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Where the lady-fern grows strongest,
Where the morning dew lies longest,
Where the black cock sweetest sips it,
Where the fairy latest trips it:
Hie to haunts right seldom seen,
Lovely, lonesome, cool and green,
Over bank and over brae,
Hie away, hie away.

"Do the verses he sings," asked Waverley, "belong to old Scottish poetry, Miss Bradwardine?"

[French chasseurs, faire la curée) with his own baronial couteau de chasse. After this ceremony, he conducted his guest homeward by a pleasant and cir cuitous route, commanding an extensive prospect of different villages and houses, to each of which Mr. Bradwardine attached some anecdote of history or genealogy, told in language whimsical from prejudice and pedantry, but often respectable for the good sense and honourable feelings which his narrative displayed, and almost always curious, if not valuable, for the information they contained."

"I believe not," she replied. "This poor creature had a brother, and Heaven, as if to compensate to the family Davie's deficiencies, had given him what The truth is, the ride seemed agreeable to both the hamlet thought uncommon talents. An uncle gentlemen, because they found amusement in each contrived to educate him for the Scottish kirk, but other's conversation, although their characters and he could not get preferment because he came from habits of thinking were in many respects totally opour ground. He returned from college hopeless and posite. Edward, we have informed the reader, was broken-hearted, and fell into a decline. My father warm in his feelings, wild and romantic in his ideas supported him till his death, which happened before and in his taste of reading, with a strong disposition he was nineteen. He played beautifully on the flute, towards poetry. Mr. Bradwardine was the reverse of and was supposed to have a great turn for poetry. all this, and piqued himself upon stalking through He was affectionate and compassionate to his bro-life with the same upright, starched, stoical gravity, ther, who followed him like his shadow, and we think which distinguished his evening promenade upon the that from him Davie gathered many fragments of terrace of Tully-Veolan, where for hours togethersongs and music unlike those of this country. But the very model of old Hardyknuteif we ask him where he got such a fragment as he is now singing, he either answers with wild and long fits of laughter, or else breaks into tears of lamentation; but was never heard to give any explanation, or to mention his brother's name since his death." "Surely," said Edward, who was readily interested by a tale bordering on the romantic, "surely more might be learned by more particular inquiry." "Perhaps so," answered Rose; "but my father will not permit any one to practise on his feelings on this subject."

Stately stepp'd he east the wa',
And stately stepp'd he west.

As for literature, he read the classic poets, to be sure, and the Epithalamium of Georgius Buchanan,' and Arthur Johnstone's Psalms, of a Sunday; and the Delicia Poetarum Scotorum, and Sir David Lindsay's Works, and Barbour's Bruce, and Blind Harry's Wallace, and the Gentle Shepherd, and the Cherry and the Slae. But though he thus far sacrificed his time to the Muses, he would, if the truth must be spoken, have been much better pleased had the pious By this time the Baron, with the help of Mr. Saun- or sapient apothegms, as well as the historical narderson, had indued a pair of jack-boots of large di-ratives, which these various works contained, been mensions, and now invited our hero to follow him as presented to him in the form of simple prose. And he he stalked clattering down the ample stair-case, tap-sometimes could not refrain from expressing contempt ping each huge balustrade as he passed with the but of the "vain and unprofitable art of poem-making,' of his massive horse-whip, and humming, with the in which, he said, "the only one who had excelled in air of a chasseur of Louis Quatorze,

Pour la chasse ordonnée il faut preparer tout,
Ho la ho! Vite ! vite debout.



THE Baron of Bradwardine, mounted on an active and well-managed horse, and seated on a demi-pique saddle, with deep housings to agree with his livery, was no bad representative of the old school. His light-coloured embroidered coat, and superbly barred waistcoat, his brigadier wig, surmounted by a small gold-laced cocked-hat, completed his personal costume; but he was attended by two well-mounted servants on horseback, armed with holster-pistols.

his time was Allan Ramsay, the periwig-maker."+ But although Edward and he differed toto cœlo, as the Baron would have said, upon this subject, yet they met upon history as on a neutral ground, in which each claimed an interest. The Baron, indeed, only cumbered his memory with matters of fact; the cold, dry, hard outlines which history delineates Edward, on the contrary, loved to fill up and round the sketch with the colouring of a warin and vivid imagination, which gives light and life to the actors and speakers in the drama of past ages. Yet with tastes so opposite, they contributed greatly to each other's amusement. Mr. Bradwardine's minute narratives and powerful memory supplied to Waverley fresh subjects of the kind upon which his fancy loved to labour, and opened to him a new mine of incident and of character. And he repaid the pleasure thus In this guise he ambled forth over hill and valley, communicated, by an earnest attention, valuable to the admiration of every farm-yard which they passed all story-tellers, more especially to the Baron, who in their progress, till, "low down in a grassy vale,' felt his habits of self-respect flattered by it; and they found David Gellatley leading two very tall deer sometimes also by reciprocal communications, which greyhounds, and presiding over half a dozen curs, and interested Mr. Bradwardine, as confirming or illusabout as many bare-legged and bare-headed boys, trating his own favourite anecdotes. Besides, Mr. who, to procure the chosen distinction of attending Bradwardine loved to talk of the scenes of his youth, on the chase, had not failed to tickle his ears with which had been spent in camps and foreign lands, the dulcet appellation of Maister Gellatley, though and had many interesting particulars to tell of the probably all and each had hooted him on former oc- generals under whom he had served, and the actions casions in the character of daft Davie. But this is he had witnessed.

no uncommon strain of flattery to persons in office, Both parties returned to Tully-Veolan in great goodnor altogether confined to the bare-legged villagers of humour with each other; Waverley desirous of studyTully-Veolan; it was in fashion Sixty Years since, is now, and will be six hundred years hence, if this admirable compound of folly and knavery, called the world, shall be then in existence.

ing more attentively what he considered as a singular and interesting character, gifted with a memory containing a curious register of ancient and modern anecdotes; and Bradwardine disposed to regard EdThese gillie-wet-foots, as they were called, were ward as puer (or rather juvenis) bonæ spei et magnæ destined to beat the bushes, which they performed indolis, a youth devoid of that petulant volatility, with so much success, that, after half an hour's search, which is impatient of, or vilipends, the conversation a roe was started, coursed, and killed; the Baron fol- and advice of his seniors, from which he predicted owing on his white horse, like Earl Percy of yore, and magnanimously flaying and embowelling the slain animal (which, he observed, was called by the

A bare-footed Highland lad is called a gillie-wet-foot. Gillie, n general, means servant or attendant.

great things of his future success and deportment in
The Baron ought to have remembered that the joyous Allan
literally drew his blood from the house of the noble Earl, whom
Dalhousie of an old descent.
My stoup, my pride, my ornament.

he terms

life. There was no other guest except Mr. Rubrick, different kinds, which she had taken under her spe whose information and discourse, as a clergyman cial protection. A projecting turret gave access to and a scholar, harmonized very well with that of the this Gothic balcony, which commanded a most Baron and his guest. beautiful prospect. The formal garden, with its high Shortly after dinner, the Baron, as if to show that bounding walls, lay below, contracted, as it seemed, his temperance was not entirely theoretical, proposed to a mere parterre; while the view extended beyond a visit to Rose's apartment, or, as he termed it, her them down a wooded glen, where the small river Troisieme Etage. Waverley was accordingly con- was sometimes visible, sometimes hidden in copse. ducted through one or two of those long awkward The eye might be delayed by a desire to rest on the passages with which ancient architects studied to rocks, which here and there rose from the dell with puzzle the inhabitants of the houses which they plan-massive or spiry fronts, or it might dwell on the noned, at the end of which Mr. Bradwardine began to ble, though ruined tower, which was here beheld în ascend, by two steps at once, a very steep, narrow, all its dignity, frowning from a promontory over the and winding stair, leaving Mr. Rubrick and Waver-river. To the left were seen two or three cottages ley to follow at more leisure, while he should an- a part of the village; the brow of the hill concealed nounce their approach to his daughter. the others. The glen, or dell, was terminated by a

After having climbed this perpendicular corkscrew sheet of water, called Loch Veolan, into which the until their brains were almost giddy, they arrived in brook discharged itself, and which now glistened in a little matted lobby, which served as an anteroom the western sun. The distant country seemed open to Rose's sanctum sanctorum, and through which and varied in surface, though not wooded; and there they entered her parlour. It was a small, but pleasant was nothing to interrupt the view until the scene was apartment, opening to the south, and hung with ta-bounded by a ridge of distant and blue hills, which pestry; adorned besides with two pictures, one of her formed the southern boundary of the strath or valley. mother, in the dress of a shepherdess, with a bell-To this pleasant station Miss Bradwardine had orhoop; the other of the Baron, in his tenth year, in a dered coffee. blue coat, embroidered waistcoat, laced hat, and bag- The view of the old tower, or fortalice, introduced wig, with a bow in his hand. Edward could not some family anecdotes and tales of Scottish chivalhelp smiling at the costume, and at the odd resem- ry, which the Baron told with great enthusiasm. blance between the round, smooth, red-cheeked, sta- The projecting peak of an impending crag which ring visage in the portrait, and the gaunt, bearded, rose near it, had acquired the name of St. Swithin's hollow-eyed, swarthy features, which travelling, fa- Chair. It was the scene of a peculiar superstition, tigues of war, and advanced age, had bestowed on of which Mr. Rubrick mentioned some curious partithe original. The Baron joined in the laugh. "Truly," culars, which reminded Waverley of a rhyme quoted he said, "that picture was a woman's fantasy of my by Edgar in King Lear; and Rose was called upon good mother's; (a daughter of the Laird of Tulliellum, to sing a little legend, in which they had been interCaptain Waverley; I indicated the house to you when woven by some village poet. we were on the top of the Shinnyheuch; it was burnt Who, noteless as the race from which he sprung, by the Dutch auxiliaries brought in by the Government Saved others' names, but left his own unsung. in 1715;) I never sate for my portraicture but once The sweetness of her voice, and the simple beauty since that was painted, and it was at the special and of her music, gave all the advantage which the minreiterated request of the Marechal Duke of Berwick." strel could have desired, and which his poetry so The good old gentleman did not mention what Mr. much wanted. I almost doubt if it can be read Rubrick afterwards told Edward, that the Duke had with patience, destitute of these advantages; aldone him this honour on account of his being the though I conjecture the following copy to have been first to mount the breach of a fort in Savoy during somewhat corrected by Waverley, to suit the taste of the memorable campaign of 1709, and his having those who might not relish pure antiquity. there defended himself with his half-pike for nearly ten minutes before any support reached him. To do the Baron justice, although sufficiently prone to dwell upon, and even to exaggerate his family dignity and conséquence, he was too much a man of real courage ever to allude to such personal acts of merit as he had himself manifested.


On Hallow-Mass Eve, ere ye boune ye to rest,
Ever beware that your couch be bless'd;
Sign it with cross, and sain it with bead
Sing the Ave, and say the Creed.

For on Hallow-Mass Eve the Night-Hag will ride,
And all her nine-fold sweeping on by her side,
Whether the wind sing lowly or loud,
Sailing through moonshine or swath'd in the cloud.
The Lady she sat in St. Swithin's Chair,
The dew of the night has damp'd her hair:
Her cheek was pale-but resolved and high
Was the word of her lip and the glance of her eye.
She mutter'd the spell of Swithin bold,
When his naked foot traced the midnight wold,
When he stopp'd the Hag as she rode the night,
And bade her descend, and her promise plight.
He that dare sit on St. Swithin's Chair,
When the Night-Hag wings the troubled air,
Questions three, when he speaks the spell,
He may ask, and she must tell.

Miss Rose now appeared from the interior room of her apartment, to welcome her father and his friends. The little labours in which she had been employed obviously showed a natural taste, which required only cultivation. Her father had taught her French and Italian, and a few of the ordinary authors in those languages ornamented her shelves. He had endeavoured also to be her preceptor in music; but as he began with the more abstruse doctrines of the science, and was not perhaps master of them himself, she had made no proficiency farther than to be able to accompany her voice with the harpsicord; but even this was not very common in Scotland at that period. To make amends, she sung with great taste and feeling, and with a respect to the sense of what she uttered that might be proposed in example to ladies of much superior musical talent. Her natural good sense taught her, that if, as we are assured by high authority, music be "married to immortal verse," they are very often divorced by the performer in a most shameful manner. It was perhaps owing to this sensibility to poetry, and power of combining its expression with those of the musical notes, that her singing gave more pleasure to all "I am sorry to disappoint the company, especially the unlearned in music, and even to many of the Captain Waverley, who listens with such laudable learned, than could have been communicated by a gravity; it is but a fragment, although I think there much finer voice and more brilliant execution, un- are other verses, describing the return of the Baron guided by the same delicacy of feeling. from the wars, and how the lady was found 'clay

The Baron has been with King Robert his liege,
These three long years in battle and siege;
News are there none of his weal or his wo,
And fain the lady his fate would know.
She shudders and stops as the charm she speaks
Is it the moody owl that shrieks?

Or is it that sound, betwixt laughter and scream,
The voice of the Demon who haunts the stream?
The moan of the wind sunk silent and low,
And the roaring torrent has ceased to flow;
The calm was more dreadful than raging storm,
When the cold gray mist brought the ghastly Form?


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A bartizan. or projecting gallery, before the win-cold upon the grounsill ledge.' dows of her parlour, served to illustrate another of It is one of those figments," observed Mr. Bradose's pursuits; for it was crowdea with flowers of wardine," with which the early history of distin

guished families was deformed in the times of superstition; as that of Rome, and other ancient nations, had their prodigies, sir, the which you may read in ancient histories, or in the little work compiled by Julius Obsequens, and inscribed by the learned Scheffer, the editor, to his patron, Benedictus Skytte, Baron of Dudershoff."

The young men's wrath is like light straw on fire;
Heard ye so merry the little bird sing?

But like red-hot steel is the old man's ire,
And the throstle cock's head is under his wing.
The young man will brawl at the evening board;
Heard ye so merry the little bird sing?

But the old man will draw at the dawning the sword,
And the throstle-cock's head is under his wing.

"My father has a strange defiance of the marvel- Waverley could not avoid observing that Davie lous, Captain Waverley," observed Rose, "and once laid something like a satirical emphasis on these stood firm when a whole synod of Presbyterian lines. He therefore approached, and endeavoured, divines were put to the rout by a sudden apparition by sundry queries, to elicit from him what the inuof the foul fiend." endo might mean; but Davie had no mind to explain, Waverley looked as if desirous to hear more. and had wit enough to make his folly cloak his kna"Must I tell my story as well as sing my song?-very. Edward could collect nothing from him, exWell-Once upon a time there lived an old woman, cepting that the Laird of Balmawhapple had gone called Janet Gellatley, who was suspected to be a home yesterday morning, "wi' his boots fu' o' bluid." witch, on the infallible grounds that she was very In the garden, however, he met the old butler, who old, very ugly, very poor, and had two sons, one of no longer attempted to conceal, that, having been whom was a poet, and the other a fool, which visi- bred in the nursery line with Sumack & Co. of Newtation, all the neighbourhood agreed, had come upon castle, he sometimes wrought a turn in the flowerher for the sin of witchcraft. And she was impri- borders to oblige the Laird and Miss Rose. By a soned for a week in the steeple of the parish church, series of queries, Edward at length discovered, with and sparely supplied with food, and not permitted to a painful feeling of surprise and shame, that Balmasleep, until she herself became as much persuaded of whapple's submission and apology had been the conher being a witch as her accusers; and in this lucid sequence of a rencontre with the Baron before his and happy state of mind was brought forth to make guest had quitted his pillow, in which the younger a clean breast, that is, to make open confession of combatant had been disarmed and wounded in the her sorceries, before all the Whig gentry and ministers sword arm.

in the vicinity, who were no conjurors themselves. Greatly mortified at this information, Edward My father went to see fair play between the witch sought out his friendly host, and anxiously expostuand the clergy; for the witch had been born on his lated with him upon the injustice he had done him estate. And while the witch was confessing that in anticipating his meeting with Mr. Falconer, a cirthe Enemy appeared, and made his addresses to her cumstance which, considering his youth and the proas a handsome black man,-which, if you could have fession of arms which he had just adopted, was cascen poor old blear-eyed Janet, reflected little ho-pable of being represented much to his prejudice. The nour on Apollyon's taste,-and while the auditors lis- Baron justified himself at greater length than I choose tened with astonished ears, and the clerk recorded to repeat. He urged, that the quarrel was common with a trembling hand, she, all of a sudden, changed to them, and that Balmawhapple could not, by the the low mumbling tone with which she spoke into a code of honour evite giving satisfaction to both, shrill yell, and exclaimed, 'Look to yourselves! look which he had done in his case by an honourable to yourselves! I see the Evil One sitting in the midst meeting, and in that of Edward by such a palinode of ye.' The surprise was general, and terror and as rendered the use of the sword unnecessary, and flight its immediate consequences. Happy were which, being made and accepted, must necessarily those who were next the door; and many were the sopite the whole affair. disasters that befell hats, bands, cuffs, and wigs, be- With this excuse, or explanation, Waverley was. fore they could get out of the church, where they left silenced, if not satisfied; but he could not help testithe obstinate prelatist to settle matters with the fying some displeasure against the Blessed Bear, witch and her admirer, at his own peril or pleasure." which had given rise to the quarrel, nor refrain from "Risu solvuntur tabula," said the Baron; "when they recovered their panic trepidation, they were too much ashamed to bring any wakening of the process against Janet Gellatley."

This anecdote led into a long discussion of

All those idle thoughts and fantasies, Devices, dreams, opinions unsound, Shows, visions, soothsays, and prophecies, And all that feigned is, as leasings, tales, and lies. With such conversation, and the romantic legends which it introduced, closed our hero's second evening in the house of Tully-Veolan.

hinting, that the sanctified epithet was hardly appropriate. The Baron observed, he could not deny that "the Bear, though allowed by heralds as a most honourable ordinary, had, nevertheless, somewhat fierce, churlish, and morose in his disposition, (as might be read in Archibald Simson, pastor of Dalkeith's Hieroglyphica Animalium,) and had thus been the type of many quarrels and dissensions which had occurred in the house of Bradwardine; of which," he continued, "I might commemorate mine own unfortunate dissension with my third cousin by the mother's side, Sir Hew Halbert, who was so unthinking as to deride my family name, as if it had been quasi BearWarden; a most uncivil jest, since it not only in sinuated that the founder of our house occupied such a mean situation as to be a custodier of wild beasts, a charge which, ye must have observed, is only intrusted to the very basest plebeians; but, moreover, THE next day Edward arose betimes, and in a seemed to infer that our coat-armour had not been morning walk around the house and its vicinity, achieved by honourable actions in war, but bestowed came suddenly upon a small court in front of the dog- by way of paranomasia, or pun, upon our family apkennel, where his friend Davie was employed about pellation,-a sort of bearing which the French call his four-footed charge. One quick glance of his eye armoires parlantes; the Latins arma cantantia; recognised Waverley, when, instantly turning his and your English authorities, canting heraldrys beback, as if he had not observed him, he began to sing ing indeed a species of emblazoning more befitting part of an old ballad:


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Young men will love thee more fair and more fast;
Heard ye so marry the little bird sing?

Old men's love the longest will last,

And the throstle-cock's head is under his wing.

The story last told was said to have happened in the south of Scotland; but-cedant arma toga-and let the gown have its dues. It was an old clergyman, who had wisdom and firmness enough to resist the panic which seized his brethren, who was the means of rescuing a poor insane creature from the cruel fate which would otherwise have overtaken her. The accounts of the trials for witchcraft form one of the most deplorable chap sers in Scottish story. VOL. II.-F

canters, gaberlunzies, and such like mendicants, whose gibberish is formed upon playing upon the word, than the noble, honourable, and useful science of heraldry, which assigns armorial bearings as the reward of noble and generous actions, and not to tickle the ear with vain quodlibets, such as are found in jest-books."+ Of his quarrel with Sir Hew he said ↑ Although canting heraldry is generally reprobated, it seems nevertheless to have been adopted in the arms and mottos of many honourable families. Thus the motto of the Vernons, Ver non semper viret, is a perfect pun, and so is that of the Onslows, Festina lente. The Periissem ni per-lissem of the Anstruthers, in


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nothing more, than that it was settled in a fitting The Bailie, as prime minister, having received th decisive communication from his sovereign, durst Having been so minute with respect to the diver- not press his own opinion any farther, but contented sions of Tully-Veolan, on the firstdays of Edward's himself with deploring, on all suitable occasions, to arrival, for the purpose of introducing its inmates to Saunderson, the minister of the interior, the Laird's the reader's acquaintance, it becomes less necessary self-willedness, and with laying plans for uniting to trace the progress of his intercourse with the same Rose with the young Laird of Palmawhapple, whe accuracy. It is probable that a young man, accus- had a fine estate, only moderately burdened, and wa tomed to more cheerful society, would have tired of a faultless young gentleman, being as sober as a the conversation of so violent an assertor of the saint-if you keep brandy from him, and him from "boast of heraldry" as the Baron; but Edward found brandy-and who, in brief, had no imperfection bit an agreeable variety in that of Miss Bradwardine, that of keeping light company at a time; such who listened with eagerness to his remarks upon Jinker, the horse-couper, and Gibby Gaethre literature, and showed great justness of taste in her the piper o' Cupar; "o' whilk follies, Mr. Saunderson answers. The sweetness of her disposition had made he'll mend, he'll mend,"-pronounced the Bailie. her submit with complacency, and even pleasure, to "Like sour ale in simmer," added Davie Gellatley the course of reading prescribed by her father, al- who happened to be nearer the conclave than they though it not only comprehended several heavy folios were aware of. of history, but certain gigantic tomes in high-church Miss Bradwardine, such as we have described her, polemics. In heraldry he was fortunately contented with all the simplicity and curiosity of a recluse, to give her only such a slight tincture as might be attached herself to the opportunities of increasing her acquired by perusal of the two folio volumes of Nis- store of literature which Edward's visit afforded her. bet. Rose was indeed the very apple of her father's He sent for some of his books from his quarters, and eye. Her constant liveliness, her attention to all they opened to her sources of delight of which she those little observances most gratifying to those who had hitherto had no idea. The best English poets, of would never think of exacting them, her beauty, in every description, and other works on belles lettres, which he recalled the features of his beloved wife, made a part of this precious cargo. Her music, even her unfeigned piety, and the noble generosity of her her flowers, were neglected, and Saunders not only disposition, would have justified the affection of the mourned over, but began to mutiny against the labour most doting father. for which he now scarce received thanks. These

His anxiety on her behalf did not, however, seem to new pleasures became gradually enhanced by sharing extend itself in that quarter, where, according to the them with one of a kindred taste. Edward's readi general opinion, it is most efficiently displayed; in la-ness to comment, to recite, to explain difficult pas bouring, namely, to establish her in life, either by a sages, rendered his assistance invaluable; and the large dowry or a wealthy marriage. By an old settle- wild romance of his spirit delighted a character too ment, almost all the landed estates of the Baron went, young and inexperienced to observe its deficiencies. after his death, to a distant relation; and it was sup- Upon subjects which interested him, and when quite posed that Miss Bradwardine would remain but slen- at ease, he possessed that flow of natural, and somederly provided for, as the good gentleman's cash mat- what florid eloquence, which has been supposed as ters had been too long under the exclusive charge of powerful even as figure, fashion, fame, or fortune, Bailie Macwheeble, to admit of any great expectations in winning the female heart. There was, therefore, from his personal succession. It is true, the said an increasing danger, in this constant intercourse, to Bailie loved his patron and his patron's daughter poor Rose's peace of mind, which was the more imnext (though at an incomparable distance) to him- minent, as her father was greatly too much abstractself. He thought it was possible to set aside the set- ed in his studies, and wrapped up in his own dignity, tlement on the male line, and had actually procured to dream of his daughter's incurring it. The daugh an opinion to that effect (and, as he boasted, without ters of the house of Bradwardine were, in his a fee) from an eminent Scottish counsel, under whose opinion, like those of the house of Bourbon or Ausnotice he contrived to bring the point while consult- tria, placed high above the clouds of passion which ing him regularly on some other business. But the might obfuscate the intellects of meaner females; Baron would not listen to such a proposal for an in- they moved in another sphere, were governed by stant. On the contrary, he used to have a perverse other feelings, and amenable to other rules, than pleasure in boasting that the barony of Bradwardine those of idle and fantastic affection. In short, he was a male fief, the first charter having been given shut his eyes so resolutely to the natural consequences at that early period when women were not deemed of Edward's intimacy with Miss Bradwardine, that capable to hold a feudal grant; because, according to the whole neighbourhood concluded that he had Les coustusmes de Normandie, c'est l'homme ki se opened them to the advantages of a match between bast et ki conseille; or, as is yet more ungallantly his daughter and the wealthy young Englishman, expressed by other authorities, all of whose barbarous and pronounced him much less a fool than he had names he delighted to quote at full length, because a generally shown himself in cases where his own woman could not serve the superior, or feudal lord, interest was concerned. in war, on account of the decorum of her sex, nor as- If the Baron, however, had really meditated such sist him with advice, because of her limited intellect, an alliance, the indifference of Waverley would have nor keep his counsel, owing to the infirmity of her been an insuperable bar to his project. Our hero, disposition. He would triumphantly ask, how it since mixing more freely with the world, had learned would become a female, and that female a Bradwar- to think with great shame and confusion upon his dine, to be seen employed in servitio eruendi, seu mental legend of Saint Cecilia, and the vexation of detrahendi, caligas regis post battaliam? that is, in these reflections was likely, for some time at least, pulling off the king's boots after an engagement, to counterbalance the natural susceptibility of his which was the feudal service by which he held the disposition. Besides. Rose Bradwardine, beautiful barony of Bradwardine. "No," he said, "beyond he- and amiable as we have described her, had not presitation, procul dubio, many females, as worthy as cisely the sort of beauty or merit, which captivates Rose, had been excluded, in order to make way for a romantic imagination in early youth. She was my own succession, and Heaven forbid that I should too frank, too confiding, too kind; amiable qualities, do aught that might contravene the destination of undoubtedly, but destructive of the marvellous, with my forefathers, or impinge upon the right of my kins- which a youth of imagination delights to dress the man, Malcolm Bradwardine of Inchgrabbit, an ho- empress of his affections. Was it possible to bow, nourable. though decayed branch of my own family." to tremble, and to adore, before the timid, yet playful liable to a similar objection. One of that ancient race, finding little girl, who now asked Edward to mend her pen; that an antagonist, with whom he had fixed a friendly meeting, now to construe a stanza in Tasso, and now how to was determined to take the opportunity of assassinating him, prevented the hazard by dashing out his brains with a battle axe. Two sturdy arms, brandishing such a weapon, form the asual crest of the family, with the above motto-Periissem ni Per-tissem-(I had died, unless I had gone through with it.)

spell a very-very long word in her version of it? All these incidents have their fascination on the mind at a certain period of life, but not when a youth is entering it, and rather looking out for some object

whose affection may dignify him in his own eyes, excepting "Lord guide us!" and "Eh sis!" ejaculathan stooping to one who looks up to him for such tions which threw no light upon the cause of their distinction. Hence, though there can be no rule in dismay, Waverley repaired to the fore-court, as it so capricious a passion, early love is frequently am-was called, where he beheld Bailie Macwheeble canbitions in choosing its object; or, which comes to tering his white pony down the avenue with all the the same, selects her (as in the case of Saint Cecilia speed it could muster. He had arrived, it would aforesaid) from a situation that gives fair scope for seem, upon a hasty summons, and was followed by le beau ideal, which the reality of intimate and fami- half a score of peasants from the village, who had liar life rather tends to limit and impair. I knew a no great difficulty in keeping pace with him. very accomplished and sensible young man cured of The Bailie, greatly too busy, and too important, a violent passion for a pretty woman, whose talents to enter into explanations with Edward, summoned were not equal to her face and figure, by being per-forth Mr. Saunderson, who appeared with a countemitted to bear her company for a whole afternoon. nance in which dismay was mingled with solemnity, Thus, it is certain, that had Edward enjoyed such and they immediately entered into close conference. an opportunity of conversing with Miss Stubbs, Davie Gellatley was also seen in the group, idle as Aunt Rachel's precaution would have been unnecessa- Diogenes at Sinope, while his countrymen were prery, for he would as soon have fallen in love with the paring for a siege. His spirits always rose with any dairy-maid. And although Miss Bradwardine was thing, good or bad, which occasioned tumult, and he a very different character, it secins probable that the continued frisking, hopping, dancing, and singing the very intimacy of their intercourse prevented his burden of an old ballad,-feeling for her other sentiments than those of a bro"Our gear's a' gane,"

ther for an amiable and accomplis ed sister; while until, happening to pass too near the Bailie, he rethe sentiments of poor Rose were gradually, and ceived an admonitory hint from his horse-whip, without her being conscious, assuming a shade of which converted his songs into lamentation. warmer affection. Passing from thence towards the garden, Waver

I ought to have said that Edward, when he sent ley beheld the Baron in person, measuring and reto Dundee for the books before mentioned, had ap-measuring, with swift and tremendous strides, the plied for, and received permission, extending his length of the terrace; his countenance clouded with leave of absence. But the letter of his command-offended pride and indignation, and the whole of his ing-officer contained a friendly recommendation to demeanour such as seemed to indicate, that any him, not to spend his time exclusively, with persons, inquiry concerning the cause of his discomposure who, estimable as they might be in a general sense, would give pain at least, if not offence. Waverley could not be supposed well affected to a government, therefore glided into the house, without addressing which they declined to acknowledge by taking the him, and took his way to the breakfast-parlour, oath of allegiance. The letter further insinuated, where he found his young friend Rose, who, thoughi though with great delicacy, that although some she neither exhibited the resentment of her father, family connexions might be supposed to render it ne- the turbid importance of Balic Macwheeble, nor the cessary for Captain Waverley to communicate with despair of the handmaidens, seemed vexed and gentlemen who were in this unpleasant state of sus- thoughtful. A single word explained the mystery. picion, yet his father's situation and wishes ought to "Your breakfast will be a disturbed one, Captain Waprevent his prolonging those attentions into exclusive verley. A party of Caterans have come down upon intimacy. And it was intimated, that while his us last night, and have driven off all our milch cows.' political principles were endangered by communica- A party of Caterans?" ting with laymen of this description, he might also receive erroneous impressions in religion from the prelatic clergy, who so perversely laboured to set up the royal prerogative in things sacred.

"Yes; robbers from the neighbouring Highlands. We used to be quite free from them while we paid black-mail to Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr; but, my father thought it unworthy of his rank and birth This last insinuation probably induced Waverley to to pay it any longer, and so this disaster has hapset both down to the prejudices of his commanding pened. It is not the value of the cattle, Captain Waofficer. He was sensible that Mr. Bradwardine had verley, that vexes me; but my father is so much hurt acted with the most scrupulous delicacy, in never at the affront, and is so bold and hot, that I fear he ent ring upon any discussion that had the most re-will try to recover them by the strong hand; and if mote tendency to bias his mind in political opinions, he is not hurt himself, he will hurt some of these wild although he was himself not only a decided partizan people, and then there will be no peace between them of the exiled family, but had been trusted at different and us perhaps for our life-time; and we cannot detimes with important cominissions for their service, fend ourselves as in old times, for the government Sensible, therefore, that there was no risk of his have taken all our arms; and my dear father is so being perverted from his allegiance, Edward felt as rash-O what will become of us! Here poor Rose if he should do his uncle's old friend injustice in re- lost heart altogether, and burst into a flood of tears. moving from a house where he gave and received] The Baron entered at this moment, and rebuked pleasure and amusement, merely to gratify a preju-her with more asperity than Waverley had ever heard diced and ill-judged suspicion. He therefore wrote him use to any one. "Was it not a shame," he said, a very general answer, assuring his commanding that she should exhibit herself before any gentleman officer that his loyalty was not in the most distant in such a light, as if she shed tears for a drove of danger of contamination, and continued an honour-horned nolt and milch kine, like the daughter of a ed guest and inmate of the house of Tully-Veolan.



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Cheshire yeoman!-Captain Waverley, I must request your favourable construction of her grief, which may, or ought to proceed, solely from seeing her father's estate exposed to spulzie and depredation from common thieves and sornars,t while we are not allowed to keep half a score of muskets, whether for defence or rescue."

WHEN Edward had been a guest at Tully-Veolan nearly six weeks, he descried, one morning, as he Bailie Macwheeble entered immediately afterwards, took his usual walk before the breakfast-hour, signs and by his report of arms and ammunition confirmed of uncommon perturbation in the family. Four bare- this statement, informing the Baron, in a melancholy legged dairy-maids, with each an empty milk-pail in voice, that though the people would certainly obey his her hand, ran about with frantic gestures, and utter- honour's orders, yet there was no chance of their for ing loud exclamations of surprise, grief, and resent-lowing the gear to ony guid purpose, in respect there ment. From their appearance, a pagan might have were only his honour's body servants who had swords conceived them a detachment of the celebrated and pistols, and the depredators were twelve HighBelides, just come from their baleing penance. As landers, completely armed after the manner of their nothing was to be got from this distracted chorus, + Sornars may be translated sturdy beggars, more especially A creagh was an incu sien for plunder, termed on the Bor-indicating those unwelcome visitors who exact lodgings and victuals by force, or something approaching to it.

ders a raid

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