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country. Having delivered this doleful annunciation, The Baron having also retired to give some neceshe assumed a posture of silent dejection, shaking his sary directions, Waverley seized the opportunity to head slowly with the motion of a pendulum when it ask, whether this Fergus, with the unpronounceable is ceasing to vibrate, and then remained stationary, his name, was the chief thief-taker of the district? body stooping at a more acute angle than usual, and "Thief-taker!" answered Rose, laughing; "he is a the latter part of his person projecting in proportion. gentleman of great honour and consequence; the The Baron, meanwhile, paced the room in silent chieftain of an independent branch of a powerful indignation, and at length fixing his eye upon an old Highland clan, and is much respected, both for his portrait, whose person was clad in armour, and whose own power, and that of his kith, kin, and allies." features glared grimly out of a huge bush of hair, part "And what has he to do with the thieves, then? Is of which descended from his head to his shoulders, he a magistrate, or in the commission of the peace?" and part from his chin and upper-lip to his breast-asked Waverley.

bour to his un-friends, and keeps a greater following
on foot than many that have thrice his estate. As to
his connexion with the thieves, that I cannot well
explain; but the boldest of them will never steal a
hoof from any one that pays black-mail to Vich Ian
"And what is black-mail?"

plate "That gentleman, Captain Waverley, my "The commission of war rather, if there be such a grandsire,' he said, "with two hundred horse, whom thing," said Rose; "for he is a very unquiet neigh he levied within his own bounds, discomfited and put to the rout more than five hundred of these Highland reivers, who have been ever lapis offensionis, et petra scandali, a stumbling-block and a rock of offence to the Lowland vicinage-he discomfited them, I say, when they had the temerity to descend to harry this country, in the time of the civil dissensions, in the year of grace, sixteen hundred forty and two. And "A sort of protection-money that Low-country now, sir, I, his grandson, ain thus used at such un-gentlemen and heritors, lying near the Highlands, worthy hands!" pay to some Highland chief, that he may neither do them harm himself, nor suffer it to be done to them by others; and then if your cattle are stolen, you have only to send him word, and he will recover them; or it may be, he will drive away cows from some distant place, where he has a quarrel, and give them to you to make up your loss."

"And is this sort of Highland Jonathan Wild admitted into society, and called a gentleman?"

Here there was an awful pause; after which all the company, as is usual in cases of difficulty, began to give separate and inconsistent counsel. Alexander ab Alexandro proposed they should send some one to Compound with the Caterans, who would readily, he said, give up their prey for a dollar a-head. The Bailie opined that this transaction would amount to theftboot, or composition of felony; and he recommended that some canny hand should be sent up to the glens "So much so," said Rose, "that the quarrel beto make the best bargain he could, as it were for him- tween my father and Fergus Mac-Ivor began at a self, so that the Laird might not be seen in such a county meeting, where he wanted to take precetransaction. Edward proposed to send off to the dence of all the Lowland gentlemen then present, nearest garrison for a party o soldiers and a magis-only my father would not suffer it. And then he uptrate's warrant; and Rose, as far as she dared, en- braided my father that he was under his banner, and deavoured to insinuate the course of paying the arrears paid him tribute; and my father was in a towering of tribute money to Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, passion, for Bailie Macwheeble, who manages such who, they all knew, could easily procure restoration things his own way, had contrived to keep this blackof the cattle, if he were properly propitiated. mail a secret from him, and passed it in his account None of these proposals met the Baron's approba- for cess-money. And they would have fought; but tion. The idea of composition, direct or implied, was Fergus Mac-Ivor said, very gallantly, he would never absolutely ignominious; that of Waverley only show-raise his hand against a gray head that was so much ed that he did not understand the state of the country, respected as my father's.-O I wish, I wish they had and of the political parties which divided it; and, continued friends!"

standing matters as they did with Fergus Mac-Ivor And did you ever see this Mr. Mac-Ivor, if that Vich Ian Vohr, the Baron would make no concession be his name, Miss Bradwardine?". to him, were it, he said, "to procure restitution in "No, that is not his name; and he would consiintegrum of every stirk and stot that the chief, his der master as a sort of affront, only that you are an forefathers, and his clan, had stolen since the days of Englishman, and know no better. But the LowlandMalcolm Canmore." ers call him, like other gentlemen, by the name of In fact, his voice was still for war, and he proposed his estate, Glennaquoich; and the Highlanders call to send expresses to Balmawhapple, Killancureit, him Vich Ian Vohr, that is, the son of John the Tulliellum, and other lairds, who were exposed to Great; and we upon the bracs here call him by both similar depredations, inviting them to join in the pur-names indifferently."

suit; "and then, sir, shall these nebulones nequis- "I am afraid I shall never bring my English simi, as Leslæus calls them, be brought to the fate of tongue to call him by either one or other." their predecessor Cacus,

"But he is a very polite, handsome man," continued Rose; "and his sister Flora is one of the most 'Elisos oculos, et siccum sanguine guttur.'" beautiful and accomplished young ladies in this The Bailie, who by no means relished these war-country: she was bred in a convent in France, and like counsels, here pulled forth an immense watch, was a great friend of mine before this unhappy disof the colour, and nearly of the size, of a pewter pute. Dear Captain Waverley, try your influence warming-pan, and observed it was now past noon, with my father to make matters up. I am sure this and that the Caterans had been scen in the pass of is but the beginning of our troubles; for Tully-VeoBallybrough soon after sun-rise; so that before the lan has never been a safe or quiet residence when we -allied forces could assemble, they and their prey have been at feud with the Highlanders. When I would be far beyond the reach of the most active was a girl about ten, there was a skirmish fought pursuit, and sheltered in those pathless deserts, where between a party of twenty of them, and my father it was neither advisable to follow, nor indeed possible and his servants, behind the Mains; and the bullets to trace them. broke several panes in the north windows, they were This proposition was undeniable. The council so near. Three of the Highlanders were killed, and therefore broke up without coming to any conclusion, they brought them in wrapped in their plaids, and as has occurred to councils of more importance; only laid them on the stone floor of the hall: and next it was determined that the Bailie should send his own morning, their wives and daughters came, clapping three milk cows down to the Mains for the use of the their hands, and crying the coronach, and shrickBaron's family, and brew small ale, as a substitute ing, and carried away the dead bodies, with the pipes for milk, in his own. To this arrangement, which playing before them. I could not sleep for six weeks was suggested by Saunderson, the Bailie readily as- without starting, and thinking I heard these terrible sented, both from habitual deference to the family, cries, and saw the bodies lying on the steps, all stiff and an internal consciousness that his courtesy and swathed up in their bloody tartans. But since would, in some mode or other, be repaid tenfold. that time there came a party from the garrison at

Stirling, with a warrant from the Lord Justice Clerk, |rience, concerning the state of the Highlands and er some such great man, and took away all our arms; their inhabitants. The chiefs, he pronounced to be, and now, how are we to protect ourselves if they in general, gentlemen of great honour and high pedicome down in any strength?" gree, whose word was accounted as a law by all Waverley could not help starting at a story which those of their own sept, or clan. "It did not indeed," bore so much resemblance to one of his own day- he said, "become them, as had occurred in late indreams. Here was a girl scarce seventeen, the gen-stances, to propone their prosapia, a lineage which test of her sex, both in temper and appearance, who rested for the most part on the vain and fond rhymes had witnessed with her own eyes such a scene as he of their Scannachies or Bhairds, as æquiponderate had used to conjure up in his imagination, as only with the evidence of ancient charters and royal occurring in ancient times, and spoke of it coolly, as grants of antiquity, conferred upon distinguished one very likely to recur. He felt at once the impulse houses in the Low Country by divers Scottish moof curiosity, and that slight sense of danger which narchs; nevertheless, such was their outrecuidance only serves to heighten its interest. He might have and presumption, as to undervalue those who pos Sad with Malvolio, "I do not now fool myself, to sessed such evidents, as if they held their lands in a imagination jade me! I am actually in the land sheep's skin." of military and romantic adventures, and it only remains to be seen what will be my own share in


This, by the way, pretty well explained the cause of quarrel between the Baron and his Highland ally. But he went on to state so many curious particulars The whole circumstances now detailed concerning concerning the manners, customs, and habits of this the state of the country, seemed equally novel and ex- patriarchal race, that Edward's curiosity became traordinary. He had indeed often heard of Highland highly interested, and he inquired whether it was posthieves, but had no idea of the systematic mode in sible to make with safety an excursion into the neigh which their depredations were conducted; and that bouring Highlands, whose dusky barrier of mountains the practice was connived at, and even encouraged, had already excited his wish to penetrate beyond by many of the Highland chieftains, who not only them. The Baron assured his guest that nothing found the creaghs, or forays, useful for the purpose would be more easy, providing this quarrel were first of training individuals of their clan to the practice of made up, since he could himself give him letters to arms, but also of maintaining a wholesome terror many of the distinguished Chiefs, who would receive among their Lowland neighbours, and levying, as him with the utmost courtesy and hospitality. we have seen, a tribute from them, under colour of protection-money.

While they were on this topic, the door suddenly opened, and, ushered by Saunders Saunderson, a Bailie Macwheeble, who soon afterwards entered, Highlander, fully armed and equipped, entered the expatiated still more at length upon the same topic. apartment. Had it not been that Saunders acted This honest gentlemen's conversation was so formed the part of master of the ceremonies to this martial upon his professional practice, that Davie Gellatley apparition, without appearing to deviate from his once said his discourse was like a "charge of horn-usual composure, and that neither Mr. Bradwardine ing." He assured our hero, that "from the maist nor Rose exhibited any emotion, Edward would cerancient times of record, the lawless thieves, limmers, tainly have thought the intrusion hostile. As it was, and broken men of the Highlands, had been in fel- he started at the sight of what he had not yet happenLowship together by reason of their surnames, for the ed to see, a mountaineer in his full national costume. committing of divers thefts, reifs, and herships, upon The individual Gael was a stout, dark, young man, the honest men of the Low Country, when they not of low stature, the ample folds of whose plaid added only intromitted with their whole goods and gear, to the appearance of strength which his person exorn, cattle, horse, nolt, sheep, outsight and insight hibited. The short kilt, or petticoat, showed his denishing, at their wicked pleasure, but moreover sinewy and clean-made limbs; the goat-skin purse, nade prisoners, ransomed them, or concussed them flanked by the usual defences, a dirk and steel-wrought to giving borrows (pledges) to enter into captivity pistol, hung before him; his bonnet had a short arain: All which was directly prohibited in divers feather, which indicated his claim to be treated as a parts of the Statute Book, both by the act one thou- Duinhe-wassel, or sort of gentleman; a broadsword sand five hundred and sixty-seven, and various dangled by his side, a target hung upon his shoulder, others; the whilk statutes, with all that had followed and a long Spanish fowling-piece occupied one of his 2nd might follow thereupon, were shamefully broken hands. With the other hand he pulled off his bonand vilipended by the said sornars, limmers, and net, and the Baron, who well knew their customs, broken men, associated into fellowships, for the and the proper mode of addressing them, immediate foresaid purposes of theft, stouthreef, fire-raising, ly said, with an air of dignity, but without rising, and murther raptus mulierum, or forcible abduction of much, as Edward thought, in the manner of a prince women, and such like as aforesaid." receiving an embassy, "Welcome, Evan Dhu Maccombich; what news from Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr?"


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It seemed like a dream to Waverley that these deeds of violence should be familiar to men's minds, and currently talked of, as falling within the com- Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr," said the ammon order of things, and happening daily in the im-bassador, in good English, "greets you well, Baron mediate vicinity, without his having crossed the seas, of Bradwardine and Tully-Veolan, and is sorry there and while he was yet in the otherwise well-ordered has been a thick cloud interposed between you and Gland of Great Britain.* him, which has kept you from seeing and considering the friendship and alliances that have been between your houses and forebears of old; and he prays you that the cloud may pass away, and that things may be as they have been heretofore between the clan Ivor and the house of Bradwardine, when there THE Baron returned at the dinner-hour, and had in was an egg between them for a flint, and a knife for <reat measure recovered his composure and good a sword. And he expects you will also say, you are tumour. He not only confirmed the stories which sorry for the cloud, and no man shall hereafter ask Edward had heard from Rose and Bailie Macwhee- whether it descended from the hill to the valley, or , but added many anecdotes from his own expe- rose from the valley to the hill; for they never struck Mae-Donald of Barrisdale, one of the very last Highland gen-arms and swords, and affording a protection which could not be men who carried on the plundering system to any great exnt, was a scholar and a well-bred gentleman. He engraved on his broadswords the well-known lines


He tibi erunt artes-pacisque imponere morem,
Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos.

Indeed, the levying of black mail was, before the 1745, pracfund by seven chiefs of very high rank, who, in doing so, contanded that they were lending the laws the assistance of their

obtained from the magistracy in the disturbed state of the coun try. The author has seen a Memoir of Mac-Pherson of Cluny, chief of that ancient clan, from which it appears that he levied protection-money to a very large amount, which was willingly paid even by some of his most powerful neighbours. A gentleman of this clan hearing a clergyman hold forth to his congrega tion on the crime of theft, interrupted the preacher to assure him, he might leave the enforcement of such doctrines to Cluny Mac Pherson, whose broadsword would put a stop to theft soone than all the sermons of all the ministers of the Synoɑ.

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with the scabbard who did not receive with the an air of dignity, that he might appear decently at sword, and wo to him who would lose his friend for Tully-Veolan, and as Vich Ian Vohr's foster-brother the stormy cloud of a spring morning." ought to do. "Ah!" said he, if you Saxon Duinhé To this the Baron of Bradwardine answered with wassel (English gentleman) saw but the Chief with suitable dignity, that he knew the chief of clan Ivor his tail on!"

to be a well-wisher to the King, and he was sorry "With his tail on?" echoed Edward, in some sur there should have been a cloud between him and prise. any gentleman of such sound principles," for when Yes-that is with all his usual followers, when folks are banding together, feeble is he who hath no he visits those of the same rank. There is," he conbrother." tinued, stopping and drawing himself proudly up, This appearing perfectly satisfactory, that the peace while he counted upon his fingers the several officers between these august persons might be duly solem- of his chief's retinue; "there is his hanchman, or nized, the Baron ordered a stoup of usqucbaugh, and, right-hand man; then his bard, or poet; then his filling a glass, drank to the health and prosperity of bladier, or orator, to make harangues to the great Mac-Ivor of Glennaquoich; upon which the Celtic folks whom he visits; then his gilly-more, or armour ambassador, to requite his politeness, turned down a bearer, to carry his sword, and target, and his gun, mighty bumper of the same generous liquor, seasoned then his gilly-cas fliuch, who carries him on his back with his good wishes to the house of Bradwardine. through the sikes and brooks; then his gilly-com Having thus ratified the preliminaries of the gene- strian, to lead his horse by the bridle in steep and ral treaty of pacification, the envoy retired to adjust difficult paths; then his gilly-trushharnish, to carry with Mr. Macwheeble some subordinate articles with his knapsack; and the piper and the piper's man, and which it was not thought necessary to trouble the it may be a dozen young lads beside, that have no Baron. These probably referred to the discontinu- business, but are just boys of the belt, to follow the ance of the subsidy, and apparently the Bailie found laird, and do his honour's bidding." means to satisfy their ally, without suffering his And does your Chief regularly maintain all these

master to suppose that his dignity was compromised. men?" demanded Waverley. At least, it is certain, that after the plenipotentiaries

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All these?" replied Evan; "ay, and many a fair had drunk a bottle of brandy in single drams, which head beside, that would not ken where to lay itself, seemed to have no more effect upon such seasoned but for the mickle barn at Glennaquoich." vessels, than if it had been poured upon the two bears With similar tales of the grandeur of the Chief in at the top of the avenue, Evan Dhu Maccombich peace and war, Evan Dhu beguiled the way till they having possessed himself of all the information which approached more closely those huge mountains which he could procure respecting the robbery of the prece- Edward had hitherto only seen at a distance. It was ding night, declared his intention to set off immedi- towards evening as they entered one of the tremenately in pursuit of the cattle, which he pronounced to be "no that far off;-they have broken the bone," he observed, "but they have had no time to suck the


dous passes which afford communication between the high and low country; the path, which was extremely steep and rugged, winded up a chasm between two tremendous rocks, following the passage Our hero, who had attended Evan Dhu during his which a foaming stream, that brawled far below, apperquisitions, was much struck with the ingenuity peared to have worn for itself in the course of ages. which he displayed in collecting information, and the A few slanting beams of the sun, which was now precise and pointed conclusions which he drew from setting, reached the water in its darksome bed, and it. Evan Dhu, on his part, was obviously flattered showed it partially, chafed by a hundred rocks, and with the attention of Waverley, the interest he seem- broken by a hundred falls. The descent from the ed to take in his inquiries, and his curiosity about the path to the stream was a mere precipice, with here customs and scenery of the Highlands. Without and there a projecting fragment of granite, or a scathed much ceremony he invited Edward to accompany tree, which had warped its twisted roots into the fishim on a short walk of ten or fifteen miles into the mountains, and see the place where the cattle were conveyed to: adding, "If it be as I suppose, you never saw such a place in your life, nor ever will, unless you go with me, or the like of me."

sures of the rock. On the right hand, the mountain rose above the path with almost equal inaccessibility; but the hill on the opposite side displayed a shroud of copsewood, with which some pines were intermingled.

Our hero, feeling his curiosity considerably excited "This," said Evan, "is the pass of Bally-Brough, by the idea of visiting the den of a Highland Cacus, which was kept in former times by ten of the clan took, however, the precaution to inquire if his guide Donnochic against a hundred of the Low Country might be trusted. He was assured, that the invita- carles. The graves of the slain are still to be seen tion would on no account have been given had there in that little corri, or bottom, on the opposite side of been the least danger, and that all he had to appre- the burn-if your eyes are good, you may see the hend was a little fatigue; and as Evan proposed he green specks among the heather-See, there is an should pass a day at his Chieftain's house in return-earn, which you Southrons call an eagle--you have ing, where he would be sure of good accommodation no such birds as that in England-he is going to fetch and an excellent welcome, there seemed nothing very his supper from the Laird of Bradwardine's braes, but *formidable in the task he undertook. Rose, indeed, I'll send a slug after him.".

turned pale when she heard of it; but her father, who He fired his piece accordingly, but missed the suloved the spirited curiosity of his young friend, did perb monarch of the feathered tribes, who, without not attempt to dainp it by an alarm of danger which noticing the attempt to annoy him, continued his ma really did not exist, and a knapsack, with a few ne-jestic flight to the southward. A thousand birds of cessaries, being bound on the shoulders of a sort of prey, hawks, kites, carrion-crows, and ravens, disdeputy gamekeeper, our hero set forth with a fowling-turbed from the lodgings which they had just taken piece in his hand, accompanied by his new friend, up for the evening, rose at the report of the gun, and Evan Dhu, and followed by the gamekeeper afore-mingled their hoarse and discordant notes with the said, and by two wild Highlanders, the attendants of echoes which replied to it, and with the roar of the Evan, one of whom had upon his shoulder a hatchet mountain cataracts. Evan, a little disconcerted at at the end of a pole, called a Lochaber-axe, and the having missed his mark, when he meant to have disother a long ducking-gun. Evan, upon Edward's in- played peculiar dexterity, covered his confusion by quiry, gave him to understand that this martial es-whistling part of a pibroch as he reloaded his L.ece, cort was by no means necessary as a guard, but mere- and proceeded in silence up the pass. y, as he said, drawing up and adjusting his plaid with It issued in a narrow glen, between two mountains, *The Town-guard of Edinburgh were, till a late period, armed both very lofty, and covered with heath. The brook with this weapon when on their police duty. There was a hook continued to be their companion, and they advanced at the back of the axe, which the ancient Highlanders used to up its mazes, crossing them now and then, on whic assist them to climb o is, fixing the hook upon it, and occasions Evan Dhu uniformly offered the assistance ile. The axe, which was also osed to have been introduced of his attendants to carry over Edward; bet our hero, who had been always a tolerable pedestrian, declined

raising themselves by t

much used by the native. into both countries from


the accommodation, and obviously rose in his guide's down for a little while. The moon, which now beopinion, by showing that he did not fear wetting his gan to rise, showed obscurely the expanse of water feet. Indeed he was anxious, so far as he could with- which spread before them, and the shapeless and in out affectation, to remove the opinion which Evan distinct forms of mountains with which it seemed to seemed to entertain of the effeminacy of the Low-be surrounded. The cool, and yet mild air of the landers, and particularly of the English. summer night, refreshed Waverley after his rapid and Through the gorge of this glen they found access toilsome walk; and the perfume which it wafted to a black bog, of tremendous extent, full of large pit- from the birch trees,* bathed in the evening dew, was holes, which they traversed with great difficulty and exquisitely fragrant. some danger, by tracks which no one but a High- He had now time to give himself up to the full rolander could have followed. The path itself, or ra-mance of his situation. Here he sate on the banks ther the portion of more solid ground on which the of an unknown lake, under the guidance of a wild travellers half walked, half waded, was rough, bro-native, whose language was unknown to him, on a ken, and in many places quaggy and unsound. Some-visit to the den of some renowned outlaw, a second times the ground was so completely unsafe, that it Robin Hood, perhaps, or Adam o'Gordon, and that was necessary to spring from one hillock to another, at deep midnight, through scenes of difficulty and the spare between being incapable of bearing the hu- toil, separated from his attendant, left by his guide:man weight. This was an easy matter to the High-What a variety of incidents for the exercise of a rolanders, who wore thin-soled brogues fit for the pur-mantic imagination, and all enhanced by the solemn pose, and moved with a peculiar springing step; but feeling of uncertainty, at least, if not of danger! The Edward began to find the exercise, to which he was only circumstance which assorted ill with the rest, unaccustomed, more fatiguing than he expected. The was the cause of his journey-the Baron's milk cows! lingering twilight served to show them through this this degrading incident he kept in the back ground. Serbonian bog, but deserted them almost totally at While wrapt in these dreams of imagination, his the bottom of a steep and very stony hill, which it companion gently touched him, and, pointing in a diwas the traveller's next toilsome task to ascend. rection nearly straight across the lake, said, "Yon's The night, however, was pleasant, and not dark; ta cove. A small point of light was seen to twinkle and Waverley, calling up mental energy to support in the direction in which he pointed, and, gradually personal fatigue, held on his march gallantly, though increasing in size and lustre, seemed to flicker like a envying in his heart his Highland attendants, who meteor upon the verge of the horizon. While Edcontinued, without a symptom of abated vigour, the ward watched this phenomenon, the distant dash of rapid and swinging pace, or rather trot, which, ac- oars was heard. The measured sound approached cording to his computation, had already brought them near and more near, and presently a loud whistle fifteen miles upon their journey. was heard in the same direction. His friend with



After crossing this mountain, and descending on the battle-axe immediately whistled clear and shrill, the other side towards a thick wood, Evan Dhu held in reply to the signal, and a boat, manned with four some conference with his Highland attendants, in or five Highlanders, pushed for a little inlet, near consequence of which Edward's baggage was shifted which Edward was sitting. He advanced to meet from the shoulders of the gamekeeper to those of one them with his attendant, was immediately assisted of the gillies, and the former was sent off with the into the boat by the officious attention of two stout other mountaineer in a direction different from that mountaineers, and had no sooner seated himself than of the three remaining travellers. On asking the they resumed their oars, and began to row across the meaning of this separation, Waverley was told that lake with great rapidity. the Lowlander must go to a hamlet about three miles off for the night; for unless it was some very particular friend, Donald Bean Lean, the worthy person whom they supposed to be possessed of the cattle, did not much approve of strangers approaching his retreat. This seemed reasonable, and silenced a THE party preserved silence, interrupted only by qualm of suspicion which came across Edward's the monotonous and murmured chant of a Gaelic mind, when he saw himself, at suh a place and such song, sung in a kind of low recitative by the steersan hour, deprived of his only Lowland companion. man, and by the dash of the oars, which the notes And Evan immediately afterwards added, "that in- seemed to regulate, as they dipped to them in cadence. deed he himself had better get forward, and announce The light, which they now approached more nearly, their approach to Donald Bean Lean, as the arrival assumed a broader, redder, and more irregular splenof a sidier roy (red soldier) might otherwise be a disa-dour. It appeared plainly to be a large fire, but whegreeable surprise." And without waiting for an an- ther kindled upon an island or the main land, Edward swer, in jockey phrase, he trotted out, and putting could not determine. As he saw it, the red glaring himself to a very round pace, was out of sight in an orb seemed to rest on the very surface of the lake itself, and resembled the fiery vehicle in which the Waverley was now left to his own meditations, Evil Genius of an Oriental tale traverses land and for his attendant with the battle-axe spoke very little sea. They approached nearer, and the light of the English. They were traversing a thick, and, as it fire sufficed to show that it was kindled at the botseemed, an endless wood of pines, and consequently tom of a huge dark crag or rock, rising abruptly from the path was altogether indiscernible in the murky the very edge of the water; its front, changed by the darkness which surrounded them. The Highlander, reflection to dusky red, formed a strange, and even however, seemed to trace it by instinct, without the awful contrast to the banks around, which were from hesitation of a moment, and Edward followed his time to time faintly and partially illuminated by palfootsteps as close as he could. lid moonlight.


After journeying a considerable time in silence, he could not help asking, "Was it far to the end of their journey?"

The boat now neared the shore, and Edward could discover that this large fire, amply supplied with branches of pine-wood by two figures, who, in the "Ta cove was tree, four mile; but as Duinhe-was-red reflection of its light, appeared like demons, was sel was a wee taiglit, Donald could, tat is, might-kindled in the jaws of a lofty cavern, into which an would should send ta curragh." inlet from the lake seemed to advance; and he con

This conveyed no information. The curragh jectured, which was indeed true, that the fire had which was promised might be a man, a horse, a cart, been lighted as a beacon to the boatmen on their reor chaise; and no more could be got from the man turn. They rowed right for the mouth of the cave. with the battle-axe, but a repetition of "Aich ay! ta and then, shipping their oars, permitted the boat to curragh." enter in obedience to the impulse which it had reBut in a short time Edward began to conceive his ceived. The skiff passed the little point or platform meaning, when, issuing from the wood, he found himself on the banks of a large river or lake, where his Highlands, but the woolly-leaved Lowland birch, that is distin It is not the weeping birch, the most common species in the conductor gave him to understand they must sit guished by this fragrance.

of rock, on which the fire was blazing, and running] fore Waverley, Evan, and Donald Bean, three cogues, about two boats' length farther, stopped where the or wooden vessels composed of staves and hoops, cavern (for it was already arched overhead) ascended containing eanaruich,t a sort of strong soup, made from the water by five or six broad ledges of rocks, out of a particular part of the inside of the beeves. fatigue

so easy and regular that they might be termed natu-After this refreshment, which, though coars on the

ral Steps. At this moment a quantity of water was and hunger rendered palatable, steaks, suddenly flung upon the fire, which sank with a hiss- coals, were supplied in liberal abundance, and disaping noise, and with it disappeared the light it had peared before Evan Dhu and their host with a promptihitherto afforded. Four or five active arms lifted tude that seemed like magic, and astonished WaverWaverley out of the boat, placed him on his feet, and ley, who was much puzzled to reconcile their voracialmost carried him into the recesses of the cave. He ty with what he had heard of the abstemiousness of made a few paces in darkness, guided in this manner; the Highlanders. He was ignorant that this abstiand advancing towards a hum of voices, which seem-nence was with the lower ranks wholly compulsory, ed to sound from the centre of the rock, at an acute and that, like some animals of prey, those who prac turn Donald Bean Lean and his whole establishment tise it were usually gifted with the power of indemniwere before his eyes. fying themselves to good purpose, when chance threw The interior of the cave, which here rose very high, plenty in their way. The whiskey came forth in was illuminated by torches made of pine-tree, which abundance to crown the cheer. The Highlanders emitted a bright and bickering light, attended by a drank it copiously and undiluted; but Edward, strong, though not unpleasant odour. Their light having mixed a little with water, did not find it so was assisted by the red glare of a large charcoal fire, palatable as to invite him to repeat the draught. round which were seated five or six armed Highland- Their host bewailed himself exceedingly that he ers, while others were indistinctly seen couched on could offer him no wine: "Had he but known fourtheir plaids, in the more remote recesses of the cavern. and-twenty hours before, he would have had some, In one large aperture, which the robber facetiously had it been within the circle of forty miles round him. called his spence, (or pantry,) there hung by the heels But no gentleman could do more to show his sense of the carcasses of a sheep, or ewe, and two cows lately the honour of a visit from another, than to offer him slaughtered. The principal inhabitant of this singular the best cheer his house afforded. Where there are mansion, attended by Evan Dhu as master of the ce- no bushes there can be no nuts, and the way of those remonies, came forward to meet his guest, totally you live with is that you must follow." different in appearance and manner from what his He went on regretting to Evan Dhu the death of imagination had anticipated. The profession which an aged man, Donnacha an Amrigh, or Duncan with he followed-the wilderness in which he dwelt-the the Cap, "a gifted seer," who foretold, through the wild warrior forms that surrounded him, were all second sight, visitors of every description who hauntcalculated to inspire terror. From such accompanied their dwelling, whether as friends or focs. ments, Waverley prepared himself to meet a stern, "Is not his son Malcolm taishatr, (a second-sightgigantic, ferocious figure, such as Salvator would ed person) ?" asked Evan.

have chosen to be the central object of a group of Nothing equal to his father," replied Donald banditti.* Bean. "He told us the other day we were to see a

Donald Bean Lean was the very reverse of all these. great gentleman riding on a horse, and there came He was thin in person and low in stature, with light nobody that whole day but Shemus Beg, the blind sandy-coloured hair, and small pale features, from harper, with his dog. Another time he advertised us which he derived his agnomen of Bean or white; and of a wedding, and behold it proved a funeral; and on although his form was light, well-proportioned, and the creagh, when he foretold to us we should bring active, he appeared, on the whole, rather a diminutive home a hundred head of horned cattle, we gripped and insignificant figure. He had served in some in-nothing but a fat bailie of Perth." ferior capacity in the French army, and in order to From this discourse he passed to the political and receive his English visitor in great form, and probably military state of the country; and Waverley was asmeaning, in his way, to pay him a compliment, he tonished, and even alarmed, to find a person of this had laid aside the Highland dress for the time, to put description so accurately acquainted with the strength on an old blue and red uniform, and a feathered hat, of the various garrisons and regiments quartered north in which he was far from showing to advantage, and of the Tay. He even mentioned the exact number indeed looked so incongruous, compared with all of recruits who had joined Waverley's troop from his around him, that Waverley would have been tempted uncle's estate, and observed they were pretty men, to laugh, had laughter been either civil or safe. The meaning, not handsome, but stout warlike fellows. robber received Captain Waverley with a profusion of He put Waverley in mind of one or two minute cirFrench politeness and Scottish hospitality, seemed cumstances which had happened at a general review perfectly to know his name and connexions, and to of the regiment, which satisfied him that the robber be particularly acquainted with his uncle's political had been an eye-witness of it; and Evan Dhu having principles. On these he bestowed great applause, to by this time retired from the conversation, and wrapwhich Waverley judged it prudent to make a very ped himself up in his plaid to take some repose, Dogeneral reply. nald asked Edward, in a very significant manner, whether he had nothing particular to say to him.

Being placed at a convenient distance from the charcoal fire, the heat of which the season rendered oppressive, a strapping Highland damsel placed be

Waverley, surprised and somewhat startled at this question from such a character, answered he had no motive in visiting him but curiosity to see his extraordinary place of residence. Donald Bean Lean looked him steadily in the face for an instant, and then said, with a significant nod "You might as well have confided in me; I am as much worthy of trust as either the Baron of Bradwardine, or Vich Ian Vohr:-But you are equally welcome to my house."

An adventure, very similar to what is here stated, actually befell the late Mr. Abercromby of Tullibody, grandfather of the present Lord Abercromby, and father of the celebrated Sir Ralph When this gentleman, who lived to a very advanced period of life, first settled in Stirlingshire, his cattle were repeatedly driven off by the celebrated Rob Roy, or some of his gang; and at length: he was obliged, after obtaining a proper safe-conduct, to make the cateran such a visit as that of Waverley to Bean Lean in the text. Rob received him with much courtesy, and made many apologies for the accident, which must have happened, Waverley felt an involuntary shudder creep over he sud, through some mistake. Mr. Abercromby was regaled him at the mysterious language held by this outlawed with collops from two of his own cattle, which were hung up by and lawless bandit, which, in despite of his attempts the heels in the cavern, and was dismissed in perfect safety, after having agreed to pay in future a small sum of black mail, in con- to master it, deprived him of the power to ask the sideration of which Rob Roy not only undertook to forbear his meaning of his insinuations. A heath pallet, with herds in future, but to replace any that should be stolen from him the flowers stuck uppermost, had been prepared for by other freebooters. Mr. Abercromby said, Rob Roy affected him in a recess of the cave, and here, covered with to consider him as a friend to the Jacobite interest, and a sincere such spare plaids as could be mustered, he lay for enemy to the Umon. Neither of these circumstances were but the laird thought it quite unnecessary to undeceive his High some time watching the motions of the other inhabitland host at the risk of bringing on a political dispute in such a ants of the cavern. Small parties of two or three enPituation. This anecdote I received many years since (about) 1792) from the mouth of the venerable gentleman who was concerned in 6.


+ This was the regale presented by Rob Roy to the Laird of Tullibody.

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