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"I disclaim it, ma belle demoiselle, although I protest it would be the more congenial of the two. Which of your crack-brained Italian romancers is it that says,

Io d'Elicona niente

Mi curo, in fe de Dio, che'l bere d'acque
(Bea chi ber ne vuol) sempre mi spiacque!*

Here a large greyhound, bounding up the glen, umped upon Flora, and interrupted her music by his 'mportunate caresses. At a distant whistle, he turned, and shot down the path again with the rapidity of an arrow. "That is Fergus's faithful attendant, Cap-But if you prefer the Gaelic, Captain Waverley, here tain Waverley, and that was his signal. He likes no is little Cathleen shall sing you Drimmindhu.-Come, poetry but what is humorous, and comes in good Cathleen, astore, (i. e. my dear,) begin; no apologies time to interrupt my long catalogue of the tribes, to the Cean-kinne." whom one of your saucy English poets calls

Cathleen sung with much liveliness a little Gaelic song, the burlesque elegy of a countryman on the loss of his cow, the comic tones of which, though he did not understand the language made Waverley laugh more than once.t

Cathleen laughed, blushed, and sheltered herself behind her companion.

Our bootless host of high-born beggars, Mac Leans, Mac Kenzies, and Mac-Gregors." Waverley expressed his regret at the interruption, "O you cannot guess how much you have lost! The bard, as in duty bound, has addressed three long "Admirable, Cathleen!" cried the Chieftain; "I stanzas to Vich Ian Vohr of the Banners, enume-must find you a handsome husband among the clansrating all his great properties, and not forgetting his men one of these days." being a cheerer of the harper and bard-'a giver of bounteous gifts. Besides, you should have heard a practical admonition to the fair-haired son of the In the progress of their return to the castle, the stranger, who lives in the land where the grass is Chieftain warmly pressed Waverley to remain for a always green-the rider on the shining pampered week or two, in order to see a grand hunting party, steed, whose hue is like the raven, and whose neigh in which he and some other Highland gentlemen is like the scream of the eagle for battle. This proposed to join. The charms of melody and beauty valiant horseman is affectionately conjured to re- were too strongly impressed in Edward's breast to member that his ancestors were distinguished by permit his declining an invitation so pleasing. It was their loyalty, as well as by their courage.-All this agreed, therefore, that he should write a note to the you have lost; but, since your curiosity is not satis- Baron of Bradwardine, expressing his intention to fied, I judge, from the distant sound of my brother's stay a fortnight at Glennaquoich, and requesting him whistle, I may have time to sing the concluding stan-to forward by the bearer (a gilly of the Chieftain's) zas before he comes to laugh at my translation."

Awake on your hills, on your islands awake,

3 Brave sons of the mountain, the frith, and the lake!
"Tis the bugle--but not for the chase is the call;
"Tis the pibroch's shrill summons-but not to the hall.
"Tis the summons of heroes for conquest or death,
When the banners are blazing on mountain and heath:
They call to the dirk, the claymore, and the targe,
To the march and the muster, the line and the charge.
Be the brand of each Chieftain like Fin's in his ire!

any letters which might have arrived for him.

This turned the discourse upon the Baron, whom Fergus highly extolled as a gentleman and soldier His character was touched with yet more discrimination by Flora, who observed he was the very mode. of the old Scottish cavalier, with all his excellencies and peculiarities. "It is a character, Captain Waverley, which is fast disappearing; for its best point was a self-respect which was never lost sight of till now.

May the blood through his veins flow like currents of fire! But, in the present time, the gentlemen whose prin

Burst the base foreign yoke as your sires did of yore,
Or die like your sires, and endure it no more!



As Flora concluded her song, Fergus stood before them. "I knew I should find you here, even with out the assistance of my friend Bran. A simple and unsublimed taste now, like my own, would prefer a jet d'eau at Versailles to this cascade, with all its accompaniments of rock and roar; but this is Flora's Parnassus, Captain Waverley, and that fountain her Helicon. It would be greatly for the benefit of my cellar if she could teach her coadjutor, Mac-Murrough, the value of its influence: he has just drunk a pint of usquebaugh to correct, he said, the coldness of the claret-Let me try its virtues." He sipped a little water in the hollow of his hand, and immediately commenced, with a theatrical air,

"O Lady of the desert, hail!
That lovest the harping of the Gael,
Through fair and fertile regions borne,
Where never yet grew grass or corn..

But English poetry will never succeed under the in-
fluence of a Highland Helicon-Allons, courage-
O vous, qui buvez, á tasse pleine,

A cette heureuse foutaine,

Ou on ne voit, sur le rivage,

Que quelques vilains troupeaux
Suivis de nymphes de village,

Qui les escortent sans sabots"-

"A truce, dear Fergus! spare us those most tedious and insipid persons of all Arcadia. Do not, for Heaven's sake, bring down Coridon and Lindor up

on us."

ciples do not permit them to pay court to the existing government, are neglected and degraded, and many conduct theinselves accordingly; and, like some of the persons you have seen at Tully-Veolan, adopt habits and companions inconsistent with their birth and breeding. The ruthless proscription of party seems to degrade the victims whom it brands, however unjustly. But let us hope a brighter day is approaching, when a Scottish country-gentleman may be a scholar without the pedantry of our friend the Baron, a sportsman without the low habits of Mr. Falconer, and a judicious improver of his property without becoming a boorish two-legged steer like Killancurcit."

Thus did Flora prophesy a revolution, which time indeed has produced, but in a manner very different from what she had in her mind.

The amiable Rose was next mentioned, with the warmest encomium on her person, manners, and mind. "That man," said Flora," will find an mestimable treasure in the affictions of Rose Bradwardine, who shall be so fortunate as to become their object. Her very soul is in home, and in the discharge of all those quiet virtues of which home is the centre. Her. husband will be to her what her father now is, the object of all her care, solicitude, and affection. She will see nothing, and connect herself with nothing, but by him and through him. If he is a man of sense and virtue, she will sympathize in his sorrows, divert his fatigue, and share his pleasures. If she becomes the property of a churlish or negligent husband, she will suit his taste also, for she will not long survive his unkindness. And, alas! how great is the chance that some such unworthy lot may be that of my poor friend!-O that I were a queen this moment and * Good sooth, I reck nought of your Helicon; Drink water whoso will, in faith I will drink none. This ancient Gaelic ditty is still well known, both in the

"Nay, if you cannot relish la houlette et le chalu-Highlands and in Ireland. It was translated into English, and meau, have with you in heroic strains."

published, if I mistake not, under the auspices of the facetious Tom D'Urfey, by the title of "Colley, my Cow."

could command the most amiable and worthy youth] of my kingdom to accept happiness with the hand of Rose Bradwardine!"

"I wish you would command her to accept mine en attendant," said Fergus, laughing.



SHALL this be a long or a short chapter ?-This is a question in which you, gentle reader, have no vote, I don't know by what caprice it was that this wish, however much you may be interested in the consehowever jocularly expressed, rather jarred on Ed-quences; just as you may (like myself) probably have ward's feelings, notwithstanding his growing incli- nothing to do with the imposing a new tax, excepting nation to Flora, and his indifference to Miss Brad- the trifling circumstance of being obliged to pay it. wardine. This is one of the inexplicabilities of hu- More happy surely in the present case, since, though man nature, which we leave without comment. it lies within my arbitrary power to extend my mate "Yours, brother?" answered Flora, regarding him rials as I think proper, I cannot call you into Exche steadily. "No; you have another bride-Honour; quer if you do not think proper to read my narrative. and the dangers you must run in pursuit of her rival Let me therefore consider. It is true, that the annals would break poor Rose's heart." and documents in my hands say but little of this With this discourse they reached the castle, and Highland chase; but then I can find copious mateWaverley soon prepared his dispatches for Tully-rials for description elsewhere. There is old Lindsay Veolan. As he knew the Baron was punctilious in of Pitscottie ready, at my elbow, with his Athole such matters, he was about to impress his billet with hunting, and his lofted and joisted palace of green a seal on which his armorial bearings were engraved, timber; with all kind of drink to be had in burgh and but he did not find it at his watch, and thought he land, as ale, beer, wine, muscadel, malvaise, hippomust have left it at Tully-Veolan. He mentioned cras, and aquavita; with wheat-bread, main-bread, his loss, borrowing at the same time the family seal ginge-bread, beef, mutton, lamb, veal, venison, goose, of the Chieftain.

"Surely," said Miss Mac-Ivor, "Donald Bean Lean would not".

"My life for him, in such circumstances," answered her brother;- besides, he would never have left the watch behind."

"After all, Fergus," said Flora, "and with every allowance, I am surprised you can countenance that


grice, capon, coney, crane, swan, partridge, plover, duck, drake, brissel-cock, pawnies, black-cock, muir fowl, and capercailzies;" not forgetting the "costly bedding, vaiselle, and napry," and least of all the "excelling stewards, cunning baxters, excellent cooks and pottingars, with confections and drugs for the desserts." Besides the particulars which may be thence gleaned for this Highland feast, (the splendour of which induced the Pope's legate to dissent from an "I countenance him?-This kind sister of mine opinion which he had hitherto held, that Scotland, would persuade you, Captain Waverley, that I take namely, was the--the-the latter end of the world)what the people of old used to call 'a steakraid,' that besides these, might I not illuminate my pages with is, a 'collop of the foray,' or, in plainer words, a por- Taylor the Water Poet's hunting in the braes of Mar, tion of the robber's booty, paid by him to the Laird, or Chief, through whose grounds he drove his prey. O, it is certain, that unless I can find some way to charm Flora's tongue, General Blakeney will send a sergeant's party from Stirling (this he said with haughty and emphatic irony) to seize Vich Ian Vohr, as they nickname me, in his own castle."


"Through heather, mosse, 'mong frogs, and bogs, and fogs,
'Mongst craggy cliffs and thunder batter'd hills,
Hares, hinds, bucks, roes, are chased by men and dogs,
Where two hours' hunting fourscore fut deer kills.
Lowland, your sports are low as is your seat;
The Highland games and minds are high and great.”

Now, Fergus, must not our guest be sensible that But without further tyranny over my readers, of all this is folly and affectation? You have men display of the extent of my own reading, I shall conenough to serve you without enlisting banditti, and tent myself with borrowing a single incident from your own honour is above taint-Why don't you send the memorable hunting at Lude, commemorated in this Donald Bean Lean, whom I hate for his smooth- the ingenious Mr. Gunn's Essay on the Caledonian ness and duplicity, even more than for his rapine, out Harp, and so proceed in my story with all the brevity of your country at once? No cause should induce that my natural style of composition, partaking of me to tolerate such a character." what scholars call the periphrastic and ambagitory, "No cause, Flora?" said the Chieftain, signifi-and the vulgar the circumbendibus, will permit me cantly. The solemn hunting was delayed, from various "No cause, Fergus! not even that which is near-causes, for about three weeks. The interval was est to my heart. Spare it the omen of such evil sup- spent by Waverley with great satisfaction at Glenporters!" naquoich; for the impression which Flora had made "O but, sister," rejoined the Chief, gaily, "you on his mind at their first meeting grew daily stronger. don't consider my respect for la belle passion. Evan She was precisely the character to fascinate a youth Dhu Maccombich is in love with Donald's daughter, of romantic imagination. Her manners, her lan Alice, and you cannot expect me to disturb him in guage, her talents for poetry and music, gave addi his amours. Why, the whole clan would cry shame tional and varied influence to her eminent personal on me. You know it is one of their wise sayings, charms. Even in her hours of gayety, she was in that a kinsman is part of a man's body, but a fosterbrother is a piece of his heart."

"Well, Fergus, there is no disputing with you; but I would all this may end well."

his fancy exalted above the ordinary daughters of Eve, and seemed only to stoop for an instant to those topics of amusement and gallantry, which others appear to live for. In the neighbourhood of "Devoutly prayed, my dear and prophetic, sister, this enchantress, while sport consumed the morning, and the best way in the world to close a dubious and music and the dance led on the hours of evening argument. But hear ye not the pipes, Captain Wa-Waverley became daily more delighted with his hos verley? Perhaps you will like better to dance to pitable landlord, and more enamoured of his be them in the hall, than to be deafened with their har- witching sister.

us to."

mony without taking part in the exercise they invite At length, the period fixed for the grand hunting ar rived, and Waverley and the Chieftain departed for Waverley took Flora's hand. The dance, song, the place of rendezvous, which was a day's journey and merry-making proceeded, and closed the day's to the northward of Glennaquoich. Fergus was at ntertainment at the castle of Vich lan Vohr. Ed-tended on this occasion by about three hundred of ward at length retired, his mind agitated by a variety his clan, well armed, and accoutred in their best of new and conflicting feelings, which detained him fashion. Waverley complied so far with the custom from rest for some time, in that not unpleasing state of the country as to adopt the trews, (he could not be of mind in which fancy takes the helm, and the soul reconciled to the kilt,) brogues, and bonnet, as the rather drifts passively along with the rapid and con- fittest dress for the exercise in which he was to be fused tide of reflections, than exerts itself to encoun-engaged, and which least exposed him to be stared at ter, systematize, or examine them. At a late hour he as a stranger when they should reach the place of fell asleep, and dreamed of Flora Mac-Ivor. rendezvous. They found, on the spot appointed, se

veral powerful Chiefs, to all of whom Waverley was surgeon, or he who assumed the office, appeared to formally presented, and by all cordially received, unite the characters of a leech and a conjuror. He Their vassals and clansmen, a part of whose feudal was an old smoke-dried Highlander, wearing a veduty it was to attend on these parties, appeared in nerable gray beard, and having for his sole garment -such numbers as amounted to a small army. These a tartan frock, the skirts of which descended to the active assistants spread through the country far and knee, and, being undivided in front, made the vestnear, forming a circle, technically called the tinchel, ment serve at once for doublet and breeches. He which, gradually closing, drove the deer in herds to-observed great ceremony in approaching Edward; gether towards the glen, where the Chiefs and prin- and though our hero was writhing with pain, would cipal sportsmen lay in wait for them. In the mean- not proceed to any operation which might assuage it while, these distinguished personages bivouacked until he had perambulated his couch three times, movamong the flowery heath, wrapped up in their plaids; a mode of passing a summer's night which Waverley found by no means unpleasant.

ing from east to west, according to the course of the sun. This, which was called making the deusil, both the leech and the assistants seemed to consider For many hours after sun-rise, the mountain ridges as a matter of the last importance to the accomplishand passes retained their ordinary appearance of si- ment of a cure; and Waverley, whom pain rendered lence and solitude, and the Chiefs, with their fol- incapable of expostulation, and who indeed saw no lowers, amused themselves with various pastimes, in chance of its being attended to, submitted in silence. which the joys of the shell, as Ossian has it, were After this ceremony was duly performed, the old not forgotten. "Others apart sate on a hill retired;" Esculapius let his patient blood with a cupping-glass probably as deeply engaged in the discussion of poli- with great dexterity, and proceeded, muttering all the tics and news, as Milton's spirits in metaphysical while to himself in Gaelic, to boil on the fire certain disquisition. At length signals of the approach of the herbs, with which he compounded an embrocation. game were descried and heard. Distant shouts re- He then fomented the parts which had sustained insounded from valley to valley, as the various parties jury, never failing to murmur prayers or spells, which of Highlanders, climbing rocks, struggling through of the two Waverley could not distinguish, as his car copses, wading brooks, and traversing thickets, ap-only caught the words Gasper-Melchior-Balthazarproached more and more near to each other, and max-prax-fax, and similar gibberish. The fomentacompelled the astonished deer, with the other wild tion had a speedy effect in alleviating the pain and animals that fled before them, into a narrower cir- swelling, which our hero imputed to the virtue of the cuit. Every now and then the report of muskets herbs, or the effect of the chafing, but which was by was heard, repeated by a thousand echoes. The baying the by-standers unanimously ascribed to the spells of the dogs was soon added to the chorus, which grew with which the operation had been accompanied. ever louder and more loud. At length the advanced Edward was given to understand, that not one of the parties of the deer began to show themselves; and as ingredients had been gathered except during the full the stragglers came bounding down the pass by two moon, and that the herbalist had, while collecting or three at a time, the Chiefs showed their skill by them, uniformly recited a charm, which, in English, distinguishing the fattest deer, and their dexterity in ran thus: bringing them down with their guns. Fergus exhibited remarkable address, and Edward was also so fortunate as to attract the notice and applause of the sportsmen.

Hail to thee, thou holy herb,
That sprung on holy ground!
All in the Mount Olivet
First wert thou found:

Thou art boot for many a bruise,
And healest many a wound;
In our Lady's blessed name,

I take thee from the ground.§

But now the main body of the deer appeared at the head of the glen, compelled into a very narrow compass, and presenting such a formidable phalanx, that their antlers appeared at a distance, over the ridge of Edward observed, with some surprise, that even the steep pass, like a leafless grove. Their number Fergus, notwithstanding his knowledge and educawas very great, and from a desperate stand which tion, seemed to fall in with the superstitious ideas of they made, with the tallest of the red-deer stags ar- his countrymen, either because he deemed it impoliranged in front, in a sort of battle-array, gazing on tic to affect scepticism on a matter of general belief, the group which barred their passage down the glen, or more probably because, like most men who do not the more experienced sportsmen began to augur dan-think deeply or accurately on such subjects, he had in ger. The work of destruction, however, now com- his mind a reserve of superstition which balanced the menced on all sides. Dogs and hunters were at freedom of his expressions and practice upon other work, and muskets and fusees resounded from every occasions. Waverley made no commentary, therequarter. The deer, driven to desperation, made at fore, on the manner of the treatment, but rewarded length a fearful charge right upon the spot where the the professor of medicine with a liberality beyond the more distinguished sportsmen had taken their stand. utmost conception of his wildest hopes. He uttered, The word was given in Gaelic to fling themselves on the occasion, so many incoherent blessings in upon their faces; but Waverley, on whose English Gaelic and English, that Mac-Ivor, rather scandalears the signal was lost, had almost fallen a sacrifice ized at the excess of his acknowledgments, cut them to his ignorance of the ancient language in which it short, by exclaiming, Ceud mile mhalloich ort! i, e. was communicated. Fergus, observing his danger, A hundred thousand curses on you!" and so pushed sprung up and pulled him with violence to the ground, the helper of men out of the cabin. just as the whole herd broke down upon them. The After Waverley was left alone, the exhaustion of tide being absolutely irresistible, and wounds from a pain and fatigue, for the whole day's exercise had stag's horn highly dangerous, the activity of the been severe,-threw him into a profound, but yet a Chieftain may be considered, on this occasion, as feverish sleep, which he chiefly owed to an opiate having saved his guest's life. He detained him with draught administered by the old Highlander from a firm grasp until the whole herd of deer had fairly some decoction of herbs in his pharmacopeia. run over them. Waverley men attempted to rise, Early the next morning, the purpose of their meetbut found that he had suffered several very severe ing being over, and their sports damped by the untocontusions, and, upon a further examination, dis- ward accident, in which Fergus and all his friends covered that he had sprained his ankle violently. expressed the greatest sympathy, it became a question This checked the mirth of the meeting, although how to dispose of the disabled sportsman. This was the Highlanders, accustomed to such incidents, and This garb, which resembled the dress often put on children prepared for them, had suffered no harm themselves. in Scotland, called a polonie, d. e. polonaise,) is a very ancient A wigwam was erected almost in an instant, where modification of the Highland garb. It was, in fact, the hauberk Edward was deposited on a couch of heather. The or shirt of mail, only composed of cloth instead of rings of ar • The thrust from the tynes, or branches, of the stag's horns, Old Highlanders will still make the deasil around those were accounted far more dangerous than those of the boar's whom they wish well to. To go round a person in the opposite Tusk:direction, or wither-shins, (German wider-shins,) is unlucky, and a sort of incantation.

if thou be hurt with horn of stag, it brings thee to thy bier, But barber's hand shall boar's hurt heal; therefore have thou no fear.



This metrical spell, or something very like it, is preserved [by Reginald Scott, in his work on Witchcraft.


settled by Mac-Ivor, who had a litter prepared, of But his attention to a friend and guest of Vich lan "birch and hazel gray," which was borne by his Vohr was anxious and unremitted. Other embrocapeople with such caution and dexterity as renders it tions were applied to the injured limb, and new spells not improbable that they may have been the ances- were put in practice. At length, after more solicitude tors of some of those sturdy Gael, who have now the than was perhaps for the advantage of his health, happiness to transport the belles of Edinburgh, in Fergus took farewell of Edward for a few days, when, their sedan-chairs, to ten routs in one evening. When he said, he would return to Tomanrait, and hoped by Edward was elevated upon their shoulders, he could that time Waverley would be able to ride one of the not help being gratified with the romantic effect pro- Highland ponies of his landlord, and in that manner duced by the breaking up of this sylvan camp.t return to Glennaquoich. The various tribes assembled, each at the pibroch The next day, when his good old host appeared, of their native clan, and each headed by their patri- Edward learned that his friend had departed with the archal ruler. Some, who had already begun to retire, dawn, leaving none of his followers except Callum were seen winding up the hills, or descending the Beg, the sort of foot-page who used to attend his perpasses which led to the scene of action, the sound of son, and who had now in charge to wait upon Watheir bagpipes dying upon the ear. Others made still verley. On asking his host, if he knew where the a moving picture upon the narrow plain, forming va- Chieftain was gone? the old man looked fixedly at rious changeful groups, their feathers and loose plaids him, with something mysterious and sad in the sinile waving in the morning breeze, and their arms glitter-which was his only reply. Waverley repeated his ing in the rising sun. Most of the Chiefs came to take question, to which his host answered in a proverb,farewell of Waverley, and to express their anxious hope they might again, and speedily, meet; but the care of Fergus abridged the ceremony of taking leave.

"What sent the messengers to hell,
Was asking what they knew full well."+

At length, his own men being completely assembled He was about to proceed, but Callum Beg said, rather and mustered, Mac-Ivor commenced his march, but pertly, as Edward thought, that "Ta Tighearnach not towards the quarter from which they had come. (i. c. the Chief) did not like ta Sassenagh DuinhéHe gave Edward to understand, that the greater part wassel to be pingled wi' mickle speaking, as she was of his followers, now on the field, were bound on a na tat weel." From this Waverley concluded he should distant expedition, and that when he had deposited disoblige his friend by inquiring of a stranger the obhim in the house of a gentleman, who he was sure ject of a journey which he himself had not commu would pay him every attention, he himself should be nicated. under the necessity of accompanying them the greater part of the way, but would lose no time in rejoining his friend.

It is unnecessary to trace the progress of our hero's recovery. The sixth morning had arrived, and he was able to walk about with a staff, when Fergus returned with about a score of his men. He seemed in the highest spirits, congratulated Waverley on his progress towards recovery, and finding he was able to sit on horseback, proposed their immediate return to Glennaquoich. Waverley joyfully acceded, for the form of its fair mistress had lived in his dreams during all the time of his confinement.

Now he has ridden o'er moor and moss,
O'er hill and many a glen,

Fergus, all the while, with his myrmidons, striding
stoutly by his side, or diverging to get a shot at a roe
or a heath-cock. Waverley's bosom beat thick when
they approached the old tower of Ian nan Chaistel,
and could distinguish the fair form of its mistress
advancing to meet them.

Waverley was rather surprised that Fergus had not mentioned this ulterior destination when they set out upon the hunting-party; but his situation did not admit of many interrogatories. The greater part of the .clansmen went forward under the guidance of old Ballenkeiroch, and Evan Dhu Maccombich, apparently in high spirits. A few remained for the purpose of escorting the Chieftain, who walked by the side of Edward's litter, and attended him with the most affectionate assiduity. About noon, after a journey which the nature of the conveyance, the pain of his bruises, and the roughness of the way, rendered inexpressibly painful, Waverley was hospitably received into the house of a gentleman related to Fergus, who had prepared for him every accommodation which the simple habits of living then universal in Fergus began immediately, with his usual high the Highlands, put in his power. In this person, an spirits, to exclaim, "Open your gates, incomparable old man about seventy, Edward admired a relic of princess, to the wounded Moor Abindarez, whom primitive simplicity. He wore no dress but what his Rodrigo de Narvez, constable of Antiquera, conveys estate afforded; the cloth was the fleece of his own to your castle; or open them, if you like it better, to sheep, woven by his own servants, and stained into the renowned Marquis of Mantua, the sad attendant tartan by the dyes produced from the herbs and lich- of his half-slain friend, Baldovinos of the mountain. ens of the hills around him. His linen was spun by -Ah, long rest to thy soul, Cervantes! without quothis daughters and maid-servants, from his own flax, ing thy remnants, how should I frame my language nor did his table, though plentiful, and varied with to befit romantic ears!"

game and fish, offer an article but what was of native Flora now advanced, and welcoming Waverley with produce. much kindness, expressed her regret for his accident, Claiming himself no rights of clanship or vassal- of which she had already heard particulars, and her age, he was fortunate in the alliance and protection surprise that her brother should not have taken betof Vich Ian Vohr, and other bold and enterprising ter care to put a stranger on his guard against the chieftains, who protected him in the quiet unambi-perils of the sport in which he engaged him. Edtious life he loved. It is true, the youth born on his ward easily exculpated the Chieftain, who, indeed, at grounds were often enticed to leave him for the ser- his own personal risk, had probably saved his life. vice of his more active friends; but a few old ser- This greeting over, Fergus said three or four words vants and tenants used to shake their gray locks to his sister in Gaelic. The tears instantly sprung when they heard their master censured for want of to her eyes, but they seemed to be tears of devotion spirit, and observed, "When the wind is still, the and joy, for she looked up to heaven, and folded her shower falls soft." This good old man, whose charity hands as in a solemn expression of prayer or grati and hospitality were unbounded, would have received tude. After the pause of a minute, she presented to Waverley with kindness, had he been the meanest Edward some letters which had been forwarded from Saxon peasant, since his situation required assistance. Tully-Veolan during his absence, and, at the same me, delivered some to her brother. To the latter *On the morrow they made their biers she likewise gave three or four numbers of the Cale The author has been sometimes accused of confounding fic-donian Mercury, the only newspaper which was then tion with reality. He therefore thinks it necessary to state, that published to the north of the Tweed.

Of birch and hazel gray.

Chevy Chase.

the circumstance of the hunting described in the text as preparatory to the insurrection of 1745, is, so far as he knows, entirely

imaginary. But it is well known such a great hunting was held in the Forest of Br *, under the auspices of the Earl of Mar, lion of 1715; and most of the Highrds engaged in that civil commotion

as preparatory to t land chieftains whe were present on thi

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Both gentlemen retired to examine their despatches and Edward speedily found that those which he had received contained matters of very deep interest.

1 Corresponding to the Lowland saying, "Mony ane speirs the gate they ken fu' weel."



Ideed, whose talents evaporate in tropes of rhetoric and flashes of wit, but one possessed of steady parts for business, which would wear well, as the ladies THE letters which Waverley had hitherto received say in choosing their silks, and ought in all reason to from his relations in England, were not such as re- be good for common and every-day use, since they quired any particular notice in this narrative. His were confessedly formed of no holiday texture. father usually wrote to him with the pompous affec- This faith had become so general, that the insurtation of one who was too much oppressed by public gent party in the cabinet of which we have made affairs to find leisure to attend to those of his own fa- mention, after sounding Mr. Richard Waverley, were mily. Now and then he mentioned persons of rank so satisfied with his sentiments and abilities, as to in Scotland to whom he wished his son should pay propose, that, in case of a certain revolution in the some attention; but Waverley, hitherto occupied by ministry, he should take an ostensible place in th the amusements which he had found at Tully-Veolan new order of things, not indeed of the very first rank, and Glennaquoich, dispensed with paying any atten- but greatly higher, in point both of emolument and tion to hints so coldly thrown out, especially as dis-influence, than that which he now enjoyed. There tance, shortness of leave of absence, and so forth, was no resisting so tempting a proposal, notwithfurnished a ready apology. But latterly the burden standing that the Great Man, under whose patronage of Mr. Richard Waverley's paternal opistles consisted he had enlisted, and by whose banner he had hitherto in certain mysterious hints of greatness and influence stood firm, was the principal object of the proposed which he was speedily to attain, and which would attack by the new allies. Unfortunately this fair ensure his son's obtaining the most rapid promotion, scheme of ambition was blighted in the very bud, by should he remain in the military service. Sir Eve-a premature movement. All the official gentlemen rard's letters were of a different tenor. They were concerned in it, who hesitated to take the part of a short; for the good Baronet was none of your illimi-voluntary resignation, were informed that the king table correspondents, whose manuscript overflows had no farther occasion for their services; and, in the folds of their large post paper, and leaves no room Richard Waverley's case, which the minister confor the seal; but they were kind and affectionate, and sidered as aggravated by ingratitude, dismissal was seldom concluded without some allusion to our hero's accompanied by something like personal contempt stud, some question about the state of his purse, and and contumely. The public, and even the party of a special inquiry after such of his recruits as had pre- whom he shared the fall, sympathized little in the ceded him from Waverley-Honour. Aunt Rachel disappointment of this selfish and interested statescharged him to remember his principles of religion, man; and he retired to the country under the com to take care of his health, to beware of Scotch mists, fortable reflection, that he had lost, at the same time, which, she had heard, would wet an Englishman character, credit, and,-what he at least equally dethrough and through; never to go out at night with-plored,-emolument.

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out his great-coat; and, above all, to wear flannel Richard Waverley's letter to his son upon this ocnext to his skin. casion was a masterpiece of its kind. Aristides him

Mr. Pembroke only wrote to our hero one letter, self could not have made out a harder case. An but it was of the bulk of six epistles of these degene- unjust monarch, and an ungrateful country, were rate days, containing, in the moderate compass of the burden of each rounded paragraph. He spoke of ten folio pages, closely written, a precis of a supple-long services, and unrequited sacrifices; though the mentary quarto manuscript of addenda, delenda, et former had been overpaid by his salary, and nobody corrigenda, in reference to the two tracts with which could guess in what the latter consisted, unless it he had presented Waverley. This he considered as were in his deserting, not from conviction, but for a mere sop in the pan to stay the appetite of Ed- the lucre of gain, the Tory principles of his family. In ward's curiosity, until he should find an opportunity the conclusion, his resentment was wrought to such of sending down the volume itself, which was much an excess by the force of his own oratory, that he too heavy for the post, and which he proposed to ac- could not repress some threats of vengeance, howcompany with certain interesting pamphlets, lately ever vague and impotent, and finally acquainted his published by his friend in Little Britain, with whom son with his pleasure that he should testify his sense he had kept up a sort of literary correspondence, in of the ill-treatment he had sustained. by throwing up virtue of which the library-shelves of Waverley- his commission as soon as the letter reached him. Honour were loaded with much trash, and a good This, he said, was also his uncle's desire, as he would round bill, seldom summed in fewer than three himself intimate in due course. figures, was yearly transmitted, in which Sir Everard Accordingly, the next letter which Edward opened Waverley of Waverley-Honour, Bart., was marked was from Sir Everard. His brother's disgrace seemDr. to Jonathan Grubbet, bookseller and stationer, ed to have removed from his well-natured bosom all Little Britain. Such had hitherto been the style of recollection of their differences, and, remote as he the letters which Edward had received from Eng- was from every means of learning that Richard's land; but the packet delivered to him at Glenna- disgrace was in reality only the just, as well as natuquoich was of a different and more interesting com-ral consequence, of his own unsuccessful intrigues plexion. It would be impossible for the reader, even the good, but credulous Baronet, at once set it down were I to insert the letters at full length, to compre-as a new and enormous instance of the injustice of hend the real cause of their being written, without a the existing government. It was true, he said, and glance into the interior of the British Cabinet at the he must not disguise it even from Edward, that his period in question. father could not have sustained such an insult as

The ministers of the day happened (no very singu-was now, for the first time, offered to one of his lar event) to be divided into two parties: the weakest house, unless he had subjected himself to it by acof which, making up by assiduity of intrigue their cepting of an employment under the present system. inferiority in real consequence, had of late acquired Sir Everard had no doubt that he now both saw and some new proselytes, and with them the hope of su- felt the magnitude of this error, and it should be his perseding their rivals in the favour of their sovereign, (Sir Everard's) business to take care that the cause and overpowering them in the House of Commons. of his regret should not extend itself to pecuniary Amongst others, they had thought it worth while to consequences. It was enough for a Waverley to practise upon Richard Waverley. This honest gen- have sustained the public disgrace; the patrimonial tleman, by a grave mysterious demeanour, an at- injury could easily be obviated by the head of thei tention to the etiquette of business, rather more than family. But it was both the opinion of Mr. Richard to its essence, a facility in making long dull speeches, Waverley and his own, that Edward, the representaconsisting of truisms and common-places, hashed up tive of the family of Waverley-Honour, should not with a technical jargon of office, which prevented the remain in a situation which subjected him also to inanity of his orations from being discovered, had such treatment as that with which his father had acquired a certain name and credit in public life, and been stigmatized. He requested his nephew thereeven established, with many, the character of a pro- fore to take the fittest, and, at the same time, the found politician; none of your shining orators in- most speedy opportunity, of transmitting nis resigna

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