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nine and ten. This is the general and conftant round of his Catholic majefty's life.

Don Carlos, on the 19th of June 1739, married Maria Amelia Chriftina, daughter of Auguftus III. king of Poland, and elector of Saxony. She was born on the 24th of November 1724; and died at Madrid the 27th of September 1760. She had iffue by him fix fons and two daughters.

His majefty is referved beyond the common reserve of princes, has no confidant, and communicates his will only by his orders to put it into execution. He can neither be led nor driven; all must come from himself. He allows no minifter to remonftrate or argue with him: and

he engaged in the late war with England contrary to the fentiments of his minifters, and in direct oppofition to the voice of the whole nation.

It was expected, in 1731, that upon our introduction of Don Carlos and his garrifons into Italy, in confequence of the treaties of Vienna, that the Spaniards would award full reparation to our injured merchants; but that was very far from proving the cafe and fince his acceffion to the crown of Spain, we have experienced nothing but the fame fort of favour from the hands of this prince, who we first made a king, and whofe fon is now fuffered to hold the kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

Ceremonies of a Royal Funeral in Spain.

THE late queen of Spain, con

fort of the prefent king Charles III. died September 27, 1760, aged 35, after fhe had reigned only one year and fourteen days. She was a daughter of the present king of Poland, and had fuffered greatly for the diftreffes of her father, who had been driven from his electorate by the king of Pruffia : she had lived twenty years with his prefent majefty. She was in a bad ftate of health when he came first into Spain, catched the measles at Saragofa, then a cold: and afterwards was taken ill with a fever and flux at St. Ildefonso, in September, and upon its increase returned to Madrid; when both thofe diforders ftill kept harrafling and weakening her, till they at laft ended in a delirium and mortification,

Every art of phyfic was used to fave her, and every Spanish faint invoked, but all in vain. They brought the image of St. Ifidro to her, and fome were fetched even from Toledo and Alcala de Henares: but neither the interpofition of faints nor fubjects could avail any. thing; though all the churches of Madrid were crowded with people, offering up prayers for her recovery, fate was inexorable, and death relentless. The nuncio came and gave her the laft papal benediction, and by that means conveyed to her the first notice of her approaching diffolution; the received the fhock with fome furprize, but with much piety, refignation, and refolution. Upon her obferving to the nuncio the infignificance and emptiness of all human grandeur; and that it


was now of no advantage to her, that the ever was a queen-he replied, "Your majefty has certainly had much greater opportunities of doing good, and which have not been neglected." She lingered a day or two after this, till the delirium came on, attended with convulfions, and at length expired about three o'clock in the after


"The next day fhe was laid in ་ ་ state in the Caffon, or great hall of the Buen Retiro; fhe lay upon a fpond covered with gold tiffue, under a canopy of ftate: fhe was dreffed in a plain cap, tied with a broad white fattin-ribband, and with a fmall black egret over her fore-head: on each fide the fpond were fix large girandoles, of Mexican filver, about four feet high, with large tapers burning, and round the room were several altars with gold and filver candlesticks. On the right-hand fide of the spond, at the feet, knelt the duchefs of Medina Sidonia, behind her another lady of distinction, and then an exempt, and on each fide ftood two purfuivants bearing the crown and fceptre. The ladies were relieved every hour by others, such as the duchefs of Burnombile, the duchefs of Arcos, &c. but the pursuivants were obliged to remain the whole twenty-four hours. Thus lay

proceflion began from the gate of the Buen Retiro in this order: first came forty Carmelite monks on horseback, each with a torch in one hand, and the bridle in the other; then as many Cordeliers, and laft of all the Dominicans, all with torches in their hands: then a body of the guards on horseback, without tapers, headed by the duke of Veraguez, or duke of Berwick. These were followed by the Sacrift in his cope, bearing a gold crucifix, at the head of the curates. Then the state-coach with the queen's body, followed by two Caroffes de Refpe&t; then the duke of Alva; behind him the Inquifitor-general, with fome other people of diftinction, fuch as the duke of Arcos, &c. then followed another body of the guards, and last of all a fuite of coaches. These were obliged to travel in this manner all the night, with their torches burning, which must be a vast expence ; it being eight leagues to the Efcurial, and they propofed burying her majefty about eight o'clock the next morning. The Monks are paid for this journey, and they commonly share the tiffue pall between them. And thus ended the folemnities of this funeral, which I fhall conclude with the moral of our English poet :


the queen all that day and night; A heap of duft alone remains of on the 29th fhe was carried to the Efcurial in this manner: about feven o'clock in the evening the

''Tis all thou art, and all the Great fhall be.'


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Some Acccount of the City of MANILA, its Situation, Manufactures, and Trade to Acapulco, &c. &c.

With an accurate Map of the PHILLIPPINE ISLANDS.

T HE city of Manila is fituated on the ifland of Luconia, the largest of the Philippine islands, being 400 miles long; in fome places 200, in others not 100 miles broad. It is fituated in the Pacific Ocean, between 117 and 123 degrees of Weft longitude, and between 12 and 19 degrees North latitude; about 300 miles South Eaft from China.

The inland of Luconia is eftmated to be extremely healthy it produces all the fruits of the warm climates: the water found upon it is faid to be the best in the world. The inland abounds in a most excellent breed of horses, fuppofed to be carried thither firft from Spain. The bay and port of Manila, which lies on its western fide, is perhaps the most remarkable on the whole globe; the bay being a large circular bafon, near ten leagues in diameter, great part of it entirely land-locked. On the east fide of this bay ftands the city of Manila, which is large and populous; an which in the year 1738, was only an open place, its principal defence confifting in a small fort, which was almost surrounded on every fide by houfes; but during the war that was ended by the treaty of Aix la Chapelle, confiderable additions were made to its fortifications.

The Philippine islands were difcovered by the Spaniards about the year 1519. Being not far diftant from thofe places which produced fpices (of which the Portuguese held at that time the envied poffeffion) and being very well fituated for the Chinese trade, and for the commerce of other parts of India, a communication was foon established, and carefully fupported, between thefe iflands and the Spanish colonies on the coast of Peru: whence the city of Manila became in a fhort time the market for all Indian commodities, which were bought up by the inhabitants, and annually fent to the South Seas to be there vended on their account. And the returns of this commerce to Manila being principally made in filver, the place by degrees grew extremely opulent. In the infancy of this trage it was April, 1763.

carried on from the port of Calao to the city of Manila, in which navigation the trade wind continually favoured them; fo that notwithstanding these places were diftant between three and 4000 leagues, yet the voyage was often made in little more than two months: But then the return to Manila was extremely troublesome and tedious, and is faid to have fometimes lafted above a twelvemonth, by their attempting to ply up within the limits of the trade winds. But this course was foon laid atide by the advice of a Jefuit: and in compliance with the new plan of navigation, which has been followed for at least 160 years paft, and to fhorten the run both backwards and forwards, the staple of the commerce to and from Manila was removed from Calao on the coaft of Peru, to the port of Acapulco on the coaft of Mexico.

The trade carried on from Manila to China and different parts of India, is principally for fuch commodities as are intended to fupply the kingdoms of Mexico and Peru. Thefe are, fpices and all forts of Chinese filks and manufactures; particularly filk ftockings, of which it is faid that no lefs than fifty thousand pair are the ufual number shipped in each cargo; vaft quantities of Indian ftuffs, as callicoes and chints, which are much worn in South America, together with other minuter articles, as goldfmiths work, &c. which is principally wrought at the city of Manila itself by the Chinese; for it is faid there are at least 20,000 Chinese who conftantly refide there, either as fervants, manufacturers, or brokers. All these different commodities are collected at Manila, thence to be tranfported annually in one or more ships to Acapulco.

This trade to Acapulco is not laid open to all the inhabitants of Manila, but is confined by very particular regulations, fomewhat analagous to thofe by which the trade of the regifter fhips from Cadiz to the West-Indies is reftrained. The fhips employed in it are all the King's fhips, commisioned, and paid by him: and the

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