Strengthening the Rule of Law in Europe: From a Common Concept to Mechanisms of Implementation

Front Cover
Werner Schroeder
Hart Publishing, 2016 - Legal certainty
The European Union and the rule of law? state of affairs and ways of strengthening / Werner Schroeder -- Principle of legality and the hierarchy of norms / Franz Merli -- Access to justice and judicial independence : is there a role for the EU? / Attila Badó and János Bóka -- Transparency as part of a European rule of law / Inger Sterdahl -- Legal certainty / Anna Gamper -- The principle of proportionality / Peter M Huber -- The council of Europe and the rule of law / Jorg Polakiewicz and Jenny Sandwig -- The rule of law in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights / Elisabeth Steiner -- The rule of law in the recent jurisprudence of the ECJ / Thomas von Danwitz -- Reinforcing rule of law oversight in the European Union : key options / Carlos Closa and Dimitry Kochenov -- The EU rule of law framework / Emanuel Crabit and Nicolaas Bel -- Global activities and current initiatives in the Union to strengthen the rule of law? a state of play / Andreas Kumin -- Managing the rule of law in a heterogeneous context : a fundamental rights perspective on ways forward / Gabriel Toggenburg and Jonas Grimheden -- The rule of law in European policy : a parliamentarian's view / Eva Lichtenberger -- The rule of law and constitutionalisation of the European Union / Monica Claes and Mateo Bonelli.

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