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abroad, wifdom and doctrine here in this land fought; and how we the fame now must get abroad, if we would have them.

"So clean has learning fallen among the English nation, as that there have been very few on this fide Humber, that were able to understand the English of their fervice, or turn an epiftle from Latin into English; and I wot there were not many beyond Humber that could do it. There were fo few, as that I cannot bethink one on the fouth fide of the Thames, when I first came to reign. God Almighty be thanked, that we have ever a teacher in pulpit now, Therefore, I pray thee, that thou do (as alfo I believe thou wilt) beflow that wisdom that God has given thee, on all about, on them thou can't bestow it; think what punishment shall for this world befall us, when, as neither we ourfelves have loved wisdom, nor left it to others; we only loved the names that we were Chriftians, and very few of us the duties. When I minded all this, methought also that I saw, before all was fpoiled and burnt, how all the churches throughout the English nation ftood filled with books and ornaments, and a great multitude of God's fervants; and at that time they wift very little fruit of their books, because they could understand nothing of them; for that they were not written in their own language. So they told us, that our ancestors, that before us held thofe places, loved wildom, and through the fame got wealth, and left it us. A man may here yet fee their fwath; but we cannot enquire after it, because we have let go both wealth and wif

dom; for that we would not ftoop with our minds to the feeking of it. When I thought of all this, then wondered I greatly, that their goodly wife men, that were every where throughout the English nation, and had fully learnt all thofe books, would turn no part of them into their own language: but E then again quickly anfwered myfelf, and faid, they weened not that men ever fhould become fo rechlefs, nor that this learning would fo decay; therefore they willingly let it alone, and wot that here would be the more wifdom in the land, the more languages that we underflood.

"Then I called to mind how that the law was firft found written in the Hebrew fpeech; and after that the Greeks had learned it, then turned they it into their own fpeech wholly, and alfo all other books. And then the Latin people, a little after they had learned it, they tranflated all, thro' wife interpreters, into their own language; and all other Chriftian. people alfo have turned fome part thereof into their own tongues.

"Therefore, methinketh it better, if you fo think, that we alfo, fome books that he deemed most needful for all men to understand, into that language turn; that we all know, and that we bring to pass, (as we eafily may with God's help, if we have quietness) that all the youth of freeborn Englishmen (such as have wealth, that they may maintain them) he committed to learning, that, while they of no other note can; they firft learn well to read English writing; afterwards, let men further teach, in the Latin tongue, thofe that they will further


teach, and have to a higher degree.

"When I minded how this learning of the Latin tongue, heretofore, was fallen through the English nation, though many could ftill read English writing; then began I, among diverfe and manifold bufineffes of the kingdom, to turn into English this book, (which in Latin is named Paftoralis, and in English the Herdman's book) fometimes word for word, fometimes understanding for understanding, even as I learned them of Plegmond my archbishop, of Affer my bishop, and Grimbald my Mafs prieft, and John my mass priest. After that I had

learned of them how I might best understand them, I turned them into English, and will fend one to each bishop's fee in my kingdom; and upon each there is a stile, that is, of fifty marks. And I command, on God's name, that no man the ftile from the books, nor the books from the minister, take; feeing we know not how long there fhall be fo learned bishops as now, God be thanked, every where there are. Therefore, I would they should always remain in their places, except the bishop will have them with him, or that they be lent fome whether, until that fome other be written out." Your's, &c.

The Marquis of Granby's Letter of Thanks to the British Forces in Germany.


Munfler, January 1, 1763. ORD Granby has hoped to have had it in his power to have feen, and taken his leave of, the troops, before their embarkation for England; but a fevere illness having detained him at Warbourg, and his prefent ftate of health obliging him to take another rout, he could not leave this country without this public teftimony of his entire approbation of their conduct, fince he has had the honour of commanding them.

These fentiments naturally call for his utmost acknowledgments; he therefore returns his warmeft thanks to the generals, officers, and private men, compofing the whole British corps, for the bravery, zeal, difcipline, and good conduct, he has conftantly experienced from every individual; and his moft particular and perfonal thanks are due to them for their ready obedience, upon all occafions, to fuch orders as his fta

tion obliged him to give.

His beft endeavours have always been directed to their good, by every means in his power; and he has the fatisfaction to think he has fome reafon to flatter himself of their being convinced, if not of the efficacy, at leaft of the fincerity, of his intentions, if he may judge by the noble return their behaviour has made him; a behaviour, that, while it fills him with gratitude, has endeared them to their king and country, and has covered them with glory and honour.

Highly fenfible of their merit, he fhall continue, while he lives, to look upon it as much his duty, as it will for ever be his inclination, to give them every poffible proof of his affection and esteem; which he fhould be happy to make as apparent as their valour has been, and will be confpicuous and exemplary to after-ages.

Obfervations on the Conflitution and People of England.

IT is I think generally allowed

that bad measures have introduced many disorders into the ftate, which, if not timely corrected, muft neceffarily be the caufe of the lofs of our liberty; and yet every one is unconcerned at this terrible confequence, that not one perfon hath laid before the publick a regular fyftem for abolishing thefe dangerous errors, and reftoring our conftitution to its primitive vigour. This therefore I propofe to attempt, as every day brings the danger more near, and if I prove unequal to the task, this fatisfaction will remain, that I have endeavoured to ferve my country.

To effect this defign, it is neceffary to begin at the fource of the calamity; for if the fountain be turbid, the ftream flowing from it cannot be pure. I fhall therefore, without any further apology, fay, that parliaments are greatly changed fince the beginning of the two laft centuries. At that time the principal gentlemen of the feveral counties were so far from being candidates at elections for members of parliament, that they were preffed into the service of their country; and the electors confidered this honourable employment as a heavy burthen, and accordingly allowed their reprefentatives penfions for their expence and trouble. How elections are managed at prefent, our enemies will tell with pleafure. As to my part, I fhall only mention that elections in this age create heart-burnings among neighbours, and fometimes an inveterate hatred, which probably would ceafe, if no February, 1763.

profit would arife from thence to

the electors, or elected. The confequence of thefe divifions among country gentlemen at elections, is too frequently an extravagance they are unable to fupport, though they too often perfevere by way of revenge on their political enemies, till ruin overtakes themfelves and families. With regard to the bur roughs, the prefent method of canvafing at elections, hath introduced an indolence and licentioufnels in thefe places fcarce to be credited; nor is it uncommon for the poorer fort of voters to borrow money on the credit of the next election, where there are three or four years to come, provided no accident happens to bring one on fooner.

It is now time to think of pointing out a remedy for thefe growing evils before they arrive at maturity; but this is no eafy tafk. However, in my opinion, the best and fafeft method for obtaining this object of our wishes, is, to procure an act of parliament for taking away from all cities, towns, and burroughs, in England and Wales, the right of electing members of parliament, the city of London alone excepted; and vefting the above privileges in the different counties by a proper diftribution, according to the value of lands and number of inhabitants in each county. The city of London to be allowed twelve members.

In the above-mentioned act, it is neceffary to have the two following claufes:

ift. That every perfon intitled to vote at the county elections, N fhould

fhould at least have ten pounds a year.

zd. That any perfon in poffef'fion of a place of honour or profit under the crown, or whoever fhould accept of any at the time he enjoys a feat in parliament, his feat to be vacant; and fuch perfon or perfons declared incapable of fitting in the houfe of commons, whilft he or they held any place as aforefaid, except the following perfons, who fhould be without election members of parliament by their feveral pofts, during the time they hold their faid offices. The two fecretaries of ftate, if commoners; the chancellor of the exchequer, and fuch other lords of the treafury as the king fhall pleafe to nominate; two of the lords of the adiniralty; two of trade and plantations, nominated by the crown; one general-officer, alfo nominated by the king; the fecretary at war, and the attorney and follicitor general. These will be fully fufficient to manage the bufinefs of the crown.

Many inconveniences arife from the various tenures in England; they hinder the copyholders and tenants of customary lands from planting or fearching for mines: and the burthen is fo heavy on the tenants of the cuftomary lands in Cumberland and Weftmoreland, that one might be almoft induced to think the legislature let them remain in this wretched condition, to fhew the rest of the people of England, how dreadful a thing it is to live in a flate of slavery. Nor is this all; they deprive a confiderable number of his majefty's fubjects of having a share in the legislature.

Had I only related this laft grievance, I believe the reader would

think it reafonable that no other tenures fhould be left in England than freehold and leafehold; and with regard to the duke of Cornwall, he might have full fatisfaction out of the crown lands for any loss he might fuftain by this means.

The difficulty would not be great in this point. Let an act of parliament be paffed, to oblige all lords of manors to make their tenants free, whenever any of them fhall apply to their lords for this purpofe, on condition they pay the value of the purchase down, or give the lord fuch fecurity as he shall approve for the payment of the purchase money. The fum feems to be computed in proportion to the value of freehold lands in the manor; or if there are few or no freehold eftates in fuch manor, let the estimate be made either according to the value of freehold lands in the county where the manor lies, or from fome freehold lands in the neighbourhood; for the fituation, or nature of the foil, may vary the price, and render them more or lefs valuable than other freehold lands in the county.

I hope it will not be thought improper to mention, that the act of Scandalum Magnatum gives the nobles a fuperiority over the commons, which feems to me inconfiftent with the nature of our conftitution; and therefore could wish to fee it repealed, as there are other laws fufficient to fecure all ranks of people from infults of every kind.

Priviledge of parliament is grown fo extenfive, that we hardly know its bounds; a law therefore fhould be made, that the fubject aggrieved may fo have liberty to carry on his fuits in the courts of juftice againft


the members of both houfes during every feffions of parliament, fubject, however, to a ftop of execution till the priviledge expires, and that to go no further than as the law now ftands. I would not plead for this conceffion, if I thought it could in any manner interfere with their publick duty; but as the bufinefs of the law is at prefent carried on by attornies, follicitors, and counfellors, the plaintiffs and defendants are feldom called upon, unless some writing be brought to fign, an oath required to be taken, or money be wanting to carry on the suit.

To these things I would add a general register for estates.

I have now finished the first part of my plan, and flatter myself, that if the laws mentioned in it were to

be made, they would greatly contribute to the public utility; for the crown, for inftance, would be always fupported without oppofition in every thing necessary to make the prince great, and the people happy. Perhaps a great faving to the crown would be the confequence, where by the fovereign would be better enabled to bestow a royal bounty, whenever merit claimed, or the unfortunate worthy deferved fuch indulgence. Thefe laws would alfo move a great incitement to military virtue in our youth, when they perceived that merit alone was the ftandard of promotion, and the only way of obtaining a general's battoon, or a naval flag, was to exhibit a lift of their exploits in the fervice of their country.

The Story on which the new Tragedy of Elvira is founded. From Father De Vafconcellos's Latin Abstract of the Hiftory of the Kings of Portugal.


ON Pedro was born at Coimbra, the latter end of April, in the year 1320; and at the age of thirty-feven, on the death of his father Alphonfo, fucceeded to the crown, being then, by the untimely death of his wife Conftantia, a widower. This princess was daughter of John Emanuel, and dying in the bloom of youth, in child-bed of her third child, was, for her excellent accomplishments, fincerely lamented by the whole kingdom.

There was then among the ladies that frequented the court, a young and noble virgin named Agnes de Caftro, whofe father, Don Pedro Ferdinando de Caftro, being defcended from the chief grandees of

Galicia, was nearly related to the kings of Caftile and Portugal. With her, on account of her unparalleled beauty and mental endowments, the prince was ardently in love, even in the life-time of his wife Conftantia. And after her decease, by a difpenfation from the Pope, he was privately married to her, intending, when he became king, to acknowledge her publicly for his wife. But fome of the nobles, either through hatred or envy, fearing, perhaps, that the relations of Agnes would be highly promoted, difclofed this affair to the king Al. phonfo; and urged the death of Agnes, as being of the utmost confequence to the peace and quiet of N 2


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