col. 1, 1. 27 from top, for "Epoetræ " read Epocha.


Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries ""-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher "-at the Office, 22, Took's Court, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, E.C.

We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception.

In 2 vols. crown 8vo. with 2 Portraits, 248.




From LE LIVRE, May 10, 1889. "C'est l'histoire d'une de ces publications que nous donne M. John C. Francis dans le pieux monument qu'il a élevé à la mémoire de son père, John Francis, éditeur du journal the Athenæum. La chronique littéraire d'un demi-siècle est bien là tout entière, comme le dit le sous-titre de l'ouvrage, et non pas seulement la chronique littéraire du Royaume-Uni, ni même des pays de langue anglaise, mais-dans des proportions moindres, sans doute celle de tout le monde civilisé, car the Athenæum embrasse dans son cadre le mouvement intellectuel du genre humain.

"En ces deux premiers volumes, l'auteur, entraîné par la grandeur et l'intérêt de la partie la plus générale de son sujet, fait surtout l'histoire du journal avec lequel son père identifia, si l'on peut dire, la meilleure portion de sa vie. Il nous promet un troisième volume, formant un tout à part et plus spécialement consacré aux faits personnels et intimes, aux événements de famille, dont le souvenir vaut d'être conservé. Toutefois, il a cru bon, et tout le monde sera de son avis, d'imprimer, dès le début de l'ouvrage, une concise et modeste autobiographie adressée par John

Francis à son fils.......

·M. John C. Francis......a suivi pas à pas, avec une exactitude, un soin, un respect, que réchauffent l'amour de l'œuvre commune et la conscience du bien accompli, la marche de l'Athenæum de 1831 à 1882.

"Nous ne suivrons pas, même de loin, la narration de M. John C. Francis, grosse de tous les Cette livraison faits littéraires d'un demi-siècle. ne suffirait pas à en donner une analyse intelligible à nos lecteurs......

"Ces deux beaux volumes sont ornés, en outre du fac-similé de l'estampe de Malines (1418) dont nous parlions plus haut, des portraits de John Francis et de Charles Wentworth Dilke. éditeurs, MM. Richard Bentley et Fils, n'ont rien épargné pour les rendre, par les soins matériels et l'exécution typographique, dignes des trésors


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From the DAILY TELEGRAPH, May 7th, 1889. "A very interesting epoch of literary advancement is included in the period covered by the two volumes, John Francis: a Literary Chronicle of Half a Century.' In these chapters Mr. John C. Francis treats at great length of the rise of the Athenæum, of which paper his father was, for almost the whole of his busy life, the successful publisher. There is, in fact, far more regarding that excellent periodical, which James Buckingham at its birth in 1828 is said to have intended to make, like the Athenæum of antiquity, the resort of the most distinguished philosophers, historians, orators, and poets of the day,' than there is of matter strictly dealing with the particular subject of the memoirs, The compiler explains, with regard to this, his intention of adding a supplementary volume which shall put right the omission. So far as he goes at present he traces step by step, with evidence of careful research, the rise and useful life of our famous critical journal, the list of whose contributors includes most of the names which the last half-century has made famous. Where the narrative touches upon the personality or labours of them it is pleasant reading, and where......the volumes deal with the swift growth, the superabundant vitality, and endless resource of the times, we read them with the interest which such matter must always command."

London: RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, New Burlington-street,
Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen.

[blocks in formation]

Sold at all Railway Bookstalls, Booksellers', and Newsvendors', or can be supplied direct
from the Office, 26, Wellington-street, Strand.

WEEKLY NUMBERS, 10s. 10d. and MONTHLY PARTS, 12s. 6d. for the year, postage included.
Post-Office Orders should be made payable to HENRY WALKER, 26, Wellington-street, Strand.
Printed by JOHN C. FRANOIS, Athenæum Press, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said
JOHN C. FRANCIS, at No. 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, EC.-Saturday, June 22, 1889.

[blocks in formation]


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With one exception the Essays in these Volumes are a selection of what seem to be the most generally interesting and valuable among the many papers and articles published by Mr. Pattison between the years 1845 and 1882. The fragment on the Life of Joseph Scaliger is printed from the Author's MS., and forms part of his unfinished Life of Scaliger.

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