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rights flowing from them, as that of cutting wood, fisheries, or the like. The church made subinfeudations of their casual revenues, as the dues on marriages, funerals, and baptisms."

The establishment of the feudal system thus universally in Europe, produced one effect, the importance of which can hardly be exaggerated. Hitherto the mass of mankind had

been collected under the municipal

institutions which had been universal in antiquity, in cities, or wandered in vagabond hordes through the country. Under the feudal system these men lived isolated, each in his own habitation, at a great distance from each other. A glance will show that this single circumstance must have exercised on the character of society, and the course of civilization, the social preponderance; the government of society passed at once from the towns to the country-private took the lead of public property-private prevailed over public life. Such was the first effect, and it was an effect purely material, of the establishment of the feudal system. But other effects, still more material, followed, of a moral kind, which have exercised the most important effects on the European manners and mind.

"The feudal proprietor established himself in an isolated place, which, for his own protection, he rendered secure. He lived there, with his wife, his children, and a few faithful friends, who shared his hospitality, and contributed to his defence, Around the castle, in its vicinity, were established the farmers, and serfs who cultivated his domain. In the midst of that inferior, but yet allied and protected population, religion planted a church, and introduced a priest. He was usually the chaplain of the castle, and at the same time the curate of the village; in subsequent ages these two characters were separated; the village pastor resided beside his church. This was the primitive feudal societythe cradle, as it were, of the European and Christian world.

"From this state of things necessarily arose a prodigious superiority on the part of the possessor of the fief, alike in his own eyes, and in the eyes of those who surrounded him. The feeling of individual importance, of personal freedom, was the ruling principle of savage life; but here a new feeling was

introduced-the importance of a proprietor, of the chief of a family, of a master, predominated over that of an individual. From this situation arose an immense feeling of superiority—a superiority peculiar to the feudal ages, and entirely different from any thing which had yet been experienced in the world. Like the feudal lord, the Roman patrician was the head of a family, a master, a landlord. He was, moreover, a religious magistrate, a pontiff in the interior of his family. He was, moreover, a member of the municipality in which his property was situated, and perhaps one of the august senate, which, in name at least, still ruled the empire. But all this importance and dignity was derived from without-the patrician shared it with the other members of his municipality-with the corporation of which he formed a part. The importance of the feudal lord, again, was purely individual-he owed nothing to another; all the power he enjoyed emanated from himself alone. What a feeling of individual consequence must such a situation have inspired-what pride, what insolence, must it have engendered in his mind! Above him was no superior, of whose orders he was to be the mere interpreter or organ-around him were no equals. No all-powerful municipality made his wishes bend to its own-no superior authority exercised a control over his wishes; he knew no bridle on his inclinations, but the limits of his power, or the presence of danger.

"Another consequence, hitherto not sufficiently attended to, but of vast importance, flowed from this society.

"The patriarchal society, of which the Bible and the Oriental monuments offer the model, was the first combination of men. The chief of a tribe lived with his children, his relations, the different generations who have assembled around him. This was the situation of Abraham-of the patriarchs: it is still that of the Arab tribes which perpetuate their manners. The clan, of which remains still exist in the mountains of Scotland, and the sept of Ireland, is a modification of the patriarchal society: it is the family of the chief, expanded during a succession of generations, and forming a little aggregation of dependents, still influenced by the same attachments, and subjected to the same authority. But the feudal community was very different. Allied at first to the clan, it was yet in many essential particulars dissimilar. There did not exist

between its members the bond of relationship; they were not of the same blood; they often did not speak the same language. The feudal lord belonged to a foreign and conquering, his serfs to a domestic and vanquished race. Their employments were as various as their feelings and their traditions. The lord lived in his castle, with his wife, his children, and relations: the serfs on the estate, of a different race, of different names, toiled in the cottages around. This difference was prodigious-it exercised a most powerful effect on the domestic habits of modern Europe. It engendered the attachments of home: it brought women into their proper sphere in domestic life. The little society of freemen, who lived in the midst of an alien race in the castle, were all in all to each other. No forum or theatres were at hand, with their cares or their pleasures; no city enjoyments were a counterpoise to the pleasures of country life. War and the chase broke in, it is true, grievously at times, upon this scene of domestic peace. But war and the chase could not last for ever; and, in the long intervals of undisturbed repose, family attachments formed the chief solace of life. Thus it was that WOMEN acquired their paramount influence thence the manners of chivalry,

and the gallantry of modern times; they were but an extension of the courtesy and habits of the castle. The word courtesy shows it-it was in the court of the castle that the habits it denotes were learned."-(Lecture iv. 13, 17; Civilization Européenne.)

We have exhausted, perhaps exceeded, our limits; and we have only extracted a few of the most striking ideas from the first hundred pages of one of Guizot's works-ex uno disce omnes. The translation of them has been an agreeable occupation for a few evenings; but they awake one mournful impression-the voice which uttered so many noble and enlightened sentiments is now silent; the genius which once cast abroad light on the history of man, is lost in the vortex of present politics. The philosopher, the historian, are merged in the states

man-the instructor of all in the governor of one generation. Great as have been his services, brilliant his course in the new career into which he has been launched, it is as nothing compared to that which he has left; for the one confers present distinction, the other immortal fame.


Affghanistan, 133-general review of
the question regarding, 135-motives
for the expedition to, 136-means for
effecting the objects sought, 141-
comparison of the competitors for the
throne, 142-resistance to taxation
in, 148-causes of the British disas-
ters in, 150, 151.

Agitation the cause of the evils of Ire-
land, 709.

Alison, Archibald, Esq., speech of, at the
Burns' festival, 390.

Ancient canal between the Nile and the
Red Sea, historical account of the,

Artist's morning song, the, from Goethe,


Auckland, Lord, review of his Affghan-

istan policy, 133.

Aytoun, W. E., Esq., speech of, at the
Burns' festival, 392.

Banking System, the Scottish, 671*.
Barrett, Elizabeth B., review of the
poems of, 621.

Bell, H. G., Esq., speech of, at the
Burns' festival, 389.

Blanc, M., his history of ten years re-
viewed, 265.

Bossuet, character of, as a historian, 789.
Braxfield, Lord, letter relating to, 620.
Brenn, the, a Gaulish chief, career of,

Bride of Corinth, the, from Goethe, 57.
Bruce, heart of the, a ballad, 15.
Burke, Edmund, review of the corres-
pondence of, 745.

Burns' festival, account of the, 370-
order of the procession, 373-the
banquet, 376 speeches of Lord
Eglinton, ib.-Professor Wilson, 378
-Sir John M'Neill, 388-H. G. Bell,
Esq., 389-Archibald Alison, Esq.,
390-W. E. Aytoun, Esq., 392-Colo-
nel Mure, 393-Sir James Campbell,
the Lord Justice-General, &c., 395-
stanzas for, by Delta, 399.
Cabul, the war with, 133.
Campbell, Sir James, speech of, at the

Burns' festival, 395.

Canal between the Nile and Red Sea,

Catharine of Russia, sketch of, 410.
Causes of the increase of crime, on the,
1-districts in which greatest, ib.-
in the manufacturing districts, 6—
strikes, 8.

Cavalier, the old Scottish, a ballad, 195.
Clarkson, sonnet to, 619.

Commitments for crime, tables of, 1, 2.
Cours de Littérature Dramatique, re-
view of, 237.

Crime, causes of the increase of, 1-in
the manufacturing districts, 6-in-
crease of, by strikes, 8-by infant
labour, 9-inefficiency of the propos-
ed preventives of, 13.

Cupid as a landscape painter, from
Goethe, 417.

Delphi, defeat of the Gauls at, 472.
Delta, stanzas for the Burns' festival

by, 399-the tombless man, a dream,
by, 583.

Doleful lay of the noble wife of Asan

Aga, the, from Goethe, 67.

Don John and the heretics of Flanders,
36-Part II., 49.

Dost Mohammed, character of, 142.
Dunning, anecdotes of, 249, 264.
Dwarf's well, the, a legend of Upper
Lusatia, 196.

Earthquake of Lisbon, the, 102.
Education, effect of imperfect, in Ire-
land, 708.

Eglinton, the Earl of, speeches of, at the
Burns' festival, 376, 395, 396.
Eldon, Lord, sketch of the career of,
-his early life, 245-his first strug-
gles, 249-and first success, 251
-enters parliament, 253-becomes
solicitor-general, 257-attorney-gen-
eral, 259-chief-justice of the Com-
mon Pleas, 262-and lord chan-
cellor, ib.-his subsequent career,

Emperor, week of an-an account of
the visit of the Emperor Nicholas,


Erl king, the, from Goethe, 63.
Etched thoughts by the Etching Club,
review of, 153.

Execution of Montrose, the, a ballad

Castle on the mountain, the, from Fairy tutor, the, a legend of Upper

historical account of the, 182.

Goethe, 425.

Catania, 33.

Lusatia, 83.

Falkland islands, affair of the, 406.

Finlay's Greece under the Romans, re-
view of, 524.

First love, from Goethe, 61.
Fisher, the, from Goethe, 65.

Fourier and his system, sketch of, 591.
Frederick the Great, anecdotes of, 404,

French socialists, 588.

Galatia, Gaulish kingdom of, 478.
Gals, Thierry's history of, reviewed,

Gibbon, character of, as a historian, 788.
Girardin, M., 237.

God, the, and the Bayaderé, from
Goethe, 421.

Goethe, Poems and Ballads of, No. I.
Introduction, 54-the bride of Co-
rinth, 57-first love, 61-who'll buy
a Cupid? 62-second life, ib.--the erl-
king, 63-Mignon, 64-the fisher, 65
-the minstrel, ib.-the violet, 66—
the doleful lay of the noble wife of
Asan Aga, 67.-No. II. Cupid as a
landscape painter, 417-the artist's
morning song, 419-the god and the
bayaderė, 421-the treasure-seeker,
423-the castle on the mountain, 425
-Philine's song, 426-to my mis-
tress, 427-the wild rose, ib.-a night
thought, 428-Prometheus, ib.-new
love, new life, 429-separation, 430
-the magician's apprentice, ib.
Great Britain, increase of crime in, 1.
Great country's little wars, a, review of,

Great drought, the, 433-Chap. II., 436

-Chap. III., 438-Chap. IV., 440—
Chap. V., 442--Chap. VI., 452.
Greece under the Romans, review of,

Grievances of Ireland, examination of
the alleged, 701-the true, 708.
Guizot, M., review of the historical
works of, 786.

Hardy, trial of, for high treason, 261.
Harris, James, carcer of, 401.
Heart of the Bruce, the, a ballad, 15.
Hill, Mr Sergeant, anecdotes of, 247.
Histoire des dix ans, review of, 265.
Historical account of the ancient canal
between the Nile and the Red Sea, 182.
Hope, the Right Hon. Charles, letter
from, 620.

Hume, character of, as a historian, 788.
Hydro Bacchus, 77.

Increase of crime, causes of, 1-districts
in which greatest, ib.

Infant labour, increase of crime attri-
butable to, 9.
Injured Ireland, 701.

Introduction to his poems, from Goethe,

Ireland, increase of crime in, 1-exa-

mination of the question as to the
injuries of, 701-its comparative free-
dom from taxation, 702-its repre-
sentation in parliament, 703-muni-
cipal law, 706-alleged debarring of
Roman Catholics from office, 707-
true evils of, and their causes, 708.
Irish state trials, reversal of the judg-
ment, 539.

It is no fiction, 364.

Jesuits, expulsion of the, from Portugal,

109-extinction of the order, 112.
Johnson, Dr, anecdotes of, 247, 257.
Knights, last of the-Don John and the
heretics of Flanders, 36-Part II.,


Lamartine, review of the travels of, 657.
Last of the knights, the-Don John and
the heretics of Flanders, 36-Part II.,

Lee, J., anecdotes of, 249, 255.
Letter to the editor, from the Right
Hon. Charles Hope, 620.

Life in Louisiana, Chap. I., a Voyage on
the Red River, 507-Chap. II., Creole
life, 514-Chap. III., quite unexpect-
ed, 518.

Lines on the landing of Louis Philippe,
by B. Simmons, 654.

Lisbon, the great earthquake of, 102.
Louis Philippe, elevation of, to the
throne, 272-lines on the landing of,
by B. Simmons, 654.

Louisiana, life in, Chap. I., 507-Chap.
II., 514-Chap. III., 518.

Love chase, in prose, a, Chap. I., 164–
Chap. II., 166—Chap. III., 170—
Chap. IV., 173—Chap. V., 178.
Lunatic asylum of Palermo, the, 20.
Lusatia, traditions and tales of, No. II.

-the fairy tutor, 83-No. III., the
dwarf's well, 196-No. IV., the moor
maiden, 726.

Lushington on the Afghan war, 133.
Luther, an ode, 80.

Machiavel, character of, as a historian,

M'Neill, Sir John, speech of, at the
B. rns' festival, 388.
Magician's apprentice, the, from Goethe,


Maid of Orleans, remarks on the, 216.
Malmesbury, life of the Earl of, review-
ed, 401.

Manufacturing districts, increase of
crime in the, 2.

Marston; or, Memoirs of a Statesman-
Part XII, 114-Part XIII., 343—
Part XIV., 601.

Martin Luther, an ode, 80.

Memoirs of a Statesman-see Marston.
Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, re-
view of, 100.

Memoranda of a month's tour in Sicily
-the museum of Palermo, 20-lu-
natic asylum, ib.-miscellanea, 21—
journey to Segeste, 23 - Sicilian
inns, 24-approach to Messina, 28
-journey to Taormina, 30-Catania,

Messina, approach to, 28.
Mignon, from Goethe, 64.
Milkman of Walworth, the, Chap. I.,
687-Chap. II., 691-Chap. III., 693
-Chap. IV., 696.

Minstrel, the, from Goethe, 65.
Montesquieu, character of, as a histo-
rian, 789.

Montrose, execution of, a ballad, 289.
Moor maiden, the, 726.

Mure, Colonel, speech of, at the Burns'
festival, 393.

Museum of Palermo, the, 20.

My college friends-No. I. John Brown,

569-No. II., the same concluded, 763.
My first love, a sketch in New York, 69.
My last courtship; or, life in Louisiana-

Chap. I. A voyage on the Red River,
507-Chap. II., Creole life, 514-
Chap. III., quite unexpected, 518.
Natural history of man, Prichard's, re-
view of, 312.

Nelson's dispatches and letters, review
of, 775.

New love, new life, from Goethe, 429.
Nicholas, the Emperor, visit of, to Great
Britain, 127.

Night on the banks of the Tennessee, a,

Night thought, a, from Goethe, 428.
Nile and the Red Sea, the, historical
account of the ancient canal between,

North, Lord, anecdotes of, 255.
O'Connell case, the-Was the judgment

rightly reversed? 539-statement of
the case, 541-the indictment, 542-
verdict of the jury, 544-the motion
in arrest of judgment, 545-the judg-
ment, ib.-the writ of error, ib.—opi-
nions of the judges, 548—and of the
peers, 553-general remarks on the
case, 561.

Old Scottish cavalier, the, a ballad, by
W. E. A., 195.

Oporto wine company, origin of the,

Palermo, sketches of, 20.

Passages in the life of a Russian officer,

Patmore's poems, review of, 331.
Philine's song, from Goethe, 426.
Poems and ballads of Goethe, the-No.

I. Introduction, 54-the bride of Co-
rinth, 57-first love, 61-who'll buy

a Cupid, 62-second life, ib.-the erl-
king, 63-Mignon, 64-the fisher, 65
-the minstrel, ib.-the violet, 66—
the doleful lay of the noble wife of Asan
Aga, 67-No. II. Cupid as a land-
scape painter, 417-the artist's morn-
ing song, 419-the god and the baya-
deré, 421-the treasure-seeker, 423
-the castle on the mountain, 425—
Philine's song, 426-to my mistress,
427-the wild rose, ib.- -a night
thought, 428-Prometheus, ib.-new
love, new life, 429-separation, 430
the magician's apprentice, ib.
Poetry: :-The heart of the Bruce, 15-
poems and ballads of Goethe, No. I., 54
Hydro Bacchus, 77-Martin Luther,
an ode, 80-the old Scottish cavalier,
195-the execution of Montrose, 289
stanzas for the Burns' festival, by
Delta, 399-poems and ballads of
Goethe, No. II., 417-the tombless
man, by Delta, 583-sonnet to Clark-
son, 619-Westminster hall and the
works of art, by B. Simmons, 652-
lines on the landing of Louis Philippe,
by the same, 654-" That's what we
are," 741.

Poland, the partition of, 405, 407.
Pombal, Marquis of, sketch of the career
of, 100.

Portugal, history of, during the admi-
nistration of the Marquis of Pombal,

Prichard's natural history of man, re-
view of, 312.

Prometheus, from Goethe, 428.

Ptolemy, completion of the canal be-
tween the Nile and the Red Sea by,

Radzivil, Prince, sketch of, 406.
Red Sea and the Nile, history of the
ancient canal between, 182.
Remarks on Schiller's maid of Orleans,

Reviews: Smith's memoirs of the Mar-

quis of Pombal, 100-Lushington's
a great country's little wars, 133—
Etched thoughts by the Etching Club,
153-M. Girardin's cours de littéra.
ture dramatique, 237-Twiss's me-
moirs of the Earl of Eldon, 245—
Blanc's histoire de dix ans, 265-
Prichard's natural history of man,
312-Poems by Coventry Patmore,
331-Life of Lord Malmesbury, 401
-Thierry's history of the Gauls, 466
-Finlay's Greece under the Romans,
524-Reybaud on French socialism,
588-Poems by Elizabeth B. Barrett,
621-Lamartine's travels, 657-
Burke's correspondence, 745-Nel-

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